Nullutslippsbygg og plusshus – hva skjer i Norden anno 2019?
Den 6. og 7. november arrangerte vi en nordisk konferanse om nullutslippsbygg og plusshus i Trondheim. Vi ville samle forskere og profesjonelle fra bygningsindustrien for å styrke samarbeidet innen fagfeltet…
Den viktige elgen
Utmarkbeite er trolig den mest utbredte arealbruken i Norge, som i verden forøvrig. Etter at mengden beitende husdyr begynte å gå ned på midten av forrige århundre har ville hjortedyr tatt over deres plass i naturen.
Clean energy: Make a difference with other young NTNU researchers
Are you a young researcher working in the field of clean energy? Are you interested in meeting other young researchers from different disciplines working in the clean energy topics? Then you should check out the NTNU Young Researcher Clean Energy Forum, and join the next…
Saktefilm: egg som lander i maizenablanding
I denne saktefilmen kan du se et egg sluppet fra ca 4 meters høyde, som treffer en bøtte med forskjellige blandingsforhold av maisstivelse (Maizena) og vann. Den første har høy konsentrasjon(mye Maizena), den andre litt mindre, og den tredje blandingen er så å si bare…
Insect wings teach us about the super repellent state
How is it that some insects are capable of keeping its wings clean? Knowledge on this applied in the nano lab can help us make better droplet repellents. Nature have engineered surfaces like leaves or skins capable of interacting with water droplets in different ways….
All you need to know about buildings to plan sustainable, green neighbourhoods
When you are planning a neighbourhood with no greenhouse gas emissions, you need a thorough understanding of a neighbourhood’s buildings, their age, size, materials, energy use and state of renovation. Our new model is a very useful tool for this. The buildings we work and…
Vannkraft i Nepal: reisebrev
Tradisjonen tro har masterstudentene ved Vannkraftlaboratoriet reist til Nepal rundt for å delta på den årlige vannkraftkonferansen som avholdes ved Kathmandu University (KU). Formålet er å stadfeste samarbeidet mellom NTNU og KU, samt gi studentene et lite innblikk i hvilke tekniske utfordringer som det jobbes med…
Coal-to-gas: a bridge fuel on the way towards reduced emissions
Many previous studies are somewhat ambivalent about the climate benefits of the coal-to-gas shift. Our new study in Nature Climate Change shows that the shift may reduce climate impacts of at least 50%. Global coal demand continues to grow (0.7% in 2018, according to IEA…
Save money and the environment with smart heating controls
In order to stay warm, we usually require a certain indoor temperature all year around. This can get expensive in cold countries like Norway, not only for the household economy, but also for the environment. However, this might change with new, smart controls of heating…
Keeping cool during extreme heat
To fix a cooling problem in for example electronic devices, we have experimented with a carpet of nano-wires. Guess what, it works. There are situations where even when you spray a very hot surface with water to cool it, it will not work. This extremely hot…
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- Arctic Research
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