Vann- og avløpsteknikk

Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk

Vann- og avløpsteknikk

Dusjhode snudd oppned, vannet er på. Foto.

Vann- og avløpsteknikk

Alt vann kan gjøres gullende rent. Vi finner balansen mellom hva som er teknisk mulig å oppnå når det gjelder vannrensing, i forhold til kostnad.

Vannrensegruppen er en eksperimentelt orientert forskningsgruppe sammensatt av forskere fra Institutt for vann- og miljøteknikk og SINTEFs avdeling for Vann og miljø. Mesteparten av forskningsaktiviteten er orientert mot utvikling av nye renseprosesser og optimalisering av renseprosesser for

  • drikkevann
  • industrielt prosessvann (f.eks. innen fiskeoppdrett)
  • kommunalt og industrielt avløpsvann
  • slambehandling



Klima 2050 - Risk reduction through climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure

StopUP - The main goal of this EU project is to minimise pollution from urban runoff by better understanding pollutant sources and pathways. In particular, StopUP will equip drainage engineers and supporting experts with better solutions for managing urban surface water runoff, while taking into account the project pressures due to climate change.

The SESSILE project aims to develop environmental sustainable optimized operation of premise plumbing that ensures a safe reduction of Legionella bacteria in existing and new buildings.  

WRF -Legionella - Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Flushing for Reducing the Levels of Legionella in Service Lines and Premise Plumbing.

WIDER UPTAKE aims to facilitate industrial symbiosis as a means to increase resource efficiency, limit emissions and develop sustainable business based on water-smart solutions.


Treatment of Road Water from Tunnel Washing and Run-Off (TRANSPORT 2025; 303712, NRC founded). TreatRW aims to find technically feasible  and economically and ecologically meaningful treatments for road water from tunnel washing and run-off.

ULTIMATE aims to create economic value and increase sustainability by valorising resources within the water cycle.  


B-WaterSmart - The aim is to accelerate the transformation to water-smart economies and societies in coastal Europe and beyond by reducing the use of freshwater resources, improving the recovery and reuse of resources, and increase water use efficiency.




Tone Merete Muthanna