Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Centers Siw Tone Innstrand receives a Fullbright stipend at the Norwegian Nobel Institute

    Diploma Ceremony in honors of the 2016-17 Norwegian Fulbright Grantees where the Centers Siw Tone innstrand received her stipend from the United States Ambassador to Norway Samuel D. Heines and the Secretary General,  Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wegger Chr. Strømmen. Innstrand got the Fullbright Stipend to carry through work health research at the Berkley College. Congratulations.    

  • Celebration party at the Center May 12.

    At May 12. the Center celebrated its successes. The Center has through the last years have had considerable success and the Board wanted to celebrate this. The Center have had a remarkable success both when it comes to journal article production, new large research projects and with new national and international collaborations. The board wanted…

  • Final conference of the SUPP project.

    The Center has been involved in the SUPP project at the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW). The supp project has as a main goal to create a good welcoming process for international students to MUW by having an organisation in place that introduces students to MUW, to Warsaw and to living in Poland. Furter supp…

  • Ark-prosjektet i vekst: Daglig driftsleder og forskningsledere i ARK

    ARK-prosjektet har vært en suksesshistorie hele veien siden Senteret startet arbeidet med det i 2008-2009. Ark starter nå også opp med KIWEST datainnsamlinger i Sverige. Som prosjektleder for ARK finner jeg å ville klargjøre linjene noe. Professor Siw Tone Innstrand og Førsteamanuensis Marit Christensen er fra nå Forskningsledere og Kirsti Godal Undebakke der daglig driftsleder.…

  • Final Conference for the ” Long-term patients IT skills” training project Riga Thursday 27. April.

    Thursday 27. April the Center will be represented with a talk at the Final Conference for the ” Long-term patients IT skills” training project. The Center has been an active partner in the project. The  Long-term patients IT skills” training project is a Health Promotion project where the main aim has been to develop long-distance IT skills training program…

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