


Om forskningsgruppen

Om forskningsgruppen

Etnografi er en tverrfaglig forskningsgruppe som jobber med etnografisk praksis og teoretisering på tvers av mange ulike disipliner, forskningstema og prosjekter. Gruppen støtter og utforsker etnografi både som metoder (feltarbeid, deltagende observasjon og assosierte teknikker), som sjangre i tekst og andre uttrykksformer, og som tilnærming til teoretisk arbeid og analyse. Medlemmer av gruppen reflekterer stor variasjon i faglig bakgrunn og inkluderer antropologi og sosiologi, statsvitenskap og idrettsvitenskap, teknologistudier, og media og kommunikasjonsvitenskap. 

Tema: Etnografi

Utvalgte prosjekter

  • Ethnographic research in control rooms and centers of coordination (e.g. emergency call centrals, and space operations), as well as in other industrial contexts (Petter Grytten Almklov)
  • State-society relations from a comparative perspective. Her research projects involved ethnographic field work in in China, Germany and the UK (Katja Levy).
  • Ethnography and social practice art: Multimodal attentions and art-anthropology collaborative experiments for social change (Emil A. Røyrvik)
  • Organizing otherwise: Ethnography of alternativity and possibility in the age of polycrisis (Emil A. Røyrvik)
  • Suffering and suspense among Roma in Bulgaria: Extended liminality and specters of expulsion (Emil A. Røyrvik) 
  • Height, speed, reach – Airpower caught between administration and defense
    • This project investigates organizational restructuring and change in the Norwegian Air Force. It develops new knowledge of why the need for change arises, which assessments initiate the restructuring processes and which organizational ideas (or concepts) are chosen and why. A central question is in what ways the organizational changes that are being made in the Norwegian Air Force are characterized by global organizational ideas and how they are adopted and translated locally. (Gunhild Foss Heggem, PhD project)
  • Gender, leadership and governance in sport organizations (Lucy Piggott)
  • Borderlands, mobility and the war. Exploring how the everyday aspects of mobility in borderlands regions in Northern Norway and Eastern Poland are affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. (Jakub Stachowski)
    • The project examines the perspectives of both long-term and relatively newly-arrived local residents and considers such elements as changing relationships between people on different sides of national borders, negotiations of local identities and role of collective memory 
  • Social life in the city.
    • The PhD project is part of the interdisciplinary project Mobility Lab Stor-Trondheim, which searches for innovative solutions for sustainable urban space and mobility. Ethnographic research is conducted both through (1) the experiences of those who live, travel and work there, and (2) the processes linked to how the social city is planned and negotiated between politics, public administration and private development. 


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