Arkeologi UBrss

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Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi

Ancient Thessaloniki ruins threatened by metro line!

Read more at: https://parallaximag.gr/thessaloniki/archaiotites-ora-na-strepsoume-to-vlemma-tis-polis-pros-ta-kato

Archaeologists in Greece have always been fighting to preserve ancient ruins, traditional architecture and the cultural landscape. A history of people behind the scenes that is very rarely told dedicated to their call of duty have been threatened and drawn to lawsuits by the governments. Its a story of public servant disobedience but for the greater good. Opposed by governments and citizens at first many of these professional archaeologist have been awarded honors and their fights. They have been justified, years later protecting most of the wonderful sites and areas of modern Greek cities and towns, ancient sites, traditional architecture with strict laws and effective control. That was the reason Mykonos, Monemvasia, Santorini, Medieval Rhodes the area around Acropolis were not covered by cement and asphalt and remained as we know them today. The result we see now as the become drowned by visitors every year. At the same time nature has been preserved along in all these wonderful ancient cites as Vergina, Messini, Olympia, Delfi, Dodoni. The Greek Archaeological public service had to fight with governments through history against corruption and destruction. Years ago a new battle started with the excavations taken by the Archaeologists under the modern city of Thessaloniki. The new finds have revealed a network of streets, shops, houses under the heart of the today’s city, and a quarrel between the government and the archaeological service and residents of Thessaloniki has been ongoing the last five years. Valuable documents, which run more than 25 centuries along the 9.6 kilometers of the Metro line from Pylea to the New Station, in the period preceding the city’s founding in 315 BC. from Kassandros, the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine years, the Ottoman period to modern times and the 1917 Fire. Renowned archaeologists and the Greek Archaeological Association are still defending the preservation in situ of ancient Thessaloniki which could be become agreat archaeological site for world visitors with 300.000 finds. They argue that they should not be moved, the metro line should. Architects, and even representatives of the technical world, have expressed their opposition to the solution of the moving of antiquities with a long list of scientific arguments.

The extend and the value of this finds do not have a price but is of great importance. Business cannot be the only priority. Preserving the past has been a diachronic great value that cannot be compared to the modern economic development.  Preserving the past has been a value that has a price only at the illicit antiquities market!

Help the Greek archaeologists by signing the avaaz petition

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi Konferanser UBedu UBrss

Frie seminarer

Seminarene tar opp grunnleggende elementer i oppbyggingen av en akademisk tekst på nivå med en masteroppgave eller et akademisk artikkel.

en del andre temaer blir belyst også som f. Eksempel::

  • Open Access til inspirasjon
  • Digital humaniora forskning og verktøy et nytt disiplin
  • Latin og gammel gresk i dagens forskning.
  • Intro i bruken av primærkilder og arkivteoretiske perspektiv og analysemetoder som kan brukes i tverrfaglige forskningsprosjekter.
  • Intro i sosialantropologiske metoder som støtte for teori og forskning.
  • EU og Forskningsrådet søknadsprosess belyst av vellykkede prosjekter som har fått finansiering. (belyst fra humanistiske fags sin vinkel)
  • Data workshops for ikke ingeniører.

For studenter fra Arkeologi, Arkivfag, Kulmin,Museumssektor, Lingvistikk, Litteraturforskning, Historie IKT, medieverden.

Her er lenken til presentasjonen fra 31.1.2019 med Birgitta Berglund, Emerita i arkeologi.

Neste seminar er 21.3.2019 med Gustav Erik Gullikstd Karlsaunne Emeritus i Religions Sosiologi med tema: Teoriarbeidet i et forskningsprosjekt»

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi UBedu UBrss

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Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi UBrss

Open Access på NTNU

Kulturminnestudenter jobber foran pc'erThis week is dedicated to open Access, all researchers and students are welcome to all the libraries to learn about the possibilities that the NTNU Open Access gives!



Onsdag 24. oktober

Biblioteket Dragvoll: kl.11.30-12.00; Kan vi demme opp for røvertidsskrift?
Anne Kristine Børresen, dekan ved HF-fakultetet og leder av Det nasjonale publiseringsutvalget
» Arrangementet blir streamet på vår Facebookside.


Program International Open Access Week 2018


Åpent kontor – Hjelp til forskere med spørsmål om OA


Åpen publisering ved NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket

NTNUs visjon «Kunnskap for en bedre verden» og NTNUs publiseringspolitikk 2014 – 2020 har kunnskapsfellesskapet og den globale kunnskapsutviklingen som utgangspunkt. Universitetsbiblioteket bidrar med infrastruktur slik at kunnskapen som utvikles ved NTNU kan publiseres åpent (grønn eller gull Open Access) i tråd med krav i NTNUs publiseringspolitikk.

Bibliotekets publiseringsgruppe koordinerer:

NTNUs publikasjoner blir fritt tilgjengelig på internett ved at:

  • Masteroppgaver arkiveres og de fleste studenter velger å publisere dem åpent i NTNU Open
  • Doktoravhandlinger arkiveres og mange publiseres helt eller delvis åpent i NTNU Open
  • Vitenskapelige artikler, rapporter, kapitler og bøker egenarkiveres av forskere via CRIStin
  • Vitenskapelige artikler publiseres i åpne tidsskrifter med støtte fra NTNUs publiseringsfond

Mer informasjon og brukerstøtte er tilgjengelig på Innsida:

08. februar 2018


Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi Konferanser UBrss

Introducing Research Practices and Tools for Digital Humanities.

The Gunnerus library is inviting Archaeology students to a Research seminar on various tools that are used in archaeological research, no previous knowledge required, bring your pc or mac.

1st November 2018 at Gunnerus library, Kalvskinnet campus, info:here

Register at alexandra.angeletaki@ntnu.no

S3: 3D modelling workflow Workshop: The 3D modeling workflow workshop will demonstrate the process of making 3D models with the photogrammetry method. A selected object will be photographed on a turntable, and the workflow from a collection of pictures to a complete 3D model will be demonstrated. If time allows, a small animation with the 3D model can be created.

With Dag-Øyvind Solem (NIKU) , who completed his master’s degree in 2005, and has mostly worked as field archaeologist since. In Norway, he has been  working for NIKU and for several of the district museums and county municipalities. In addition, he has  participated in excavations in Ireland and Greece and has worked for a shorter period of time with LIDAR and Askeladden for Nord-Trøndelag County Municipality. Now he works as a professional consultant regarding digital documentation for NIKU in Trondheim


at 13.30-15.30

Participants: max. 15

Requirements: Bring your own laptop

Venue: Lysholmbygget LY45, Kalvskinnet campus


S4: Workshop: Immersive Technologies (VR/AR) for learning 

Immersive technologies, as an umbrella term for virtual, augmented reality and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR), have had an explosive development in recent years and open great opportunities in the context of education and training. This workshop provides an introduction to how these technologies afford immersive, adaptive and explorative learning spaces, well suited for developing high-impact pedagogies. The participants will be able to explore virtual museums and labs, walk the streets of ancient cities, dive to the bottom of the sea and visit Machu Picchu or International Space Station in VR.

The workshop is held by Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland is Professor at the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning at NTNU.

at 14.00-15.30 in small groups

Venue: VR lab Dragvoll campus

S5: Web-Mapping, Web GIS and Visualization of Geospatial Data

This workshop comprises two parts. In the first (2 hrs), participants will be introduced to the idea of online mapping and GIS, and will get the chance to create their own online maps using platforms such as ArcGIS online and CARTO Builder. Through hands on applications participants will also be introduced to  javascript mapping libraries  such as Mapbox.js and OpenLayers , geospatial data format GeoJSON  and the idea of version controlling geospatial datasets. In the second part (2 hrs), the basics of visualising geospatial datasets using Phyton and R languages will be introduced.

Basic knowledge of geographical information systems and related concepts such as vector and raster data structures is necessary for this workshop.

The participants should download and install Sublime Text 3 (https://www.sublimetext.com/3), Phyton (https://www.python.org/downloads/) and R beforehand. For R, participants should choose the right “CRAN mirror” here (https://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html) to start the installation by choosing a location closest to them.

Piraye Haciguzellerwith Piraye Hacıgüzeller  a postdoctoral research assistant at the Archaeology Department of Ghent University and the Ghent Center for Digital Humanities. She has a BSc degree in civil engineering (METU, Turkey), an MA degree in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology (KU Leuven) and a PhD in archaeology (UcL). Since 2003, she worked as a geospatial data manager and analyst in several archaeological research projects in the eastern Mediterranean. She has carried out postdoctoral research on the archaeological applications of GIS and digital mapping at KU Leuven and the University of Oxford. She is currently coordinating all activities related to geospatial information at the Ghent Center for Digital Humanities, while continuing her research on critical mapping and critical GIS, spatial at analysis and new knowledge politics in the digital age within the Department of Archaeology.

at 13.30-17.30

Venue: Kalvkinnet campus, Gunnerus library room 128

Kalvskinnet Campus, Gunnerus library and Lysholmbuilding

A DH seminar is organised by NTNU UB at Trondheim Norway the 1st and 2nd of November 2018, introducing Research Practices and Tools for Digital Humanities.

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Arkeologi UBedu UBrss

A 3D model of the oldest room of Gunnerus library presented at Sketchfab

The Knudtzon Room is to be found at the Gunnerus Library; one of the NTNU University branch libraries in Trondheim, Norway with the book collection of Broder Lysholm Knudtzon (1788 -1864), a rich merchant from Trondheim. The collection was bequeathed to the Royal Society of Sciences and Letters (DKNVS) in 1864 together with the book-shelves and sculptures by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844), the famous Danish sculptor.

The model which is now uploaded at Sketchfab, was delivered by Research Engineer Andrew Woods, head of the Curtin University HIVE (Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch), Dr Andrew Woods has made immense contributions to research and community through his development and utilisation of 3D technologies.

Dr Woods had a lecture for our library on the 14th of June where he presented some of the collaborative research Projects he has been leading to advance the knowledge and research in a range of Fields, using 3D technologies . In 2015 he led the development of the deep-water 3D imaging system used to survey two well-known shipwrecks off the coast of Australia, the HMAS Sydney (II) and the German Raider HSK Kormoran which he also presnted at a major Conference organised in Trondheim the same period.

«The innovative project involved the design and development of a specialist deep-water lighting and camera system, and a surface control room. Dr Woods and his team collected more than 500,000 images and 300 hours of high-definition video from the two wrecks. The data is providing new insight into deep-water ecology and processes across a range of research disciplines, and will also be used to produce cultural heritage exhibitions and projects with the WA Museum. Dr Woods was recognised as one of Australia’s Most Innovative Engineers for 2017 for his key work in the project.

He has also received a Commendation award in the Western Australian Heritage Awards 2017 for his contribution to the history of WA through his role in the Historical Panoramas project. Dr Woods used visualisation technologies to showcase panoramic pictures of Perth and Fremantle dating back as far as the 1860s, and juxtaposed them with modern-day views, allowing viewers to take a virtual tour of the transformation of their cities.(www.curtinnovation.com/project/dr-andrew-woods visited 4.7.18).

Our University Library has really been glad to host a lecture from Dr Woods and we look forward to further collaborations.


Alexandra Angeletaki