Stikkord: public health
Presentations at the NTNU Fagdag 15.12.16
Professor Toril Rannestad, Associate Professors Gørill Haugan and Beate André presented at the NTNU Fagdag for the Department of Nursing Science, Department of Social Work and Health Science and Department of Public Health and General Practice.
Helsefremming inngår i Helse i kontekst (HEIKO)
Helse i kontekst er et sentralt støttet forskningsmiljø som går over en 8-årig programperiode (2016-2023). Miljøet inneholder de tidligere satsningsområdene ved HiST: Helsefremming, Aktivitet og deltakelse, samt Psykisk Helsearbeid. Formålet med etableringen er å understøtte og utvikle pågående forskning innenfor disse områdene videre etter fusjonen med NTNU. Miljøet omfatter ca. 50 forskere med forskjellig profesjonsbakgrunn,…
Sigrid Nakrem from the Center has been part of an application of a large Research Project that got funding. Congratulations!
The Research Council of Norway has allocated 98 million NOK after the call for proposals on the research program HELSEVEL (Health, care and welfare services research) in May 2016, and one researcher connected to Center for Health Promotion Research participates in one of the projects that will be funded. The project title is «Elder abuse…
New journal article by Beate André et al.
The article on «Culture of silence: Midwives’, obstetricians’ and nurses’ experiences with perinatal death» by Beate André, Raija Dahlø, Tina Eilertsen and Gerd I. Ringdal is published in the journal of Clinical Nursing Studies.
New journal article by Britt K. Støen Utvær & Gørill Haugan
The article «The Academic Motivation Scale: Dimensionality, Reliability, and Construct Validity Among Vocational Students» is published in Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training.