Viggo Brun La difference entre le nombre de nombres premiers des formes 4h+3 et 4h+1, exprimes par une formule exact m.fl.


  • Håkon Waadeland


Viggo Brun (1885-1978) was born in Lier, Norway. After his university exam in mathematics and science he went to Göttingen at his own cost. There he wrote his first mathematical paper. From that paper he earned a grant, making it possible for him to go on with his mathematical work. He continued working on his own and following his own paths. He thereby reached remarkable results. His famous sieve method has caused no lesss than a revolution in the research in number theory. It connects in an extremely profitable way old greek mathematics to present problems and ideas.

Brun was in every respect a humanist, for instance a pacifist. During the war he always did his best to help people who had been arrested by the nazis.

From the list of Brun’s papers (above) we can see his interest in history of mathematics, elementary mathematics, music, biology and, above all, a great view of how to present mathematics (and other things).

For his work in mathematics, history of mathematics and other things he has been honored in many different ways. Here the most natural thing to mention is the Gunnerus medal: In addition: Of other things: Honorary Doctor at the University of Hamburg, elected membership in several scientific societies etc.






