Forskning og innovasjon – alt for viktig til å overlates forskerne alene
Nå er det vanlige folks tur til å ha en stemme i forskning og innovasjon. Med et delvis lånt slagord…
Er det vanlige folks tur nå?
Burde folkelig involvering være mer implementert i forskningen i Norge, slik det er i Europa?I så fall; hvordan involverer vi…
AFINO inviterer til debatt om forskningspolitikk på Arendalsuka
Under overskriften “Nå er det vanlige folks tur – også til å bli hørt om forskning og innovasjon?” inviterer AFINO,…
We are halfway!!
Without canapés and champagne, but with self-reflective questions, AFINO’s first half of their journey has been officially marked and put…
What can the AFINO network do for me and what can I do for the network?
The AFINO 2021 workshop was a significant event in the development of the network and of the community it aims…
A fine balance – Equinor and Hydro as frontrunners of corporate sustainability?
One might expect the discovery of natural resources in a state to lead to rising living standards. The concept “resource…
Highlights and shipwrecks
A core ambition for AFINO is to create new forms of collaboration. In the projects’ first year it became a…
Including RRI in the development and implementation of Horizon Europe
As Horizon Europe is entering its final stages of shaping, there are still some open questions regarding how RRI will…