Etikk i
praksis. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (2021), 15(2), 17-28 | |
Early View
publication date: 16 December 2021 |
Against draconian penalties
for COVID-19 quarantine infringements
Elias Moser
University of Graz, Institute
of Philosophy, Section Moral and Political
Philosophy and London School of Economics,
Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social
Science In 2020, after the first Covid-19 lockdown, several countries implemented a policy of contact tracing and self-isolating for individuals who crossed borders or came into contact with infected people. To enforce these restrictions, some states imposed very harsh monetary penalties for people who violated them. Behind these harsh fines lies an instrumental rationale. They allow the state to avoid implementing a system of labor-intensive and costly surveillance and enforcement. In this article I argue that such severe penalties are extremely unjust. In order not to expose citizens to the risk of being excessively fined, governmental institutions should instead intensify controls. I argue that they owe it to their citizens to increase the surveillance of compliance with self-isolation obligations. Keywords: COVID-19, Quarantine,
Self-Isolation, Theories of Punishment,
Economics of Criminal Justice,
Following the first shutdown of stores, restaurants and public places and restricted freedom of assembly in public places, governments all around Europe re-opened their economies and lifted the restrictions. To combat COVID-19, states shifted to a strategy of contact tracing and individual self-quarantine. Individuals who came into contact with infected people or who immigrated from countries with high incidences of infection were obliged to stay at home for some days until the probability of contagiousness was reduced to a minimum. These self-isolation obligations were enforced differently across countries. While some governments relied more on self-responsibility, others imposed harsh penalties. For example, on 28 September, the UK government imposed a duty to self-isolate enforced with a fine of up to ten thousand pounds ( 2020a).1 In Norway, the Attorney General’s directives hold that negligent behavior may even be subject to imprisonment.2 In this article, I argue that these high penalties for infringements of self-isolation duties are excessive and unjustified from a perspective of justice. The size of the fines goes beyond any proportion to the risk imposed on others. An alternative mode of enforcement of quarantine duties would consist of a regime of low fines but increased monitoring and surveillance. I plead for this alternative as a more just solution. My thesis is that the state owes it to individuals to implement more frequent controls instead of deterring them with draconian punishments. In Section II, I sketch the rationale behind a regime of harsh fines. This rationale provides incentives for law-abiding behavior while being relatively cost efficient. Morally, these harsh penalties can be justified on utilitarian grounds. In Section III, I outline this argument and provide some reasons why I refrain from a purely utilitarian approach to the justification for COVID-19 policies. I then contrast the utilitarian account with a deontological conception of the harm principle that justifies restrictions but requires proportional sanctions for infringements in Section IV. The utilitarian may argue that the justification for harsh penalties does not follow from their account. I will outline these arguments in Section V. In the penultimate section, I discuss some possible defenses of harsh fines and show why they do not hold up. Lastly, I conclude by restating the claim that states should increase controls rather than imposing draconian penalties.
The rationale
for draconian punishments
The instrumental
reasons for imposing harsh
sanctions can be outlined with a
simple economic model introduced
by the famous economist Gary
Becker (1969). He assumes that
individuals, in deciding whether
to obey or disobey a legal rule,
behave as rational utility
maximizers. They calculate
whether it is worth being
disobedient in terms of utility
and compare the expected utility
of their liberty not to obey
with the expected disutility of
being caught. A person becomes a
perpetrator if the expected
value U (where U stands for
utility) of the crime is larger
than the expected disvalue U of
being caught and penalized. The
expected value is the product of
the two factors, p being a
chance between 0 and 100 percent
and U decreasing with the
severity of punishment.
Let me translate
this into the deliberation of a
person in quarantine. He or she
will disobey the self-isolation
requirement, leave home, go to
work or to school or meet other
people if the gains from his or
her liberty are high enough to
outweigh the risk of being
caught and fined.
In order to achieve
that goal, the lawmaker has two
options: either (1) to increase
the likelihood p of catching
perpetrators or (2) to raise the
magnitude of the penalty. The
former can be increased by
controls, random inspections or
surveillance. The latter can be
increased by raising the fine. From a utilitarian
perspective, the legal duty to
self-isolate is necessary
(morally mandatory), if the sum
of individual disutilities –
given no quarantine rules are in
effect – is larger than the sum
of disutilities for the people
whose liberties are restricted
due to the quarantine rules. The
former value is a function of
the risk of suffering severe
health problems or death. The
latter term is defined by the
individual utilities deriving
from the use of liberties, such
as assembly, social interaction,
working, visiting school, etc.5
Restrictions that save lives
come at the cost of individual
liberties. As a widely received
article in the Economist
(03-26-2020) quite adequately
depicted, all COVID-19 policies
involve a major trade-off
between “lives” and
“livelihood”. Utilitarians
commonly assume that these two
values are commensurable. So, we
can compare the disvalue of
someone being killed with the
loss of wellbeing for someone
whose freedoms are impaired. Deontological view
The harm principle
imposition and enforcement
of quarantine duties can
be justified on the basis
of the famous harm
principle (Mill 1999:
51–52; Ross 2002: 21–22).
It states that an action
may only be legitimately
restricted if it would
cause harm to third
parties. This contrasts,
for example, with
paternalistic reasons for
restrictions. The freedom
of individuals must not be
curtailed to protect them
from the consequences of
their own well-informed
and rational choices.
If we assume
that the prohibition of
leaving one’s house is
justified on a
deontological basis – that
is, if increasing the risk
of infecting someone with
the coronavirus is
negligent – a sanction
seems to be justified on
the basis of the harm
principle and thus a mala
in se action. In
contrast to the
utilitarian account, this
changes the way we
conceive of the
justification for the
legal sanction. The
sanction should no longer
be regarded as a sort of
fine but must be
considered a ‘punishment.’
As such it stands in
correlation with the
disvalue of the
misconduct. It is
backward-looking in that
it expresses an
appropriate reaction to
the performed act. Hence,
the severity of punishment
reflects the disvalue of
the wrong done to someone
else. Utilitarian reaction
is a potential
utilitarian case
against harsh
penalties for
duties to be made
Becker’s model. If
we assume that
individuals are
risk averse or, in
other words, that
there is an
disutility’ in the
magnitude of a
penalty – there is
no need to be
overly harsh. An
increase in the
severity of the
penalty would,
under this
assumption, create
more disutility.
People would then
tend to be
deterred from
noncompliance with
obligations more
easily by less
severe penalties.
Therefore, the
defendant of the
Beckerian model
would not
necessarily be
inclined to
support the
conclusion that
harsh penalties
are necessary. Possible defense of
draconian penalties
Lastly, I address
several arguments that attempt
to justify the legal treatment
of self-isolation obligations by
means of draconian penalties.
As I have shown in
the outline of Becker’s model of
efficient enforcement of legal
rules, a lawmaker has two
options – either to implement
frequent controls and to exact
fines more or less in proportion
to the misconduct or to reduce
the number of controls and
impose harsh fines. Some
countries, such as the UK and
Norway, chose the latter option
to enforce Covid-19
self-isolation duties.
1 The Health Protection
(Coronavirus, Restrictions)
(Self-Isolation) (England)
Regulations 2020 28.09.2020, (SI
2020/1045), §12. 2 Koronavirus
(COVID-19) – Riksadvokatens
retningslinjer og direktiver,
20.03.2020 (RA-2020-320). 3 Throughout I assume
the lawmaker’s goal is to reduce
perpetration to a minimum in order
to reduce the social costs of
infections and the risk of people
being killed. 4 Being fined simply
includes a change in distribution
from the individual to the state. 5
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(Mucci et al. 2020; Rubin and
Wessely 2020) or domestic violence
(Russell 17-4-2020). 6 For example, the UK
government has supplemented the
introduction of strict fines with
the promise to reimburse some of the
financial losses of people who are
forced to stay at home with a
lump-sum payment of GBP 500 (
7 For
example, in Switzerland, where
fines of up to CHF 5000 can be
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