EndNote Reference management

Standard journal abbreviations with EndNote

It is common in medical and health science publications that the reference list should only list abbreviated names of journals, preferably according to the Index Medicus standard. Here we demonstrate how you can get journal abbreviations automatically using your EndNote library.

Courses Literature search Literature searching Medicine and Health Library Research UBedu

Writing Evening in the Library March 1st

Do you find it hard to get started on your writing? Are you facing the deadline for your thesis and need some advice on structuring, language or technical support? Join us for an evening of writing and workshops at the Medicine and Health Library March 1st from 2.30pm to 7pm!

Global health Online lectures Research St Olavs hospital UBedu

Equality Week: Revisited

February 5-9th was LikeverdUKA / Equality Week at our library in cooperation with Marianne Eidem Fostervold, Counselor in Equal Health Services, at the Chaplaincy at St. Olavs Hospital.

Databases Literature searching Medicine and Health Library Publishing Research

New database: Physical Education Index

The library is happy to announce that we again provide access to the database Physical Education Index. You can find it in our list of reccommended databases, or by searching for databases in The database covers movement science, a wide variety of sport activities, as well as teaching and training within these fields.

Literature search Medicine and Health Library UBedu

How to use the new Oria

Not quite familiar with the new version of Oria? Problems with ordering documents?

Watch the video on how to order documents in the new version of Oria. Subtitled in English.