Foil design
A very short and simplified procedure for designing a foil in 3D. Foil geometry can be based on NACA-profiles or just an ellipse as used in this example. Profile sections are defined in two or more sketches and then conencted by using Through Curves. Create…
Propeller design for 3D-Printing
Exact 3D-modelling of propellers can be a cumbersome process. The purpose of this post is to describe a simple method to design a fan like 3D-printable propeller to use in DIY-projects and prototypes like small ROVs, boats, toys etc. We will start with modelling one…
Lasercutting with Siemens NX
This post describes how to export cutting data from your Siemens NX 3D-model to be cut with a laser cutter. Some of the most common file format for laser cutters are DXF or SVG. Several methods for exporting DXF-files exists in NX. One convenient method…