LNG: How to predict an explosive boiling accident
My PhD project is about making marine production and shipping of liquefied natural gas (LNG) safer. Natural gas is very important for the Norwegian economy. In fact it recently surpassed oil, making it Norway’s largest export in terms of revenue. While it is a fossil…
TEDx talk: The Carbon footprint of consumption
Did you remember to turn off the lights before leaving home? Did you cut your shower short this morning? While these issues are important in decreasing your carbon footprint, I argue that how you spend money is significantly more impactful: See also “Household consumption significant…
Ohma Electra – Gløshaugens skinnende stolthet!
Kommer du traskende opp høyskoleparken, svinger høyre om hovedbygget og legger i vei mot Elektrobygget, kommer du på kollisjonskurs med det vakre elektriske lokomotiv Ohma Electra. Det elskede blå lokomotivet er linjeforeningen Sanctus Omega Broderskab sin “maskot og ansikt utad”, og blir omtalt som “Ohma”…
Find something that moves, and simulate it!
The overall goal of the System Simulation course is to give the students exercise in model, program, simulate and analyze dynamical problems where multiple engineering fields are present. The course gives the students training in breaking down complex problems to simple model elements and formulate these mathematically. The course ends with a…
Knowledge, friendship and cooperation: NTNU and China
The energy challenge is a global problem that demands global solutions. A partnership between NTNU and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China that began in 2010 is an excellent example of exactly the kind of global cooperation the world needs to address this challenging problem….
The future of gas
Norway is a country rich in gas resources and an important supplier to the international energy market. The changes in the international energy market implies both challenges and opportunities. How can gas provide energy security in the global energy market? What are the research needs? The…
Variable renewables: Benefits outweigh costs
Replacing fossil fuel power with variable wind and solar power means that more energy storage and power transmission capabilities are necessary. Despite this, we find large climate benefits and a range of other pollution benefits of switching to renewables. The variability of wind and solar power…
Why I eat insects
This summer my fellow student at Industrial Ecology, Ida Hexeberg Rustad and I decided to found a company, Myldregard AS. The company is based on an idea we both have carried for years. Some would say that the concept is controversial and many have reacted…
Vannkraftsamarbeidet mellom NTNU og Kathmandu University
Mer enn et halvt år siden det kraftige jordskjelvet i Nepal dro vi ned for å besøke vår samarbeidspartner Kathmandu University (KU) for å feire 4-årsjubileet for søskenlaboratoriet til NTNUs Vannkraftlaboratorium. Samarbeidet mellom Department of Mechanical Engineering (DoME) ved Kathmandu University (KU) og NTNU – Institutt for…
Sammen for å løfte avfalls- og gjenvinningsbransjen
Avfall er en ressurs, og bransjen behøver et løft som universitetene skal bidra til. Dette har vi gledet oss til å fortelle siden juni: I sommer skrev NTNU under på kontrakt med Avfall Norge om å bidra i Kompetanseløftet 2020, for å bidra til et større løft for…
- Arctic Research
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- My PhD
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- University Life
- Arctic Research
- Arkitektur
- Bærekraft
- Bioingeniørfag
- Biologi
- Biology
- Biomedical Laboratory Science
- Biotechnology
- Bioteknologi
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Climate
- Computer Science
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- Energi
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- Fysikk
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- Informasjonsteknologi
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- Kjemi
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- Kjemisk prosessteknologi
- Kreftbehandling
- Kybernetikk
- Marine Technology
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- Materials Science
- Materialteknologi
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- Min ph.d.
- My PhD
- My PhD
- My postdoc
- Nanotechnology
- Nanoteknologi
- Ocean
- Oil and gas
- Physics
- Research
- Simulering og visualisering
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- University Life