AFINO’s visit in India gets media attention
AFINO strengthens the collaboration with partners in India about whistleblowing. This gets noticed in the local media in the country….
The story of the Whistleblowers
With a worldwide perspective, AFINO has initiated work on a bibliography on whistleblowing research. The work is led by Kristian…
Lever under konstant trussel
Etter terroren mot det franske satiremagasinet Charlie Hebdo lever journalist Zineb El Rhazoui med politibeskyttelse på hemmelig sted. Sist uke…
Book plans after stakeholder dialogue about the Gjerdrum landslide
Three weeks ago, WP 6 in AFINO arranged a stakeholder-dialogue as part of a Master of Management course on security…
En øvelse i praktisk anvendelse
Tolv tankevekkende historier om egenerfart tillit forfattet av toppledere fra Viken fylkeskommune la grunnlaget for Kristian Alms kurs om tillitsbasert…
Publication in the Journal of Business Ethics: Rawls’ political philosophy as criticism of BP’s economic compensation plan after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Congratulations to Kristian Alm and Mark Brown’s newly published paper in the top-ranked Journal of Business Ethics! In this article,…