Etikk i praksis. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (2015),
9 (1), 55–72
doi: 10.5324/eip.v9i1.1833
on expert committees. Can there be a conflict of
Erik Thorstensen
Work Research Institute, Centre for Welfare and Labour
Research, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied
Abstract:The presence of experts
holding patents and simultaneously providing policy
advice on areas in which they hold these patents poses
several normative questions. Through a comparative study
of several IPCC reports, this article documents the
scope of this phenomenon and discusses it with respect
to a theory of conflict of interest. A review of IPCC
writing teams suggests that the presence of
patent-holders is largest on issues of infrastructure,
industry and transport rather than single technologies.
According to insights from studies on conflict of
interest, the presence of patent-holders creates an
increased risk of bias. This article investigates the
possible link between patenting and conflicts of
interest, according to theoretical and empirical
insights into the relationship between science and
Keywords: Expert committees, patents, conflict of
interest, IPCC
This paper proposes to look
at two parallel and connected issues in order to
investigate what kinds of new normative challenges
are posed by the use of technologies to solve
societal challenges and what kinds of theoretical
insights can be used to address one such specific
One new normative challenge is the issue of
intellectual ownership of technologies. More
specifically, this is the situation in which
patent-holders for technologies are represented on
committees providing advice for decision-makers
regarding this technology. Parallel to a
presentation of data from one case of
patent-holders, this article proposes to use
insights from the literature on conflicts of
interests (CoI) in order to see if such a
theoretical apparatus can be productive in solving
this normative issue.
This article presents the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) as an expert committee. It
draws comparisons between different Working Groups
(WG) and different types of reports to see if there
can be any systematic differences in the presence of
patent-holders. Furthermore, the article
investigates different views on patents and the
patent-system in order to analyze whether a theory
of CoI can provide guidance for addressing the issue
of patent-holders providing advice to governments.
In determining where to
look for patent-holders, this paper and its problem
formulation are informed by the Open letter that the
ETC Group sent to the Chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra
K. Pachauri, before the IPCC joint working group
expert meeting on geoengineering in June 2011:
The Scientific Steering Group of this expert meeting
includes well-known geoengineering advocates who
have called for steep increases in funding for
research and for proceeding with experimentation, as
well as scientists who have patents pending on
geoengineering technologies and/or other financial
interests. Asking a group of geoengineering
scientists if more research should be done on the
topic is like asking a group of hungry bears if they
would like honey. (ETC Group 2011)
The ETC Group seems to be of the opinion that
experts with patents is a bigger problem when one
single technology cluster is assessed than in more
general assessments on how to solve a specific
social challenge, such as climate change or global
warming. In order to shed light on this statement I
would then expect to find more patent-holders in
reports addressing one specific technology than in
the reports investigating mitigation.
Sources The current
paper examines all the contributors to IPCC WG III
Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change
(IPCC 2014b) and Carbon Capture and Storage (IPCC
2005), as well as all the contributors to the IPCC
Expert Meeting on Geoengineering (IPCC 2012b) and
the contributors to the chapters on geoengineering
in IPCC WG I Climate Change 2013 – The Physical
Science Basis (IPCC 2014a). The contributors total
650 authors, editors, and reviewers with different
degrees of responsibility and influence. The reason
for limiting the study to two chapters in WG I 2013
is to create a basis for comparison due to the
extensive treatment of climate technologies in the
other reports. It is also a pragmatic choice, since
there are so many authors on WG I 2013.
The second main source is the World Intellectual
Property Organization’s (WIPO) database of patents
available on I
followed the method outlined by Krimsky et al.
(1999) by collecting all the authors’ names from the
IPCC reports and matching this list of authors with
WIPO-listed patents and patent-applications filed
prior to the publication of the relevant IPCC
reports. I supplemented this with searches in
Google’s patent base: I singled out the
patents granted or patent-applications filed with a
connection to climate technologies. I have included
patents relating to chemical processes; oil, coal,
and gas extraction; carbon dioxide treatment,
transport, and storage; solar radiation management;
carbon dioxide removal; and services related to all
these activities. The patent holders were sorted by
chapter and for the reports as a whole.
Patents can be granted by a national, regional or
international entity, such as the Norwegian Patent
Board, the European Patent Office or through the PCT
(Patent Cooperation Treaty) administered by WIPO
(OECD 2009). Patents for the same invention can be
granted by several different national or regional
patent offices. In order to avoid counting the same
patent several times, I chose to systematize the
patents first according to the WIPO-administered
patents and then by adding nationally or
regionally-filed patents.
The IPCC reports
The percentages and
absolute numbers of patent-holders will be presented
first in total distributed for all the reports
in Table 1, and then I will
move on to present single chapters and thematic
sections of the reports in Tables
2 and 3.
2: Patent-holders in Mitigation of Climate Change
(IPCC 2014b) distributed by chapter
From these numbers, it seems clear that with 19.3 %
patent-holders on the writing team of the CCS report
from 2005, the hypothesis is that single technology
assessments have a large presence of patent-holders
among their contributors. However, the parts from WG I
(2013) and the Geoengineering report (2011) contradict
this hypothesis when compared to the higher presence
of patent-holders in WG III (2014). When studying the
mean number of patents, it seems that the WG III
reports (0.7 and 0.8 patents per author) score more
highly than both the composed group and the WG I (0.1
and 0.1 patents per author). The percentage of persons
with patents is nevertheless rather similar between WG
III (2014) and the composed group and the WG I. In
total, there are a large number of patents on the WG
III report teams.
Looking at the different parts of the reports from WG
III gives the image of a diversified composition with
regards to patents (see Table 2
Table 3: Patent-holders in
Carbon Capture and Storage (IPCC 2005) distributed by
In both these reports, there are chapters with a large
number of patent-holders. The chapters with a large
number of patent-holders can be characterized as those
relating to transport, building and industry. These
are not areas that are directly involved in mitigation
or fossil fuel extraction, but rather with the use of
products emitting greenhouse gases. This seems to
suggest that the majority of patent-holders do not
have links to the implementation of mitigation
technologies as such, but are involved in industrial
sectors closely connected to the production and
infrastructure of goods and services.
Table 4: Patent-holders in
Carbon Capture and Storage (IPCC 2005) and Mitigation
of Climate Change (IPCC 2014b) distributed
For the WG III reports, it is further possible to
group some of the chapters together under the headings
“social issues”, “technical issues”, and “policy and
finance” as presented in Table 4.
The numbers in Table 4 suggest
that until now there has been a constant and large
presence of persons with patents in the WG III
technical parts, and – surprisingly – this presence
has moved into chapters related to social issues.
Since there are few indications of any relationship
between the assessment of a specific technological
cluster and patents, the large presence of
patent-holders on the IPCC WG III report on CCS must
be understood in a different light. If we look at the
assessment of geoengineering technologies in WG III
2014, (in “Assessing Transformation Pathways” and
“Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)”),
there is no one holding a patent. The material
suggests that there are more likely to be many
patent-holders on issues of infrastructures, industry
and transport than for single technologies.
Patents are legal
constructs. According to WTO’s Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights, patents “shall be available for any
inventions, whether products or processes, in all
fields of technology, provided that they are new,
involve an inventive step and are capable of
industrial application” (WTO 1994).
Patents are part of a family of legal instruments
known as intellectual property (IP). This family
also includes Copyright and Related Rights,
Trademarks, Industrial Design and Integrated
Circuits, Geographical Indications, and Protection
against Unfair Competition (WIPO 2004).
The patenting system is part of the larger
international regulation on intellectual property.
The World Intellectual Property Organization lists
two main reasons for countries to protect
intellectual property:
to give statutory
expression to the moral and economic rights of
creators in their creations and the rights of
the public in access to those creations.
to promote, as a
deliberate act of Government policy, creativity
and the dissemination and application of its
results and to encourage fair trading which
would contribute to economic and social
development (WIPO 2004: 3).
The patent itself is a
document issued by the competent government office,
based upon an application procedure. This document
describes an invention. The issuing of a patent
grants the applicant the rights to commercial
exploitation of the described invention for a fixed
period, but the patent-holder must disclose the
invention in order to let other people benefit from
it. The patent-holder also has the right to allow
other people to use the invention development (WIPO
All types of IP, including patents, are legal
instruments in the field of jurisprudence. The
characteristic approach to discussing ethics and
patenting has been to discuss whether “gene patents
confer ‘ownership’ of part of our natural heritage,
disturb ethical balances, improperly restrict
research and experimentation, and even violate human
dignity” (Crespi 2005: 119). Patents are further
studied in innovation studies where the role of
patents as drivers of knowledge is emphasized
(Walsh, Arora & Cohen 2003). The function of
patents as units for geographical knowledge transfer
is recognized (Jaffe, Trajtenberg & Henderson
2002). The issue of patents in sciences has also
been extensively studied within the biomedical and
pharmaceutical industries (Nogués 1990; Heller &
Eisenberg 1998).
In legal terms, a patent constitutes what is
referred to as a “negative right” which means that
the filer of the patent is granted protection from
others utilizing the invention for commercial
purposes for a limited time and in a defined place,
while the patent-holder renders the knowledge into
the public domain (Foray 2004). The understanding of
what a patent “really is” depends in many ways on a
series of contextual assumptions and conditions. As
a legal entity, patents are a part of property law,
and more precisely intellectual property law.
Patents performatively create a non-rival public
good, knowledge, and a private good, property. Under
the current intellectual property regime, the
alternatives to the knowledge dimension of patents
would range somewhere between open source and
secrecy, while the proprietary dimension would range
from free competition to governmental dictate.
However, there might be some attractive options
within this range (Foray 2004).
For the individual inventor or holder of a patent,
it is often a long journey from the described
process, method or invention to the actual
production and marketing of a product based upon a
given patent. Such actualization depends on
licensing agreements or other contractual
relationships with a producer. Dave Guston documents
the different motivations for (or against) patenting
and the serendipities connected to patenting. In his
TTO case study, Guston (1999: 99) shows how
practical concerns matter: “Patents can help secure
the priority and integrity of a discovery, and can
facilitate the reduction of such discoveries to
clinical practice”. Others believe that “public
funded research should remain public” (Guston 1999:
99). Guston also mentions that it is not obvious
that a researcher actually knows when she or he has
made a discovery or an invention.
Ingrid Schneider characterizes the legal epistemic
community as “gatekeepers” that “are keeping other
disciplines and considerations from entering into
political deliberation” (2009: 621). Kica and
Groenendijk (2011) describe the wider societal
system surrounding the current procedures for
granting patents based on changing political,
social, and technical developments. Similar issues,
like “Academic Capitalism”, “Science Inc.”, … etc.
are frequently raised and allude to a situation
where academia produces knowledge (uniquely) for
economic purposes and that resulting distribution of
the economic gains contribute to unfairness (Nowotny
1993; Slaughter & Leslie 1997; Krimsky 2003;
Slaughter & Rhoades 2004; Hackett 2014). Voices
are also raised that conclude that “the norm of
communism is being or has been replaced by the norm
of private intellectual property” (Metlay 2006:
566). This reference to a rupture with Robert
Merton’s (1973) norms of (and for) science signals
an understanding that the terms and conditions in
“the social contract for science” are changing
(Gibbons et al. 1994). As a response or
countermeasure to such changes, Owen, Macnaghten and
Stilgoe (2012) propose to move to “science for
society, with society”. This article also looks at
patents in the interface between science and society.
Conflicts of
Interest and the IPCC
In order for this paper to
present an argument that there is a conflict of
interest for patent-holders on the IPCC-CCS team, it
is not only necessary to present an understanding of
what a conflict of interest is, but also to provide
arguments that the IPCC panels are institutions
where conflict of interest can take place. I will
begin with the first. Conflicts
of Interest Let us say
that a person, Eric, is put by his superior in a
bank onto a public committee to oversee financial
policies. If Eric defends his bank’s interests on
this committee instead of addressing the common
good, Eric is not in a conflict of interest. Eric’s
primary interest as the bank’s representative ought
to be the bank’s interest. On the same committee
there is a professor in economics, Elliott, from the
country’s largest university. Elliott has 1,000,000
Euros worth of shares in Eric’s bank, and he does
not share this information with the organizers or
anyone on the committee. Elliott is appointed solely
as an expert in economics. Elliott and Eric agree on
every issue of the committee. Whereas Eric’s primary
interest corresponds with his bank’s interests,
Elliott’s primary interest should be scholarly, but
since Elliott also has a secondary financial
interest in the proceedings of the committee, there
is a risk that he bases his decisions on his private
financial considerations rather than his academic
concerns. It is the risk that a person’s primary
interests conflict with secondary interests that
Dennis F. Thompson (2009) defines as a conflict of
interest. A conflict of interest is not the same as
corruption or foul play, but it is “a set of
circumstances that create or increase a risk that
primary interests will be compromised as a result of
the pursuit of secondary interests” (Thompson 2009:
137). If Elliott actually agrees with Eric on all
issues because he wants to profit on his stocks, it
is no longer a conflict of interest, but the victory
of the wrong interests. The IPCC
policy on Conflicts of Interest The
“Climategate” scandal in 2009 triggered a series of
reactions towards IPCC. “Climategate” is the term
used for the publication of hacked emails from the
Climate Research Unit at the University of East
Anglia. According to the hackers and the persons
disseminating the emails, they proved the falsity of
the so-called hockey-stick-graph showing temperature
rise (Ryghaug & Skjølsvold 2010). The IPCC
started reviewing its internal policies after the
assessment report by the InterAcademy Council. The
report suggested that “[t]he IPCC should develop and
adopt a rigorous conflict-of-interest policy”
(InterAcademy Council 2010: 53) since the IPCC
lacked such a policy – as did the Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment and the Global Biodiversity
Assessment – while both the UNEP and the WMO had
such policies. The InterAcademy Council suggested
among other issues that the IPCC include features
such as:
Considering a range
of relevant financial interests, such as
employment and consulting relationships; ownership
of stocks, bonds, and other investments; fiduciary
responsibilities; patents and copyrights;
commercial business ownership and investment
interests; honoraria; and research funding
(InterAcademy Council 2010: 53).
In the InterAcademy report,
it is stated that one concern for such a conflict of
interest was the IPCC Chair’s alleged work for an
energy company. The IPCC began working on the
CoI-policy in October 2010 (Beck 2012). In the
aftermath of “Climategate”, Transparency
International (2011) published a special report on
climate change, but without addressing patents by
IPCC panel members even though they acknowledge that
the “mismatch between the supply and demand of
specialized skills means that key experts end up
wearing multiple hats and the potential for
conflicts of interests grows” (Transparency
International 2011: xxxiv). Transparency
International sees only that “[c]onflict of interest
is a pervasive corruption risk in climate governance
at the international and national level” (2011: 10)
without addressing the transnational level of the
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
adopted its conflict of interest policy in November
2011, and working methods for the Conflict of
Interest Committee in 2012 (IPCC 2012a). These
policies will be applicable for all future
panelists, and apply to all IPCC senior personnel.
The policy does not apply retroactively (The
Economist 2011). The policy concerns all IPCC
products and will be executed according to the
levels of authority and responsibility in the IPCC
process. The definition of “conflict of interest”
from the IPCC CoI policy is as follows:
11. A “conflict of
interest” refers to any current professional,
financial or other interest which could: i)
significantly impair the individual’s objectivity
in carrying out his or her duties and
responsibilities for the IPCC, or ii) create an
unfair advantage for any person or organization.
For the purposes of this policy, circumstances
that could lead a reasonable person to question an
individual’s objectivity, or whether an unfair
advantage has been created, constitute a potential
conflict of interest. These potential conflicts
are subject to disclosure (IPCC 2011).
The IPCC distinguishes
between bias and CoI. Bias is understood as a
certain perspective from which a given view is
believed to be correct, but where there is no
personal gain at stake. Among the interests that
should be disclosed by IPCC associates are:
relationships; consulting relationships; financial
investments; intellectual property interests; and
commercial interests and sources of private-sector
research support. Individuals should also disclose
significant and relevant financial interests of
any person with whom the individual has a
substantial business or relevant shared interest
(IPCC 2011).
In this article, the
salient issues will be “intellectual property
rights” (IPR). The IPCC states unequivocally that
the disclosure of a CoI is not sufficient (albeit
necessary) to participate in the IPCC. The CoI must
be resolved, according to the IPCC.
Nevertheless, there is also the possibility of
looking at the CoI issue from the opposite side: did
the researchers on the IPCC reports have a moral or
legal obligation to inform the IPCC or the
recipients of the IPCC report of their CoI?
According to the Institute of Medicine, National
Academy of Sciences, and National Academy of
Engineering (1995: 8–9) it is the individual
scientist’s own duty to inform editors of “financial
interest in a particular company”. Whereas the IPCC
could not know directly whether a scientist held
patents, the scientists had such knowledge and
should have known that it is common to be expected
to disclose interests. Is
disclosure a silver bullet?
Let us imagine that Elliott disclosed his shares in
the bank. Would that alleviate a CoI? Here, the case
is unsettled. On one side, Bariani et al. conclude
that in the case of oncology trials and
self-reported CoI, the “interpretation of recently
published phase III cancer trials by their authors
or by editorialists was not influenced by financial
relationships or industry sponsorship. Increased
awareness of CoI policies may have led to more
integrity in cancer research reporting” (Bariani et
al. 2013: 2289). Based on a review of the American
Psychiatric Association’s compilation of the latest
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Cosgrove and Krimsky (2012) argue
that disclosure of CoI might be understood as
generally absolving the person in question from the
responsibility of handling the CoI. Further,
Cosgrove and Krimsky express concerns that where
experts with financial ties are included, disclosing
the full extent of these connections might lead to
an overload of information that creates difficulties
in finding the relevant information. Lastly, they
quote an earlier finding from Krimsky that a
one-sided emphasis on disclosure “shifts the problem
from one of ‘secrecy of bias’ to ‘openness of bias’”
(2010: 108). Based on a study of drug regulatory
agencies, Lexchin and O’Donovan (2010) argue that
the precautionary principle should be applied in
cases of CoI. In their understanding, disclosed CoI
places new and administrative burdens on
organizations in the form of decision-making risk
Disclosure might have a positive effect on the risk
of secondary interest influencing the primary
interest, i.e. the risk diminishes, but even this
reduced risk has to be managed. However, disclosure
might also create new problems of perceived personal
responsibility, irrelevant information, and might
mean that open bias remains a bias. The
relationship between expertise and patents Transparency
International (2011: xxxiv) addresses the central
issue that “key experts end up wearing multiple hats
and the potential for conflicts of interests grows”.
To understand the issue of experts holding patents
and simultaneously providing policy advice, one
needs to understand if it is the case that there is
a correlation between level of expertise, patents,
and advisory roles.
Gulbrandsen and Smeby (2005: 944) find that
“[p]atents are positively correlated with academic
position” for Norwegian scientists. Meyer (2006)
confirms this finding for nano-scientists, and
Tsai-Lin et al. (2013) show that it also applies for
Taiwan. Patenting could then – as a heuristic rule –
be understood as corresponding to the epistemic
quality of the expertise. One important factor will
then be if we have reason to believe or to doubt
that the IPCC report-writing and reviewing teams are
the top experts. The selection of authors and review
editors for the WG I Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
was completed in June 2010 (IPCC 2014c). The
InterAcademy Council presented its evaluation and
recommendations on 30 August 2010, where it noted
that the “absence of a transparent author-selection
process or well-defined criteria for author
selection can raise questions of bias and undermine
the confidence of scientists and others in the
credibility of the assessment” (2010: 15). Since
2010, the IPCC has worked to ameliorate its
selection processes (IPCC n.d.).
The relationship between high level of expertise and
participation in patented inventions seems clear.
The relationship between high level of expertise and
participation on IPCC reports is not transparent.
However, if expert advisory groups – where the
selection process is open, transparent and
well-defined – are to include the best scientists,
then a certain percentage of patent-holders from
academia, business or international organisations
will be expected. Conflicts
of interest and views on the contract
between science and society The IPCC is a
large institution that can be studied from many
aspects (Hulme & Mahony 2010). In the current
study, I will limit myself to look at the IPCC as a
scientific organization that has an impact on
policy. Since the IPCC now has a conflict of
interest policy, it seems reasonable to suggest that
conflicts of interests might occur. However, it
remains to be understood whether the IPCC should be
subject to CoI policies because it is a scientific
institution or because it is a political
institution. The relationship between science and
policy can be understood using the principal agent
theory, where the principal, a policy-maker,
requests some agent – in this case a science panel –
to perform a specified task that the principal is
not able to perform directly (Guston 1996). In such
a case, scientific advice needs to give an answer to
the principal that meets the current standards for
transparency in political affairs, since the
scientific advice can be seen as contributing to the
political pool of knowledge.
The relationship between science and policy can also
be described through the linear model of expertise –
or the speaking truth to power paradigm – where the
“influence of science on policy is assumed to be
strong and deterministic: if the scientific facts
are ‘sound,’ then they have an immediate, direct
impact on policy” (Beck 2011: 298). The antecedent
here demands that the facts shall be “sound;” and
soundness is in turn determined by the steps in the
scientific procedure, according to philosophical
logic: “an inference is normally termed ‘sound’ if,
and only if, the logical form of the argument is
valid (i.e., truth preserving) and all its premises
are true” (Kaiser et al. 2007: 66). As in the
example with Elliot above, there is an increased
risk that someone holding patents might present
skewed premises, misleading connections, or both.
If we address the relationship between science and
policy from the perspective of a co-production of
knowledge between science and society, we would
expect to find interactions between the two spheres
(Hulme 2009; Jasanoff 2004). Here one would
investigate the issues of great relevance to the
public and focus on societal goals. The outcome and
the goal are here a hybrid product where neither of
the epistemic realms are given priority, and “the
more we blur them the more transparent science
policy becomes” (St Clair 2006: 64). On the surface,
it could seem that a committed co-production would
be a process where the results of CoI might be
annulled. However, the scope of the patent from a
patent-holder’s perspective is not primarily to
share the knowledge. The sharing of knowledge might
be seen as society’s demand on science for being
given a monopoly on the earnings. There is then an
increased risk that the brokering from the
patent-holder is not honest and transparent. Sheldon
Krimsky (2003: 52) writes: “Finding a way to avoid
even the appearance of a conflict is one of the
principal challenges in establishing universities as
an honest broker”. Helga Nowotny goes even further
and in inflammatory language attacks violations
against the public nature of science:
The full transparency of obtaining reliable
knowledge about nature and for the benefit of
society is the reason why misconduct, dishonesty,
and fraud are regarded not only as deviant, but also
as endangering the claim to the autonomy and
self-governance of science. A system that totally
depends upon mutual openness, honesty, and trust
elicits strong reactions against those who violate
these principles, and it must strive to restore
credibility as quickly as possible (Nowotny 2005:
The notion of a co-production seems to be
teleological, with specific demands on the procedure
to reach the articulated goals. In the vocabulary of
Jan Schmidt (2011), one could say that the
problem-orientation and the consequent
knowledge-production of the science system is
bifurcated when patents are involved, since when
patents exist, a commitment to the patented solution
already exists – regardless if there might be
commitments to other social contributions. In such
settings, Schmidt (2011: 259) argues that “otherwise
democratic societies […] turn into expertocraties”.
Regardless of which model for science-policy
interaction is used, either prescriptively or
descriptively, for the IPCC, the presence of
patent-holders on the panels is a signal of
conflicts of interest. Conflict
of interest and funding bias Science for
policy is different from science for the sake of
science. Political decisions on the mitigation of
climate change concern potentially huge sums of
public and private money. According to Funtowicz and
Ravetz, “[p]olicy-makers tend to expect
straightforward information as inputs to their
decision making process; they want their numbers to
provide certainty” (1990: 7).
In research ethics, the term “funding bias” refers
to how “private funding can bias the outcome of
studies toward the interests of the sponsors”
(Krimsky 2003: 146). Such funding bias can be found
in areas of research as diverse as criminology (Geis
et al. 1999), food (Massougbodji et al. 2014),
medicine (Davidson 1986), public health (Mandeville
et al. 2013), and marine mammal research (Wade et
al. 2010). These studies have all documented how,
through statistical analysis of funding seen in
relation to outcome, one can detect clear patterns
that indicate that the source of the funding had
aggregated effects on the outcome of the studies.
The scope of these studies has not been to show that
researcher X or project Y is flawed, but rather that
there is an increased risk of funding bias in
sponsored research.
The relevance for such “funding bias” in relation to
the IPCC’s way of working should be clear: in the
IPCC review processes, no research is conducted by
the IPCC itself, so the report functions as an
external review of the material (Funtowicz &
Ravetz 1990: 163). The authors, who are scientists,
review already published material and do not start
with new research projects on behalf of the IPCC.
Here, the double risk exists of a funding bias in
the reviewed articles and a funding bias in the
reviewers; the peer-review process can then create
higher likelihoods for CoI with the ensuing higher
risks. The source of the bias might consequently
benefit from a potentially biased process. What is
the relationship between patents and CoI In most
countries, national laws and regulations, as well as
local agreements, exist on how the potential
financial gain shall be divided between an inventor
and the employer. In Luis Alvarez’s (1987)
autobiography, we can read about how in the years
after World War II, state employees received $ 1 in
compensation for creating a successful patent – and
further income went to the state. In order to create
incentives for more knowledge-drive innovation, the
US congress promulgated what is today known as the
Bayh-Dole Act in 1980. This legislation gives
universities the right to patents; its intention was
to stimulate cooperation between academia and
industry, and this cooperation created ties that
might qualify as CoI (Schacht 2006). Since patents
grant their holder the economic rights over the
invention, a patent-holder has an economic interest
in the realization of the patent. If all the rights
to income from the patents have been transferred
from the academic inventor to her or his
institution, then the institution has an interest in
the patent being commercially successful:
However, the
institutions themselves are also in a situation of
conflicting interests to the extent that
institutions also collect a share of industry
research grants and royalties from patents
generated by their faculty (Cho et al. 2000:
Consequently, as
illustrated in my example above, employees of a
given institution also have an interest in the
success of their institution, regardless of whether
or not they are specifically remunerated for an
invention for which they have transferred the rights
to their employer. For the sake of this paper, I
will not investigate the different policies
regarding transfer of patents to academic
institutions, but persist in the position that if a
person is listed as inventor or holder of a patent,
then that person has an interest in the commercial
exploitation of that patent. An even stricter line
could be imagined: it would be possible to claim
that an employee in an organization holding patents
has an interest in the realization of the patent
regardless of whether or not that employee has a
direct connection to the patent.
A person having one or several patents, who is on an
IPCC writing team, might use his or her
discretionary power and scientific judgment in the
best possible way. However, there is an increased
risk that such patents might increase the likelihood
that science is unduly influenced. IPCC
reports and conflicts of interest Much thinking
and many policies concerning CoI have been directed
towards public civil servants or private employees
both in national and international settings (Malonga
2012). In public settings, conflicts of interest
might arise when there is a possibility that a
private interest might interfere with the public
interest, but also when competing public interests
are in danger of interfering with a public
decision-making process (Auby 2012: 147). So when
reading the IPCC CoI policy, one needs to take into
account that not only private interests can impair
an individual’s objectivity, but also competing
public interests can. If the IPCC report writers are
convinced that mitigating climate change is a
virtuous issue, then they also run the risk of what
has been called White Hat Bias (WHB). This is
defined as “bias leading to distortion of
information in the service of what may be perceived
to be righteous ends” and has been found to
“consistently [be] pushing conclusions in a single
direction and systematically distorting the research
record” (Cope & Allison 2010: 1615).
The actors that can be in a CoI situation are all
the actors in the administrative field. Jean-Bernard
Auby (2012: 146–147) mentions four different groups:
government executives, and top civil servants
Members of local
governments, administrative committees, or other
collegial bodies
Judges involved in
administrative issues
Private persons
taking part in administrative functions.
In this fourth and last
group, we also find experts who are consulted in a
public administrative matter or private companies
that execute outsourced public tasks. Drawing upon
Peter Haas’ (1992) understanding of experts as being
created and creating “epistemic communities”, René
Urueña (2012) addresses an important paradox of
expert CoI: “regulation (and control) of expert
power in global governance is dependent in its
legitimacy on the very expertise it tries to
regulate and control” (Urueña 2012: 85). Keeping in
mind Haas’s (1992: 3) understanding of an epistemic
community in which members share the “belief or
faith in the verity and the applicability of
particular forms of knowledge or specific truths,”
Urueña makes an important point in underlining that
the legitimacy of expertise in global/international
issues is different from domestic expertise, as the
latter is legitimized by parliamentary procedural
justice while the former rests upon the expertise in
itself. Global governance can thus be understood as
more dependent upon the “epistemic communities.”
One question remains unanswered. Thus far, I have
documented the presence of patent-holders on the WG
III reports. I have not documented that they
actually have a CoI. On the WG III, there is a mix
of academics, industry, government and (i)NGOs.
Split in this manner, we see that the large majority
of patent-holders are academic, that is, they are
listed in the annex as belonging to a university or
research institution. The numbers for the IPCC CCS
(IPCC 2005) are listed in Table
Table 5: Patent-holders in
Carbon Capture and Storage (IPCC 2005) distributed by
institutional affiliation
There is a slight over-representation of
patent-holders from business as seen in relation to
the academics with 26.9 % versus 25 %. As illustrated
in Table 6, the trend is
similar in the WG III report from 2014 with a large
number of academics, but the percentage of
patent-holders from business is larger.
Table 6: Patent-holders in
Mitigation of Climate Change (IPCC 2014b) distributed
by institutional affiliation
The numbers here seem to indicate a presence, and a
considerable one in 2005, of secondary interests on
the IPCC report teams among supposedly neutral
academics. It could further be argued that since the
IPCC reports are presented by the IPCC as scientific
assessments – and not stakeholder-based assessments –
even the presence of representatives from business who
hold patents could be somewhat misleading since the
reports claim to be based only on epistemic values
(Betz 2013).
The review of experts with
patents on IPCC writing teams suggests that the
presence of patent-holders is largest on issues of
infrastructure, industry and transport rather than
for single technologies or technological clusters.
The alarm struck by the ETC Group and other
signatories before the IPCC joint working group
expert meeting on geoengineering in June 2011,
however, is not without justification since, at that
time, there was a discussion within the IPCC on the
CoI policy. The ETC Group’s concerns seem to apply
to the Carbon Capture and Storage report (2005), but
it is not possible to extrapolate from this report
to geoengineering.
The presence of experts who might hold secondary
interests to the IPCC’s mandate of assessing the
physical aspects of climate change, the
vulnerability to climate change and the options for
mitigation, can to a certain extent be analyzed by
the notion of a CoI. The strongest case for applying
CoI as a tool to address the presence of
patent-holders in the IPCC is when these experts are
listed as university-affiliated academics in the
reports. The case for experts from business is more
difficult, since they can legitimately be seen as
also representing an important stakeholder
This article has shown that the issue of
intellectual property and its relation to policy
advice is a difficult one, and even more so in the
context of international policy advice. The
occurrence of funding bias in national contexts
might not be transferable to international contexts.
At national and at university or institutional
level, the committees for research ethics serve to
arbitrate on CoI. On the global scale, and for
transnational institutions like the IPCC, such
arbitration instances do not exist.
I wish to thank the
reviewer for clear advice and sound challenges.
Further, I thank Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Anders
Braarud-Hanssen, Fern Wickson, Clive Hamilton and
Arie Rip for generous and insightful assistance and
encouragement at different stages and in their
unique ways. The support from Erlend Hermansen and
Mads Dahl Gjefsen has also been much appreciated.
Note 1 The surplus information
and categories in Table 1 are
included to assist in further research.
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