EpiJustInf: Risk in the information society: towards epistemic justice

EpiJustInf: Risk in the information society: towards epistemic justice

Two things are central to today’s societies: first, these societies are built on technologies, and second, knowledge is crucial in organizing these societies. However, if we look at what kind of knowledge is typically used in governing modern societies, we see a dominance of experts: people with the right diplomas get most opportunities to contribute their knowledge. When it comes to issues around complex technologies, this phenomenon becomes stronger, because the requirements for knowledge seem to become even more specific. And when we talk about technologies that are “critical” to the functioning of society, such as infrastructures and security systems, it gets even more explicit: not only should people have the right expertise, they also need to be trustworthy. This project investigates how the use of knowledge, especially knowledge that is not formally labeled as “expertise”, can be used in a fair and useful way in the making and managing of critical infrastructures, and the way they are made “secure”.

Funding: Forskningsrådet, Forskerprosjekt funded within the SAMRISK programme

Duration: 1/10/2020-31/3/2024