Marine Mineral Resources - IGV
Marine Mineral Resources
This pre-project aim at identifying knowledge and research needs related to marine mineral resources in Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone (Norwegian EEZ) and look into technologies on how to identify, explore and sample such deposits. Main focus will be on seafloor massive sulphide (SMS) deposits.
Norway manage one of the largest maritime zones in the world. The Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) extends through large parts of the Northwestern part of the Norwegian territory. Previous completed and ongoing national and international research programs and exploraiton activities in the MAR-area, have documented the existence of mineral deposits. Globally there is an increased demand for mineral resources. NTNU has therefore launched this project to look into the mineral resource potential.
The project aims at running some initial processing tests, doing a model based resource assessment to quantify the resource potential and to analyze bathymetric data to generate probability maps identifying zones with high and low probability of deposit occurrence. This work and other state-of-the-art presentations will be summarized at an international workshop in 2014 and published in a monograph.