Stikkord: news

  • New journal article by Beate André et al.

    New article by Beate André, Torunn H. Nøst, Sigrun A. Frigstad and Endre Sjøvold on the «Differences in communication within the nursing group and with members of other professions at a hospital unit» is published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing.

  • Nyhetsartikkel om Siw Tone Innstrands forskning

    Siw Tone Innstrands forskning på jobbengasjement blant ulike yrkesgrupper omtales i en artikkel fra Dagens Medisin. Les hele artikkelen her.

  • New article by Siw Tone Innstrand

    Siw Tone Innstrand’s article on «Occupational differences in work engagement: A longitudinal study among eight occupational groups in Norway» is published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 338-349.

  • New article by Nina Helen Mjøsund et al. 2016

    New Journal article by Nina Helen Mjøsund et al. «Service user involvement enhanced the research quality in a study using interpretative phenomenological analysis – the power of multiple perspectives» in Journal of Advanced Nursing · August 2016 DOI: 10.1111/jan.13093.  

  • New Journal Articles from the Center

    Eva Magnus, Margunn Skjei Knudtsen, Guri Wist, Daniel Weiss and Monica Lillefjell have written an article on The search conference as a method in planning community health promotion actions, which is published in the  Journal of Public Health Research 2016; volume 5:621. New article by Beate André, Gerd I. Ringdal, Rickard J. Skjong, Toril Rannestad…