Making heat pumps hotter to reduce CO2 emissions
Food processing, battery production and other industriall processes all demand heating and cooling at the same time. Improving high temperature heat pumps will reduce both energy use and CO2 emissions for these and other industrial processes, and the objective of my PhD is to develop…
We need to find more efficient ways to recycle metals
Metals are less available than before, and a lot of them come from geopolitically critical areas. I investigate a way to make metal production more sustainable, through recycling. We have been facing the limits of growth for a long time, and that strongly affects the…
Spør en forsker: Hvorfor kan en flat stein sprette på vann?
Vi har mottatt dette spørsmålet via bloggen. Send gjerne ditt spørsmål til en forsker, du også! Spørsmål: Jeg har lest at steinens utforming, hastighet og rotasjon er viktig, og jeg skjønner at det er en vertikal og en horisontal kraft (tyngdekraft og bevegelsesenergi). Bevegelsesenergien har…
The lab-created colours inspired by feathers and soap bubbles
Birds, butterflies, and many other natural objects get their bright colours from intricate structures on their surfaces. Now researchers at NTNU have used the same principle to create colours with clay nanostructures.
Spør ein forskar: Går det å ete gammel vaniljekrem
Hei, eg har lært at vaniljekrem er ei matvare som er lett bederveleg matvare, altså ei matvare som enkelt vert dårleg.
Vaniljekrem vert kokt og tar livet av bakteriane. Då kan ein vel ikkje verte dårleg av vaniljekrem?
For kva hadde eigentleg skjedd om eg hadde sett ein bolle med vaniljekrem i 37 grader i to veker og så ete det etterpå. Ville det vore farleg om vaniljekremen hadde vore kokt før?
Er det eit trygt forsøk?
Saving up solar heat for cooking
Can you believe that during our series of tests, the maximum temperature reached so far is 173 degrees Celsius? Despite the challenges with the weather in Trondheim? My name is Casiana Blasius Lwiwa, and I started my PhD period at NTNU in 2019. The research…
Capturing CO2 from thermal power plants with a..bed of gravel?
To mitigate the effects of global warming, we need to change the way the world produces electricity. This will likely involve both more renewable energy in the grid and the capture of CO2 from power plants. I am researching how we can reliably capture CO2…
Fucoidan – The brown seaweed joker
Norway’s coastline stretches over 100 000 km, and along it grows massive amounts of brown seaweed, without a need for any agricultural land, fertilizers, or resources other than our ocean. What can we use it for? And more importantly, can we use all of it?
Accelerating Transition at NTNU Energy Transition Conference 2022
After 2 years of virtual NTNU Energy Transition Conference due to the pandemic, more than 700+ academics, industry representatives and policymakers from 30+ countries gathered physically in Trondheim to debate challenges and solutions for a just transition towards a future sustainable energy system. A group…
“Tries, (energy) conversions, and goals”: Q&A with Jacob Joseph Lamb
Jacob Lamb is an associate professor in sustainable energy systems in the department of energy and process engineering at NTNU. His research is focused on environmentally friendly energy storage technologies.
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