With scientific conferences forced to offer virtual programming and fewer face-to-face meetings within research groups and departments, the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted or significantly altered many opportunities for discussing scientific advances and professional networking. This has consequences for trainees (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) and young researchers, who are at a particularly impactful career stage. A new initiative from the K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology seeks to provide a productive virtual experience emphasizing interdisciplinary scientific collaboration and trainee professional development.

Discussing cutting edge biomedical research

On the last Monday of each month, the K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology’s seminar series will bring together a diverse array of scientific interests on the NTNU campus to discuss cutting edge biomedical research with international scientific leaders. The series is focused on, but not limited to, statistics, genetics, multiomics and computational biology approaches. By appealing to many disciplines, the series hopes to create connections between NTNU scientists who have not had the chance to interact during the pandemic.

Photo: Geir Otto Johansen/NTNU

Mentoring conversation

Each virtual “visiting scientist” will deliver a one hour scientific seminar with ample time for discussion and prioritized trainee questions. Directly after the seminar, a postdoctoral research fellow will facilitate a mentoring conversation between the visiting scientist and NTNU trainees and young researchers. This provides a dedicated time for exploring potential career options, training paths, and seeking candid mentoring advice.

International scientific leaders

So far, the seminar series lineup includes Professor Cecilia Lindgren of Oxford Big Data Institute, Professor Samuli Ripatti of Finnish Institute of Molecular Medicine, Professor Tuuli Lappalainen of NY Genome Center and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Professor Eleftheria Zeginni of Helmholt Munich, Dr. Joelle Mbatchou at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc and Dr. Sara Pulit at Vertex Pharmaceuticals.

To nominate a visiting scientist, please contact Brooke Wolford.

To attend the scientific seminar, see our website for registration.

Brooke Wolford
Postdoctoral fellow at NTNU | Profilside NTNU | + posts

Brooke N. Wolford has a PhD in Bioinformatics and Master’s in Statistics from the University of Michigan. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology at NTNU. Brooke is working with the INTERVENE Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the leadership of Dr. Andrea Ganna and Dr. Samuli Ripatti at the Finnish Institute for Molecular Medicine. Brooke is pursuing a research career combining quantitative genomics, computational biology, and clinical application to fulfill the promise of Precision Medicine.