Aksjon for bærekraftig utvikling

Aksjon for bærekraftig utvikling


Illustrative photo sustainable manufacturing

Klimakrisen og tap av biologisk mangfold er blant signalene som må tas på alvor. Vi mangler fortsatt skikkelige løsninger for å skape en mer bærekraftig verden. Det er måten vi trenger; Innovasjonsaksjon for bærekraftsmålene! Studenten får komme med sin ene idé - Basert på FNs bærekraftsmål og inspirerende forelesninger. 

Relevant kompetanse

Denne landsbyen tar imot kunnskap fra ulike vitenskaper, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til: Materialer, Informasjonssikkerhet, Bærekraftig produksjon, IKT, Menneske-maskin interaksjon, Design, Økonomi, Pedagogikk Logistikk, Kunst, Organisasjoner, Læring og Kunnskap, Helse, Psykologi, Humaniora, Ingeniørfag generelt, Entreprenører, så alle masterstudenter ved NTNU er relevante. Her trenger vi tverrfaglighet for å lykkes. 

Research questions the student groups may use as a starting points and inspiration 
United Nations UN Do you know all 17 SDGs?
Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals! 
Urgent solutions for urgent times

Om landsbyen

Research environments, links to web pages and other sources of information that may elaborate on the theme.

Innovation pilot IVB Michael Cheffena 
Sustainable Manufacturing Niels Peter Østbø wiki-page on Industry 4.0 Education
Sustainability assessment Ecodesign (LCA, LCC, SD) Lizhen Huang
Project Work: Nina Tvenge
Smart City Smart Gjøvik - Gjøvik commune

Muligheter for arbeid på eksisterende prosjekt

Mission Mjøsa Digital Mjøsa - Oppdrag Mjøsa Jørn Wroldsen

ASEMlab - Laboratory of Advanced and Sustainable Engineering Materials (asemlab.no) Research Group Sustainable Composites Smart features of polymer composites, natural (green) materials, recycling, sustainability & durability aspects in aerospace, energy, automotive and infrastructure applications. Sotirios Grammatikos

Formalized cooperation between the County Municipality and NTNU (as of May 2022)

Cyberland, Industrial innovation and digitalisation, Master in large wooden constructions
Research center for mechanical industry and biomaterials, Mobility and infrastructure
Potential external partners: SFI = Center for research-driven innovation, SFI Manufacturin is managed from Sintef in Raufoss, SFI NORCICS is managed from NTNU in Gjøvik.

Expectations of the students in the village

To get the project approved the students must identify and implement an interdisciplinary development project that satisfies the requirements. 

Idea development: use what everyone in the group has in terms of experience, education, resources, network, what can you/the group create with this? (Effectuation)

Project management ORPI: Objective: define what is to be done. Role: who does what (tasks) Procedures: how the work is to be carried out (rules, norms and routines) Interpersonal relationships: cooperation, agreement, how to handle personal conflicts/emotions. (EIT)
Sustainable impact assessment:  The project's innovation effect impact on society, the environment, and the economy. If implementation what happens? 

Requirements: identify positive contributions to the UN sustainability goals in the Anthropocene! (Anthropocene era with human influence) Describe how this is useful to society.
The implementation follows the EIT's overall plan with recommendations and requirements given by the EIT.


  • Emnekode: TØL4025
  • Type: Langsgående virtuell
  • Språk: Norsk
  • Landsbyleder: Jo Sterten
  • Kontaktinformasjon: jo.sterten@ntnu.no
  • Undervises: Vår 2025
  • Sted: Online
  • Vertsfakultet: IV

Landsbyen er en del av Virtuelle Eksperter i team (VEiT), som handler om å få kunnskap om, og videreutvikle, virtuelle EiT-landsbyer. Her er det studenter fra alle studiebyene.

Landsbyen er hel-digital. Det innebærer at all undervisning og alt gruppearbeid foregår ved hjelpe av digitale samhandlingsverktøy. Kamera og mikrofon er nødvendig for å kunne delta.

Undervisning og gruppemøter foregår i tidsrommet 08.00-16.00 hver onsdag. Individuelt arbeid utover dette må også påregnes.

How do I register for EiT?

Important information about EiT

Important information about EiT:

  • The focus on teamwork skills and group processes is the unique feature of Experts in Teamwork (EiT)
  • EiTs teaching methods depend on the contribution and presence of every participant throughout the semester. For this reason, attendance is compulsory on every village day.
  • In contrast to many courses, the first few days are especially important in EiT. During this period, get to know each other and discuss what each individual can contribute. You will also draw up the compulsory cooperation agreement and start preparing a shared research question.
  • For additional information about Experts in Teamwork, see page for students