Stikkord: Health promotion

  • New research article by Shefaly Shorey, Beate André & Violeta Lopez

    The article ‘The experiences and needs of healthcare professionals facing perinatal death: A scoping review‘ is published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies.

  • Final Report and Output Index from ProFooSe

    ProFooSe has been a food security project in collaboration between  NTNU – CHPR and research institutions and Universities in Portugal financed by EEA-grants. Even if data from the project is still being analyzed, the Final report and Output INDEX is ready. It is possible to read about the advancements of the project here.  

  • Presentations at the NTNU Fagdag 15.12.16

    Professor Toril Rannestad, Associate Professors Gørill Haugan and Beate André presented at the NTNU Fagdag for the Department of Nursing Science, Department of Social Work and Health Science and Department of Public Health and General Practice.  

  • Helsefremming inngår i Helse i kontekst (HEIKO)

    Helse i kontekst er et sentralt støttet forskningsmiljø som går over en 8-årig programperiode (2016-2023). Miljøet inneholder de tidligere satsningsområdene ved HiST: Helsefremming, Aktivitet og deltakelse, samt Psykisk Helsearbeid. Formålet med etableringen er å understøtte og utvikle pågående forskning innenfor disse områdene videre etter fusjonen med NTNU. Miljøet omfatter ca. 50 forskere med forskjellig profesjonsbakgrunn,…

  • Professor Sir Michael Marmot NEW Honorary Doctor at NTNU – The Center was Initiative taker

    The Center with its leader was one of the initiative takers when Professor Sir Michael Marmot was nominated to be NTNU’s next Dr. Honoris Causa (DrHC). The nomination was a collaboration between the Director of HUNT Professor Steinar Krokstad, Professor Terje Andreas Eikemo from CHAIN, and Professor Steinar Westin from Department of Public Health and…