Recently, I learnt something I wish I knew a long time ago. How to give a presentation on Zoom and Teams using the presenter view on a computer with only one screen. Given how many presentations I give in my job and that I often travel with my laptop, this is a very useful hack for me. Here is how it works.

Microsoft Teams

  1. In Powerpoint, start your presentation by pressing ALT+F5. This starts the presentation in presenter mode. This also opens a window in the background where the fullscreen presentation is located.
  2. Press ALT+TAB to navigate back to Teams.
  3. Share your screen, using the “Share Window” function. Choose the window that shows the fullscreen presentation.
  4. Press ALT+TAB to navigate back to the presenter view in Powerpoint.
  5. Go through your presentation in presenter view. The audience will see the fullscreen presentation.
Start the Powerpoint presentation in the presenter mode with ALT+F5.
Click share content, then select to share a window.
Select the window that shows the full-screen presentation.


  1. In Powerpoint, start your presentation by pressing ALT+F5. This starts the presentation in presenter mode. This also opens a window in the background where the fullscreen presentation is located.
  2. Press ALT+TAB to navigate back to Zoom.
  3. Click on Share Screen and navigate in the Advanced tab to the option of Portion of Screen sharing.
  4. Press ALT+TAB to navigate back to the presenter view in Powerpoint.
  5. Adjust the green window to show the current presentation slide.
  6. Go through your presentation in presenter view. The audience will see the fullscreen presentation.
In the advanced tab, select portion of screen sharing.
Adjust the green window to share the current presentation slide.