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A 3D model of the oldest room of Gunnerus library presented at Sketchfab

The Knudtzon Room is to be found at the Gunnerus Library; one of the NTNU University branch libraries in Trondheim, Norway with the book collection of Broder Lysholm Knudtzon (1788 -1864), a rich merchant from Trondheim. The collection was bequeathed to the Royal Society of Sciences and Letters (DKNVS) in 1864 together with the book-shelves and sculptures by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844), the famous Danish sculptor.

The model which is now uploaded at Sketchfab, was delivered by Research Engineer Andrew Woods, head of the Curtin University HIVE (Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch), Dr Andrew Woods has made immense contributions to research and community through his development and utilisation of 3D technologies.

Dr Woods had a lecture for our library on the 14th of June where he presented some of the collaborative research Projects he has been leading to advance the knowledge and research in a range of Fields, using 3D technologies . In 2015 he led the development of the deep-water 3D imaging system used to survey two well-known shipwrecks off the coast of Australia, the HMAS Sydney (II) and the German Raider HSK Kormoran which he also presnted at a major Conference organised in Trondheim the same period.

«The innovative project involved the design and development of a specialist deep-water lighting and camera system, and a surface control room. Dr Woods and his team collected more than 500,000 images and 300 hours of high-definition video from the two wrecks. The data is providing new insight into deep-water ecology and processes across a range of research disciplines, and will also be used to produce cultural heritage exhibitions and projects with the WA Museum. Dr Woods was recognised as one of Australia’s Most Innovative Engineers for 2017 for his key work in the project.

He has also received a Commendation award in the Western Australian Heritage Awards 2017 for his contribution to the history of WA through his role in the Historical Panoramas project. Dr Woods used visualisation technologies to showcase panoramic pictures of Perth and Fremantle dating back as far as the 1860s, and juxtaposed them with modern-day views, allowing viewers to take a virtual tour of the transformation of their cities.(www.curtinnovation.com/project/dr-andrew-woods visited 4.7.18).

Our University Library has really been glad to host a lecture from Dr Woods and we look forward to further collaborations.


Alexandra Angeletaki




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Alexandra Angeletaki is a classical archaeologist and has worked as a lecturer in archeology at NTNU since2001. For the last few years she has been involved in innovative dissemination DH projects and has worked with Museology and Digital Learning at NTNU University Library.
She is also responsible for library seminars and academic writing support for students in Kalvskinnet Campus.

Av Alexandra Angeletaki

Alexandra Angeletaki is a classical archaeologist and has worked as a lecturer in archeology at NTNU since2001. For the last few years she has been involved in innovative dissemination DH projects and has worked with Museology and Digital Learning at NTNU University Library.
She is also responsible for library seminars and academic writing support for students in Kalvskinnet Campus.

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