Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Konferanser UBedu UBrss

Museums in Covid19 times-and the EU versus Virus challenge!

EU announced a Hackathon on solutions during the ongoing pandemic, for Museum and culture institutions that are severely affected: Across Europe, Covid-19 has forced the complete or partial closure of over 90% of museums and heritage sites. The shut-down affects the survival of these institutions, but also visitors and guides. We participated at the EUvsVIRUS Hackathon a weekend (22-24.04.2020) with a clear dedication to creating solutions to the problem. Our project won the Challenge on Social & Political Cohesion – Support arts & entertainment.

Our project GuideYourGuide, proposes the creation of a interactive real- time visit for the ones unable to enjoy cultural experiences because of the current situation. Our platform can provide support and work with Tour guides that are losing their jobs, left without contracts and seeing their livelihoods threatened. With GuideYourGuide heritage sites or museum collections can provide an alternative tour experience. The institutions can publish a list of potential tours which will be implemented by their accredited tour guides, maintaining their high quality offers.

Currently, some of the measures are being lifted and we see cultural institutions reopen bit by bit. Furthermore, measures vary drastically from country to country. However, it will still take a long time before we go back to experiencing our European heritage in the same way as we used to.

After all, European culture is what unites us, what gives us purpose. Being stimulated by art and culture is of utmost importance for mental health and our collective well-being. By fostering social cohesion, we ensure societies’ resilience in times of crisis. To this aim, we found an inclusive, equal, accessible and sustainable solution.

Our participation at both events organised by EU has allowed us to grow as a team, pitch our ides to professionals find interested investors and proceed to an incubation training. A long ride that gave us an insight in the way initiatives, vision and ideas can become established projects and contribute to problem solving initiatives. An enriching working process in a Pan-European frame with the support of EU-Comissioner Mariya Gabriel and an amazing team of volunteers.

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LETS FLY Guys https://lnkd.in/gbM-q3i
With Paul Fabel Fabrizio Gramuglio Emma Jackson Inka Helin Danche Bakeva Luka Kopajtič Emanuele Briano Pedro Ferreira Ivan Minguez Guillem Alexander Suchy

#guides #culturalheritage #euvsvirus #artsandculture

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi UBedu UBrss

Neste seminar om akademisk skriving 21.2.2019

Neste seminar 21.februar klokka 15.00 til 16.00

«Teoriarbeidet i et forskningsprosjekt»  med Erik Gustav Gullikstad Karlsaune, Emeritus, Institutt for filosofi og religionsvitenskap

Erik Karlsaune

Foredraget tar først for seg helheten i det prosjektet en forsker arbeider med – med utgangspunkt i forskeren selv. Deretter vil vi fokusere spesielt på teorisiden av arbeidet og hva teori i praksis er. Der er teori det perspektivet forskeren har. Dessuten gir teorien en verktøykasse av nyttige begreper som forskeren tar i bruk når det materialet som er samlet skal analyseres.

Foredraget tar videre mer konkret opp teorien i «The Social Construction of Reality» av Berger & Luckmann. De demonstrerer nettopp: 1) et perspektiv (klart menneskelig) og 2) et godt forråd av begreper til bruk i rekonstruksjon av aktivitet og tenkning i den kulturen materialet er hentet fra. 


Seminaret holdes på Gunnerusbiblioteket på Kalvskinnet

Alle er velkommen!

Dette er for alle studenter som trenger tips og motivasjon til å skrive akademiske tekster. Seminaret tok også opp grunnleggende element i oppbyggingen av en akademisk tekst.

Ansvarlig Alexandra Angeletaki.

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi Konferanser UBedu UBrss

Frie seminarer

Seminarene tar opp grunnleggende elementer i oppbyggingen av en akademisk tekst på nivå med en masteroppgave eller et akademisk artikkel.

en del andre temaer blir belyst også som f. Eksempel::

  • Open Access til inspirasjon
  • Digital humaniora forskning og verktøy et nytt disiplin
  • Latin og gammel gresk i dagens forskning.
  • Intro i bruken av primærkilder og arkivteoretiske perspektiv og analysemetoder som kan brukes i tverrfaglige forskningsprosjekter.
  • Intro i sosialantropologiske metoder som støtte for teori og forskning.
  • EU og Forskningsrådet søknadsprosess belyst av vellykkede prosjekter som har fått finansiering. (belyst fra humanistiske fags sin vinkel)
  • Data workshops for ikke ingeniører.

For studenter fra Arkeologi, Arkivfag, Kulmin,Museumssektor, Lingvistikk, Litteraturforskning, Historie IKT, medieverden.

Her er lenken til presentasjonen fra 31.1.2019 med Birgitta Berglund, Emerita i arkeologi.

Neste seminar er 21.3.2019 med Gustav Erik Gullikstd Karlsaunne Emeritus i Religions Sosiologi med tema: Teoriarbeidet i et forskningsprosjekt»

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi UBedu UBrss

Vi er her for deg! At the library desk you can get all the help you need!

Kanskje lurer du på hvordan du:

– Finner pensum?
– Søker etter bøker og artikler?
– Finner relevante kilder til oppgaven din?
– Får tilgang til digitale artikler og bøker hjemmefra?
– Refererer til en artikkel eller en nettside i oppgaven?
– Lager referanseliste?

Lurer du på noe helt annet? Bare spør!
Vi har dyktige ansatte som gjerne hjelper deg.

Stikk innom ditt nærmeste bibliotek.

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi UBedu UBrss

A 3D model of the oldest room of Gunnerus library presented at Sketchfab

The Knudtzon Room is to be found at the Gunnerus Library; one of the NTNU University branch libraries in Trondheim, Norway with the book collection of Broder Lysholm Knudtzon (1788 -1864), a rich merchant from Trondheim. The collection was bequeathed to the Royal Society of Sciences and Letters (DKNVS) in 1864 together with the book-shelves and sculptures by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844), the famous Danish sculptor.

The model which is now uploaded at Sketchfab, was delivered by Research Engineer Andrew Woods, head of the Curtin University HIVE (Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch), Dr Andrew Woods has made immense contributions to research and community through his development and utilisation of 3D technologies.

Dr Woods had a lecture for our library on the 14th of June where he presented some of the collaborative research Projects he has been leading to advance the knowledge and research in a range of Fields, using 3D technologies . In 2015 he led the development of the deep-water 3D imaging system used to survey two well-known shipwrecks off the coast of Australia, the HMAS Sydney (II) and the German Raider HSK Kormoran which he also presnted at a major Conference organised in Trondheim the same period.

«The innovative project involved the design and development of a specialist deep-water lighting and camera system, and a surface control room. Dr Woods and his team collected more than 500,000 images and 300 hours of high-definition video from the two wrecks. The data is providing new insight into deep-water ecology and processes across a range of research disciplines, and will also be used to produce cultural heritage exhibitions and projects with the WA Museum. Dr Woods was recognised as one of Australia’s Most Innovative Engineers for 2017 for his key work in the project.

He has also received a Commendation award in the Western Australian Heritage Awards 2017 for his contribution to the history of WA through his role in the Historical Panoramas project. Dr Woods used visualisation technologies to showcase panoramic pictures of Perth and Fremantle dating back as far as the 1860s, and juxtaposed them with modern-day views, allowing viewers to take a virtual tour of the transformation of their cities.(www.curtinnovation.com/project/dr-andrew-woods visited 4.7.18).

Our University Library has really been glad to host a lecture from Dr Woods and we look forward to further collaborations.


Alexandra Angeletaki




Arkeolog, sosialantropologi UBedu UBrss

Endringer i klarering av kompendier og bruk av bokutdrag / Changes regarding digital compendia and use of excerpts from books

   Kopiert fra innsida

  • 11.jan.2017 15:22

Endringer i klarering av kompendier og bruk av bokutdrag / Changes regarding digital compendia and use of excerpts from books

Alle bokutdrag som deles ut som kopi eller formidles digitalt til studenter i et emne skal klareres mot Kopinor for bruk. Dette inngår i gjeldende Kopinor-avtale. 

  • Bokhylle
    Bøker, bokhylle, åpen samling, Gunnerusbiblioteket, NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket, NTNU University Library

    Alle bokutdrag (uavhengig av antall) som deles i et emne skal klareres mot Kopinor for bruk. Dette gjelder både papir og digitalt

  • Tidsskriftartikler trenger ikke klarering


  • Alle ansatte ved NTNU skal klarere og produsere kompendier og bokutdrag digitalt gjennom NTNU Grafisk senter.
  • Det kan hentes utdrag fra bøker på opptil 15% av sidetallet.
  • Mer enn 15% kan medføre lengre tid for klarering, høyere kostnader og mulig avslag.


Digital deling

  • Digitale kompendier og bokutdrag legges som før i emnerommet hvor kun de emnepåmeldte studentene har tilgang.
  • Ikke slett filene etter endt semester. Disse kan nå bli liggende for å sikre tilgang for de samme studentene ved evt. fornyet eksamen
  • Gjenbruk ved nytt semester og nye studenter krever ny klarering.

Mer informasjon om produksjon av kompendier og utlevering bokutdrag finner du her.



Ved spørsmål ta kontakt med Harald Bøhn.


All book excerpts that are handed out to students or shared digitally must be registered with Kopinor (via NTNU Grafisk Senter). That is the current Kopinor agreement. 

  • All book excerpts (even if it’s only one) handed out or shared digitally must be registered with Kopinor
  • Journal articles do not need to be registered.


  • All compendia and book excerpts must be registered via NTNU Grafisk Senter.
  • NTNU Grafisk Senter will produce the digital compendia for all employees at NTNU.
  • Limit book excerpts to max. 15% of the total page number of the source book.
  • Excerpts over 15% can result in prolonged processing time, higher costs or refusal.


Digital publishing

  • Digital compendia or book excerpts may be published in the subject room for the eLS, with access for students enrolled in the subject.
  • Do not deleted these filesat the end of term.This allows for continued access for students enrolled in the subject who may need to re-take the exam.
  • If compendia or book excerpts are to be used for a later term with new students, it must be registered again with NTNU Grafisk Senter.


For more information see checklist for making a compendium.



If you have questions, contact Harald Bøhn.

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi UBedu

Symposium in New Media,Technology, and the Humanities 14-15 March 2016, Trondheim, Norway


futururescapesbildeThe Faculty of the Humanities at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is pleased to announce a two-day Symposium in New Media,Technology, and the Humanities organized in connection with the Meta.Morf Art +Technology Biennale which is devoted to the technology of outer space and interstellar travel.

Read more here:http://typecraft.org/tc2wiki/Futurescapes

Futurescapes shares the Biennale’s interest in interplanetarity, time, and the cosmic beyond, and in humans who dream, invent, construct, and destroy their way into the future. Specifically, the Symposium will explore new locations and entanglements of the humanities and technology, and offer a place for diverse scholars and educators to showcase their cosmic or future-oriented work across disciplinary boundaries. But, we will also learn new methodologies and interrogate critically how and with what tools humanists and technologists communicate with each other, think big ideas, and make things. Finally, we want Futurescapes to address the ethical, legal, and political implications of such work, and how it bears on the futures of our diverse fields.

On the 14th of March 2016 you can book a room in the Gunnerus library in Kalvskinnet to showcase your project! Contact us in this mail Alexandra.angeletaki@ub.ntnu.no


Submissions of Abstracts & Proposals

We invite Paper or Mixed-Media Project Abstracts, Proposals for Mini Workshops, and Proposals for Lightning Shorts. Please email them together with 100-word bios stating your academic affiliation and research interests to futurescapes@hf.ntnu.no.

Abstracts of up to 500 words should be sent by November 30, 2015. Your presentations/talks should be no longer than 20 minutes and should acknowledge the interdisciplinary character of Futurescapes.

Proposals for Mini Workshops of up to 250 words should be sent by November 15, 2015. Your workshop proposals should introduce specific tools or interdisciplinary methodologies (for instance content and metadata annotation, data visualization/sonification tools, etc.) but also explain what kinds of research or pedagogical projects can be accomplished using these tools. Please be specific about the kinds of resources you will need to run your session.

Proposals for Lightning Shorts of up to 250 wordsshould be sent by November, 30 2015. Your Lightning Shorts micro talk/presentations (5-8 minutes) should introduce novel research, teaching, or digital humanities projects that sit at the intersections of new media, technology, science, and the humanities. PhD and MA students are particularly welcome to showcase their work.

Symposium Logistics

When: March 14-15, 2016 & Where: the Dragvoll Campus, KiT Gallery, The Gunnerus Archives, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.

(Note that the Biennale opens on March 12. If you are interested in attending its opening events, plan to arrive in Trondheim during the weekend.)

Day 1: March 14, 2016

Dragvoll, 9.30-15.00: Plenary talk by Kari Krauss; panel talks, lightning shorts

Gunnerus Library Archive, 16.00-18.00: 3D tour at the MuBil Laboratory led by Alexandra Angeletaki

Day 2: March 15, 2016

Dragvoll, 9.30- 17.00: Plenary talk by Tobias Blanke; training sessions; lightning shorts

KiT Gallery, 19.00: Concluding remarks & Meta.Morf/Futurescapes Farewell Social Mixer. Soundscapes constructed by Frank Ekeberg

More details coming soon.

Organizers, Sponsors, & Partners

Futurescapes is organized by Dorothee Beermann, Professor of Linguistics and Hanna Musiol, Associate Professor of English, in partnership with Kunstakademiet i Trondheim (KiT), Meta.Morf, and Trondheim Electronic Arts Center (TEKS).The event is supported by the Institute for Language and Literature, The Humanities Faculty at NTNU, and NTNU libraries, Gunnerus branch.

Konferanser UBedu

CYARK 500 summit in Berlin 19 og 20 October for archaeologists.

CyArk was founded in 2003 to ensure heritage sites are available to future generations, while making them uniquely accessible today. CyArk operates internationally as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the mission of using new technologies to create a free, 3D online library of the world’s cultural heritage sites before they are lost to natural disasters, destroyed by human aggression or ravaged by the passage of time. CyArk uses cutting edge technology to capture detailed 3D representations of world’s significant cultural heritage sites before they are lost to natural disasters, destroyed by human aggression or ravaged by the passage of time. Mer her