UBedu Ukategorisert

A brand new learning platform for medicine and health

Welcome to ClinicalKey Student, our brand new learning platform for medicine and health. ClinicalKey contains more than 250 popular text books, 850 videos, 85 0000 pictures and 1500 clinical summaries from the publisher Elsevier.

Academic writing UBedu

Øya: Skrivepress – structured time for writing

“Skrivepress” is structured time for writing, based on the concept Shut Up & Write. Bring your article, thesis, book draft, or whatever you are working on.

Illustration with hands writing on keyboard and watch
Academic writing Literature searching Reference management UBedu

Øya: Writers Evening – with lecture by Menno Witter

Do you find it hard to find relevant literature or get started on your writing? Are you facing the deadline for your thesis and need some advice on structure or citation? Join us for an evening of writing and support at the Medicine and Health Library! 

Academic writing Courses Literature search Medicine and Health Library Publishing Research

Open courses in English from the Medicine and Health Library Spring 2019

Our open courses this semester are now available in our course page. We have courses in English in PubMed searching, advanced searching for PhD-students and EndNote. This semester we also offer courses in academic writing. For a list of all our courses you can go to the Norwegian course page.

Academic writing Literature search Publishing Research

A ‘new’ PhD on Track

PhD on Track is a web resource aimed primarily at PhD candidates and early career researchers. The ambition is to provide an accessible point of departure for beginning researchers related to searching and reviewing scholarly literature, academic writing, and sharing and publishing reports and data. In this blog post we present some of the recent changes and revisions.