Stikkord: Salutogenesis

  • Visit to the National University of Singapore

    In November members of the Center visited a research group working at Alice Lee Center for Nursing Studies Young Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. The Center presented a range of different research projects, one of them was `Health promotion worthwhile? – Reorienting community health care services`  

  • Frisk fokus for fremtiden- Eksempler på tiltak som bidrar til god livskvalitet og helse

    New Inspirational Booklet for salutogenic work in communities from NTNU CHPR and HelseFrem. The booklet can be found here.

  • Ruca Elisa Katrin Maass PhD defence on May 31

    On May 31. Center member Ruca Elisa Katrin Maass defended her thesis «The neighborhood as a salutogenic setting: How can Salutogenesis contribute to the development of strategies for promoting health and strengthening SOC through a focus on neighborhood resources» at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science. Her supervisors has been Professor Monica Lillefjell and…

  • The Centers work at National University of Singapore

    The Center have for some years been involved as a mentor for building a HP-Research Centre at National University of Singapore. Professor Geir Arild Espnes is the one who has been most heavily involved from the Center’s side. At the moment one of the largest projects is research on the implementation of HP-activities at Wellness-Centres…

  • 10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion Research

    10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion Research

    We welcome you to the European conference “Implementing Health Promotion in the Life Course – User Involvement in Practice and Research”, taking place 24-26 September 2018 in Trondheim, Norway. The conference aims to strengthen the role of health promotion in Europe as a source of innovative practices that are based on solid evidence by gathering health promotion…