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Seminar: Environmental Disasters from Grounding Accidents: A Case Study of Tugboat Positioning along the Norwegian Coast

SoftICE member Robin T. Bye together with PhD student Brice Assimizele will today present an introductory talk by Bye on the DRAMA research project as well as recent research on tug fleet optimisation (TFO). The main talk is by Assimizele and is called Environmental Disasters from Grounding Accidents: A Case Study of Tugboat Positioning along the Norwegian Coast. The talk is based on a recent research results documented in a journal paper manuscript co-authored by Brice Assimizele, Johannes Royset, Robin T. Bye, and Johan Oppen and soon to be submitted to a world-renowned journal.
The seminar is open for all and will take place in room Borgundfjorden at 12.30 today 13 May 2015, AAUC main building.
This work is part of the PhD research of Brice Assimizele and builds on previous DRAMA research.
To read more about the paper, please see the abstract is included below. 


To safeguard the marine environment from potential oil spills and other
damage from grounding of vessels, the Norwegian Coastal Administration
operates centers for vessel traffic services (VTS). One of the main
tasks of the operators in the VTS centers is to command a fleet of
tugboats patrolling the Norwegian coast such that the tugboats are
well-positioned to respond to vessels losing steering, propulsion, or
power and that might run aground. These operators rely mainly on their
experience and knowledge when facing the constantly changing traffic
and weather conditions. To support the operators, we formulate a
nonlinear mixed-integer program that minimizes the expected cost of
grounding accidents by positioning tugboats optimally under uncertainty
about vessel incidents and environmental conditions. Linearizations of
the model lead to easy-to-compute bounds on the optimal value.
Numerical experiments with real-world data demonstrate the reduction in
cost of grounding accidents that can be expected from the
implementation of the model at VTC centers.

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My name is Robin T. Bye and I am an associate professor in automation engineering at NTNU in Ålesund, Norway. In addition to teaching and supervision, I am the head of the Cyber-Physical Systems Lab. My research interests belong to the broad areas of cybernetics, artificial intelligence, neuroengineering, and education.

By robintb

My name is Robin T. Bye and I am an associate professor in automation engineering at NTNU in Ålesund, Norway. In addition to teaching and supervision, I am the head of the Cyber-Physical Systems Lab. My research interests belong to the broad areas of cybernetics, artificial intelligence, neuroengineering, and education.

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