Etikk i
praksis. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (2021), 15(2), 5-15 | |
Early View
publication date: 2 December 2021 |
Public health priority
setting: A case for priority to the worse
off in well-being during the COVID-19
Sindre A.
Mathias Barra,b
Ole Frithjof Norheim,c
Carl Tollef Solbergd a University of Bergen, Faculty of Medicine, Bergen Centre for Ethics and
Priority Setting (BCEPS), b HØKH – Health Services Research
Unit, Akershus University Hospital, c University of Bergen, Faculty of Medicine, Bergen
Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting
(BCEPS), d University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine, Centre for
Medical Ethics,
In Norway, priority for
health interventions is assigned on the
basis of three official criteria: health
benefit, resources, and severity.
Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have
mainly happened through intersectoral
public health efforts such as lockdowns,
quarantines, information campaigns, social
distancing and, more recently, vaccine
distribution. The aim of this article is
to evaluate potential priority setting
criteria for public health interventions.
We argue in favour of the following three
criteria for public health priority
setting: benefit, resources and improving
the well-being of the worse off. We argue
that benefits and priority to the worse
off may reasonably be understood in terms
of individual well-being, rather than only
health, for public health priority
setting. We argue that lessons from the
COVID-19 pandemic support our conclusions. Keywords: COVID-19, Prioritarianism,
Priority Setting, Public Health, Severity
The COVID-19
pandemic has strained health
care systems worldwide. As of
November 2021, there have been
more than 240 million confirmed
cases, and the number of deaths
attributed to the SARS-CoV-2
virus has exceeded five million
(WHO 2021). Unchecked, the
pandemic would have claimed an
even greater number of lives
throughout the world. In Norway,
as in many other countries,
preventing the uncontrolled
spread of the virus has been
prioritised by adopting
extensive preventive measures.
These preventive measures have
significantly impacted the well-being
of individuals whose lives have
been restrained. By individual
well-being, we broadly mean what
is non-instrumentally or
intrinsically good for that
individual. We may say that
health is a constituent of
individual well-being, and
nevertheless argue that health
is not everything that matters
for an individual’s well-being
(Crisp 2021).1 In
this understanding, well-being
is broader than health. At least
temporarily, the pandemic
preventive measures have also
negatively impacted the world
economy with further
consequences for individual
well-being. The official
Norwegian guidelines for
priority setting state that
priority for health
interventions shall be assigned
according to three criteria: health
benefit, resources, and
severity. During the
pandemic, Norwegian hospitals
have been instructed to follow
the same guidelines for priority
setting as before (Norwegian
Directorate of Health 2020).
Arguably, however, the primary
mechanism to mitigate health
loss in the Norwegian population
has been the prevention of viral
spread through extensive
infection control measures
rather than the treatment of
cases within the health care
system. As such, many elements
of the Norwegian pandemic
response have been
non-pharmaceutical interventions
at the population level, e.g.,
lockdowns, quarantine, testing,
and mask mandates. These
interventions can reasonably be
defined as public health
interventions. We will further
argue that the coronavirus
immunisation programme should be
ranked alongside other public
health interventions. However,
it is not clear whether the
three official Norwegian
priority setting criteria can be
straightforwardly adapted to
inform policy in the context of
the COVID-19 pandemic and other
public health interventions.
Clear criteria for the ranking
of public health interventions
will aid decision-makers in
allocating resources for public
health in general as well as in
the face of a new pandemic in
the future. The aim of this
article is to evaluate potential
priority setting criteria for
public health interventions. We
begin by introducing the
Norwegian discourse on priority
setting in health care. We argue
that there are relevant
differences between public
health and conventional priority
setting that speak against
excluding non-health benefits
and burdens in public health.
Specifically, the opportunity
costs of public health
interventions speak in favour of
including other contributors to
individual well-being as well as
health. Furthermore, the nature
of certain public health
interventions—such as lockdowns
in the face of a pandemic—raises
salient questions of
distributive justice that
pertain not only to health. We
then argue that epidemiological
knowledge on social inequalities
in health speak in favour of
assigning priority to the
socially disadvantaged. In sum,
we argue in favour of a broader
measure of well-being than only
health in the ranking of public
health interventions. We argue
in favour of the following three
criteria for public health
priority setting: benefit,
resources, and priority to the
worse-off groups in terms of
individual well-being.2 Our
proposed criteria follow the
same underlying logic as the
current three Norwegian priority
setting criteria but with two
important modifications: first,
that benefits should be measured
in terms of their effect on individual
well-being, not only in
terms of health benefits.
Second, interventions that
improve the well-being of the
worse-off groups should have
higher priority.
setting in Norway
Priority setting can be defined as
“the ranking of interventions
with respect to obtaining
resources for implementation”
(Ottersen 2013a: 8). Norway has
a relatively long tradition of
such priority setting in health.
The official Norwegian
guidelines for priority setting
are currently based on the
following three criteria: health
benefit, resources, and severity
(Meld. St. 34 2015–2016 a–b;
Ottersen and others 2016;
Barra and others 2020;
Meld. St. 38 2020–2021). First,
according to the health benefit
criterion, higher priority is
given to interventions with a
higher expected benefit. Second,
according to the resource
criterion, higher priority is
given to interventions that
require fewer resources. Third,
according to the severity
criterion, higher priority is
given to interventions that
target more severe conditions.
All three criteria are meant to
be evaluated together when
deciding on which new treatments
should be offered through the
publicly financed Norwegian
health system or in assigning
priority between different
treatments and health
interventions. The result is a
cost-effectiveness strategy. In specialist
health care services, the
benefit is usually measured by
some proxy for health gains.3
The most widely used measure of
health benefits in the current
health economics literature is
the quality-adjusted life
year (QALY). This
measure assigns a value to time
spent alive according to health
status (Weinstein, Torrance, and
McGuire 2009). The
Norwegian Directorate of Health
recommends the use of QALYs as
the measure of effectiveness
when seeking recognition of new
methods and interventions into
the Norwegian publicly financed
universal health coverage system
(2012: 5). However, in
principle, other measures may be
used to evaluate health
outcomes.4 The three priority
setting criteria have gathered
wide acceptance in the Norwegian
priority setting debate, and the
underlying logic seems easy to
follow: we have reason to care
about maximising population
health, and the ranking of
interventions according to
decreasing cost-effectiveness
should, in theory, lead to the
most effective use of finite
resources. However, the health
maximising principle is modified
with a principle that claims it
matters more to improve the
health of those with more severe
illness first. The concept of
“severity” has different
connotations in the
international priority setting
discourse. Appeals to fairness,
equity, urgency, dignity,
compassion, and the alleviation
of suffering have all been made
in defence of a severity
criterion (Barra and others 2020;
for a critique, see Hausman
2019). Thus, both
non-utilitarian and
non-consequentialist claims are
made. In Norway, as of 2021,
severity is operationalised on
the group level as absolute
(QALY) shortfall: the more
future healthy life-years
(measured in QALYs) a patient
can expect to lose due to a
health condition, the more
severe that condition is
considered. Consequently,
policy-makers have adopted a
higher cost-effectiveness
threshold for each additional
healthy life-year gained by
treatments targeting higher
severity conditions. Examples of
conditions with high absolute
QALY shortfall include childhood
deafness and rheumatoid
arthritis (Lindemark, Norheim
and Johansson 2014). The three current
Norwegian priority setting
criteria are meant to maximise
healthy life-years, aggregated
over the population, but with a
trade-off between maximisation
and a perceived need to
alleviate particularly severe
individual losses first. This
severity alleviation could be
said to offer a fairer
distribution of healthy life
years, which conforms with a
prioritarian principle to
improve the health of the worse
off. However, an
important point to note is that
the QALY’s main use is for incremental
cost-effectiveness ratio
(ICER)-based cost-utility
analyses (CUA), i.e., a context
where all resources are health
resources and where all benefits
are health benefits.5
As such, the model purposefully
neglects non-health related
aspects of well-being. Slightly
simplified, the current
QALY-based cost-effectiveness
paradigm assumes a fixed health
budget within which health
benefits, and only health
benefits, should be maximised.
It is, however, arguable whether
the QALY serves as the best
measure of benefits and
severity in public health
generally and during the
COVID-19 pandemic. What exactly is
public health? Several
definitions exist. The Norwegian
public health act defines public
health as “society’s effort to
affect factors that directly or
indirectly promote the health
and well-being of the
population, prevent mental and
somatic illness, injury or
suffering, or that protect
against threats to health, as
well as aiming for a more even
distribution of factors that
directly or indirectly affect
health” (Lovdata 2021). The
World Health Organization
defines public health as "the
art and science of preventing
disease, prolonging life and
promoting health through the
organized efforts of society”
(Acheson 1988; WHO 2015).
Nevertheless, no singular
definition of a public health intervention
has gained widespread adoption
in the literature. Cyr, Jain,
Chalkidou, Ottersen and
Gopinathan (2021) define an
intervention as “an act
performed for, with or on behalf
of a person or population whose
purpose is to assess, improve,
maintain, promote or modify
health, functioning or health
conditions”. Using this
definition of an intervention
together with the abovementioned
definition of public health, we
have a fairly broad definition
of public health interventions.
Classic examples of public
health interventions are
information campaigns against
behaviours with a negative
health impact and immunisation
programmes to prevent
communicable diseases. During the COVID-19
pandemic, lockdowns,
quarantines, restrictions on
social and other activities, as
well as the distribution of
personal protective equipment,
have been important measures to
reduce population health loss.6
These measures reasonably fall
within the scope of public
health. In the absence of
effective vaccines, extensive
public health efforts such as
lockdowns would likely have been
warranted for several years in
order to reduce substantial
health loss and further
disruption to the economy.7 The distribution of
vaccines is also typically
considered a public health
intervention, though its
demarcation from other
pharmaceutical interventions may
be less clear. The vaccination
programme both aims to prevent
health loss in individuals as
they become vaccinated as well
as to reduce the need for other
costly public health
interventions by reaching herd
immunity. Herd immunity,
however, is a public good.
One goal of reaching herd
immunity is that most or all
other preventive measures
against the virus can be
discontinued. It is thus
reasonable to include the
vaccination programme in the
ranking of public health
interventions. Furthermore,
priority setting can take place
on micro, meso and macro levels
(Kapiriri, Norheim and Douglas
2007). On the micro or bedside
level, decision-makers are
usually concerned with
identified individuals and
manifested disease. At this
micro level, most ethical
theories apply. That is to say,
deontology, virtue ethics, as
well as proximity ethics may
play important roles in the
moral reasoning of
decision-makers. Such ethical
theories are prominent in
traditional clinical ethics,
which often draws on obligations
of respect, beneficence and
non-maleficence toward
identified individuals. The
Norwegian white paper on
priority setting furthermore
provides guidance for
decision-makers on the micro
level to define who should have
priority for treatment with a
textual definition of severity.8
However, public health implies
decision-making on the macro
level, where comparison to
group-level priority setting is
more relevant than comparisons
to the individual level. The
beneficiaries of public health
interventions are no longer
identified patients but
unidentified statistical
individuals in the population
(Cohen, Daniels and Eyal 2015).
The absence of identified
individuals as recipients
furthermore suggests that
certain ethical theories,
specifically those grounded in
the consequentialist or
contractarian traditions (Cudd
and Eftekhari 2018;
Sinnott-Armstrong 2019), may be
more plausible on the macro
level of decision-making. One
such theory, which has been
defended on both
consequentialist and
contractualist grounds, is prioritarianism:
the view that benefits matter
more, morally speaking, the
worse off their recipient is
(Parfit 2012; Segall 2015;
Nielsen 2021). We now proceed to
explore relevant differences
between Norwegian conventional
priority setting and the ranking
of public health interventions
in Norway. Of course, even if
our case study includes
analogous reasoning for priority
setting in Norway, aspects of
these discussions will be of
generic value to public health
priority setting in other
countries that are relevantly
similar to Norway. This would
especially include high-income
countries with a large share of
public health care. We argue
that the opportunity cost of
public health interventions
speaks in favour of adopting a
broader definition of benefits
than only health. Secondly,
epidemiological knowledge of
social inequalities in health
also speaks in favour of
defining the worse off in
broader terms than only in terms
of health. We argue that this
broader definition of benefits
and priority to the worse off
should be individual
The opportunity cost of
public health
How should we
account for the resources
that go towards public
health interventions?
Conventional priority
setting in health
typically occurs within
the health care sector,
drawing on resources
pre-allocated for health
care. Although the actual
resources are nurse hours,
pharmaceuticals, hospital
beds and so forth, these
can all be measured by
their costs. The
(conventional) assumption
in health economics is
that (most) opportunity
costs can be reasonably
measured by QALYs forgone
(Bognar and Hirose 2014).
In this context, an
analysis will provide
sound guidance for setting
priorities: if all
relevant benefits are
QALYs, and if all
interventions can be
assigned a monetary cost,
then consistently choosing
the interventions with the
best ICERs will ensure
that when resources are
depleted, QALY-gain is
A typical example of a
priority setting decision
in health is adopting a
new cancer drug into the
specialist health care
services. In this case,
all costs (resources) will
be accounted for in the
health budget. The domain
of the benefits aligns
with the domain of the
costs. For many
public health
interventions, however,
resources are typically
drawn from several sectors
of the economy. An effort
to increase physical
activity through increased
cycling will typically
involve funds allocated to
the transport sector.
Costs for public health
interventions thus reduce
the amount of resources
left for other purposes
unrelated to health.
Notably, many of the
resources that go into
public health
interventions will be
deflected by non-health
uses, and QALYs may not
reflect the opportunity
cost very well. The
resources that go into
public health
interventions are thus
more diverse and
intersectoral than those
within the health care
system. For evaluations of
public health
interventions, it appears
morally relevant to
include costs that are not
reflected in the health
budget. The pandemic
has further shown that, in
some cases, costs are also
non-pecuniary or
challenging to quantify in
terms of monetary cost.
The pandemic response has
placed significant direct,
non-health burdens on
individuals and
communities in terms of
restricted opportunities
for travel, social
interaction and financial
stability. These costs
should be accounted for
and taken into
consideration in
decision-making during a
pandemic or similar
context. Furthermore,
these non-health burdens
do not always impact the
same individuals who stand
to achieve a health gain.
Younger individuals and
others at low risk of a
severe course of COVID-19
have forgone significant
social and non-health
benefits in order to
protect the health of the
elderly and others at
risk. This makes salient
the question of how to
distribute burdens and
benefits fairly in the
population. Some form of
common denominator with a
broader scope than only
health seems warranted. The case for
including non-health
resources implies that the
opportunity costs are not
well captured in terms of
QALYs but span the full
range of contributors to
individuals’ overall
well-being. For many
public health
interventions, either a
monetary equivalent of
non-health opportunity
costs should be included
when accounting for the
resource use, or a more
comprehensive measure for
benefit, like overall well-being,
should be used to measure
net benefit.10
to the worse
off in public
priorities for
health are
operationalised as
Priority is given
to more
with higher
priority to
targeting more
severe conditions. At
the group level,
severity is
operationalised as
absolute QALY
shortfall. It is
whether the
absolute QALY
shortfall approach
is ideal to
determine who
should have higher
priority in public
health. First,
absolute QALY
shortfall is
whereas it seems
relevant to
account for all
factors that
health for public
health priority
setting. Second,
as we have argued
above, there are
compelling reasons
to account for
well-being, and
not only QALYs, in
priority for
public health
interventions. Furthermore,
believe priority
to the worse off
in public health
should account for
inequalities in
health and the
between social
disadvantage and
health loss
(Marmot 2005,
2015). The
between social
disadvantage and
health deficiency
has gained
attention also
among moral and
philosophers as a
question of
justice (Daniels
2008; Preda and
Voigt 2015).
During the
COVID-19 pandemic,
some people have
clearly been made
worse off than
others in terms of
well-being, if not
in health. A
strong case that
groups have been
more severely
affected by the
pandemic has been
advanced (Nielsen
2021; Schmidt
2021). Failure to
account for social
inequality in
planning may
worsen already
(Mamelund and
Dimka 2021). From
an international
perspective, it is
feared that the
combined effects
of lockdowns and
disruption could
important gains in
terms of poverty
reduction and
worsening the
quality of life in
affected countries
and widening
income inequality
(Norheim and
others 2021). On
average, socially
groups live in
more crowded
areas, with fewer
opportunities to
avoid viral
exposure. Many
have frontline
jobs with fewer
opportunities to
work from home.
Due to the
between social
disadvantage and
health, socially
groups are more
likely to suffer
health loss from
Alongside age,
suffering from
conditions is a
major risk factor
of a severe or
deadly course of
instability and
economic downturn
following the
pandemic plausibly
has worse effects
on those who have
little from
before. Conclusion
In this article, we
have evaluated potential
priority setting criteria for
public health interventions. We
have argued that priority
setting criteria for public
health may draw on the same
moral reasoning as the current
three Norwegian criteria of
health benefit, resources,
and severity, but with
important modifications: there
are compelling reasons to
account for interventions’
impact on individual well-being,
not only health, when assigning
priority for public health
interventions. We have further
argued in favour of giving
higher priority to interventions
that benefit the worse off
groups in terms of individual
well-being. We have argued that
lessons from the COVID-19
pandemic support our
An early draft of
this paper was presented at Etikk
i praksis – Nordic Journal of
Applied Ethics’ workshop The
ethics of the Covid-19
pandemic in June 2021. We
are thankful for valuable
comments from participants in
the workshop.
SAH and MB are supported by NFR research grant no. 303 727 (SEVPRI); OFN and CTS are partially supported through the same grant. OFN is supported by Trond Mohn Foundation through Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS; project number 813 596). CTS is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services.
1 How to define
individual well-being remains a hot
topic in the philosophical
discourse. Hedonism, desire
satisfaction, and objective
list theories are the most
widely advocated in the
philosophical literature. However,
our conclusions do not hinge on any
specific theory of well-being. 3 Norway offers its
citizens publicly financed
universal health coverage for most
medical and care services.
Services are predominantly
provided by two different public
sectors: a primary health care
sector and a specialised health
care sector. In addition, numerous
private health providers offer
services for point-of-care
payment, insurance-based services,
and services remunerated by the
public system for certain services
. 4 Such health measures
could be general or specific
reductions in morbidity and/or
mortality, disability-adjusted
life years (DALYs) averted,
or deaths averted
. 5 More
succinctly, QALY-based CUA is
appropriate only if either all
opportunity costs are measurable as
QALYs or if the cost-effectiveness
threshold is estimated so that the
opportunity cost reflects societal
value more broadly. 6 This is especially
true in Norway, where infection
rates have been relatively low, and
the epidemic has been largely under
control; in other countries with
significantly higher infection
rates, allocation decisions for
treatments such as ventilators have
had higher importance.
7 Holden
and others 2020, for example,
calculated the costs of recurrent
lockdowns into 2024 in their first
report. 8 “Those at high risk of
death or loss of function, degree of
physical or mental loss of function,
and pain, physical or mental
distress. Both the present
situation, duration and loss of
future life years are of importance.
The degree of severity increases the
more urgently help is needed”
(authors’ translation; Magnussen and
others 2015: 3; Meld. St. 34
2015–2016: 95). 9 In practice, Norway
has unofficial threshold values for
ICERs. These were originally set to
reflect the perceived threshold for
when spending more money per QALY
would displace more than one QALY
elsewhere in the system. 10 That is, when deciding
whether to prioritise, say, lockdown
of schools to inhibit transmissions
versus keeping them open, either a
monetary value on the total negative
impact of this intervention on
well-being should be added to the
intervention’s costs if relying on
CEA-methodology, or CBA or CEA with
well-being as the benefit measure
should be employed.
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