NX Drafting
This tutorial describes how to create mechanical drawings based on a predefined NTNU template in Siemens NX. To be able to access the drawing templates, make sure you are running NX on VMWare Industry 4.0 VDI (desktop.ntnu.no) and starting NX from the correct shortcut as…
Coffee mug design tutorial – Part 1
This tutorial explains how to design and model a simple 3D-printable coffee mug, by using basic 3d shapes. The intention with this tutorial is to introduce 3D-Modelling to new users, and walking them through modelling their first 3D-object. Software used in this example is Siemens…
Lasercutting with Siemens NX
This post describes how to export cutting data from your Siemens NX 3D-model to be cut with a laser cutter. Some of the most common file format for laser cutters are DXF or SVG. Several methods for exporting DXF-files exists in NX. One convenient method…