Velferd og ulikhet – Forskning – Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap
Velferd og ulikhet
Instituttet har omfattende forskningsaktivitet knyttet til studier av hvordan ressurser og muligheter er fordelt i samfunnet, både lokalt og globalt. Våre studier av velferd og ulikhet er i stor grad knyttet til helse, men også til arbeid, inntekt, utdanning, kjønn, familieforhold eller generell deltakelse i samfunnet.
Forskningsgrupper og prosjekter
- CHAIN - Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research
- Trade, Labour Markets and Health (2018-2022). Courtney McNamara
- Barndom, oppvekst, skole og ulikhet i Norden (Unequal Childhood) (2019-). Håkon Leiulfsrud
- Comparing the Organization of Durable Inequalities in Childhood: Inequality in childhoods, schools and associated welfare systems (CODIC)
- Health Inequalities in European Welfare States (2015-). Terje Andreas Eikemo.
- Kjønn og ulikhet
- New Theoretical Perspectives on the Nordic Model of work-family reconciliations (2013-2016). Elin Kvande
- Sosial ulikhet
For full oversikt over publikasjoner, se forskernes NTNU profiler. Dette er noen av de siste publikasjonene innenfor velferd og ulikhet:
- Rye, Johan Fredrik, Slettebak, Marie Holm (2020). The new geography of labour migration: EU11 migrants in rural Norway. Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 75, pp. 125-131.
- Rye, J.F. (2019): Transnational spaces of class. Migrants' multiple, inconsistent and instable locations in the class structure. Current Sociology 67(1), pp. 27-46.
- Rye, J.F, M.H. Slettebak and H. Bjørkhaug (2018): From Family to Domestic and Global Labour? A Decade of Proletarisation of Labour in the Norwegian Horticulture Industry. European Countryside, 10(4), s. 528-542
- Ronald Labonté, Eric Crosbie, Deborah Gleeson and Courtney McNamara (2019): USMCA (NAFTA 2.0): tightening the constraints on the right to regulate for public health. Globalization and Health.
- Oda Norheim og Pål Erling Martinussen (2019): Happiness and the role of social protection: how types of social spending affected individuals’ life satisfaction in OECD countries, 1980–2012. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy.
- Emil Øversveen, Ulla Forseth (2018): Fremmed i NAV. Arbeidslinja i praksis. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift.
- Rye, J.F, M.H. Slettebak and H. Bjørkhaug (2018): From Family to Domestic and Global Labour? A Decade of Proletarisation of Labour in the Norwegian Horticulture Industry. European Countryside, 10(4), s. 528-542
- Courtney McNamara, Marlen Toch-Marquardt, Erlend Løvø Fjær, Per Stornes, Mirza Balaj, Terje Andreas Eikemo (2017): Social Inequalities in Health and their Determinants. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 2017/27 - Supplement 1.
- Joakim Vogt Isaken og Aksel Tjora (2016): Pressens biologisering av ADHD. Sosiologisk tidsskrift.
- Aksel Tjora og Lisbeth Elvira Levang (2016): ADHD og det disiplinerte samfunn. Fagbokforlaget.
- Terje Eikemo,Tim Huijts, Clare Bambra, Courtney McNamara, Per Stornes og Mirza Balaj (2016): Social Inequalities in Health and their Determinants: Topline Results from Round 7 of the European Social Survey ;(2016). European Social Survey.
- Terje Eikemo, Clare Bambra, Tim Huijts og Rory Fitzgerald (2016): The First Pan-European Sociological Health Inequalities Survey of the General Population: The European Social Survey Rotating Module on the Social. European Sociological Review.
- Beckfield, Jason; Bambra, Clare; Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Huijts, Tim; McNamara, Courtney L.; Wendt, Claus (2015): An institutional theory of welfare state effects on the distribution of population health. Social Theory and Health.
- Courtney McNamara (2015): Trade liberalization, social policies and health: an empirical case study. Globalization and Health.
- Vera Skalicka, Kristen Ringdal og Margot I. Witvliet (2015): Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality and repeated measurement of explanatory risk factors in a 25 Years follow-up. PLOS ONE.
Kurs som undervises innenfor tema ulikhet og velferd:
- SOS3608 Sosial ulikhet i helse
- SOS3519 Internasjonale perspektiver på arbeid og velferdsstat
- SOS3521 Ulikhet, velferd og integrer1ing