Successful first conference – 180°N
«Already today, 180°N is a project that is being noticed.” – Trond Mohn, philanthropist and industrialist.
These words marked the opening of the first, physical 180°N conference in Tromsø on 29-31 March 2022, gathering 110 attendees.
Smerte-pakkeforløp imponerte Erna Solberg
Erna Solberg synes det er betryggende å høre at smerte-pasienter som har vært kasteballer i helsevesenet, nå får et strukturert pakkeforløp. At sykehusspesialister og fastleger kan ha felles konsultasjoner med pasienter ved hjelp av video, er et stort fremskritt for samhandling mellom primær- og sekundær-helsetjenesten.
Illuminating brain tumours with radioactive sniffer dogs
Bringing light into the darkness of the brain by using radioactive molecules acting as “sniffer dogs” might help to improve the diagnostic and therapy of severe cancerous diseases. To make these little helpers visible, Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET) creates 3 dimensional images from the emitted photons and visualises brain tumour activity.