Trans experiences of belonging in Japan: Upcoming postdoctoral research
From 1. April 2023, I have been awarded a postdoctoral research stipend by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to study transgender issues in Japan for one year. During this term, I have been graciously offered a placement at Ochanomizu University’s Institute…
Reading Group: Gender in Japan
The UTFORSK project at the Centre for Gender Research at NTNU is happy to announce that we will be hosting a regular reading group for KULT students and faculty members who are interested in the topic of gender in Japan. On this blog, every upcoming…
Skal dokumentere norsk tegnspråk
– Vi vil finne ut hvordan døve tegnspråkbrukere skaper mening på ulike måter, sier Lindsay Nicole Ferrara. Hun forsker på norsk tegnspråk, og i desember fikk hun penger fra Norges Forskningsråd under kategorien «Unge forskertalenter» til prosjektet Language use in the Norwegian Deaf community: reflections…