We wish you a warm welcome to the last AFINO PhD autumn school, that will take place in the beautiful Hardangerakademiet in Jondal, 7-10 October 2024:
Research and policy around RRI: tensions and opportunities

For this last autumn school, we would like to bring up a topic that has been a read thread over the years in AFINO; namely: the collaboration and learning between RRI researchers, on how RRI can be implemented in practice, how it is variously defined in different projects, and on how to navigate the gaps between expectations, intentions and outcomes. To deepen those discussions, we are this time inviting a member from the Research Council of Norway to take part in the autumn school, and to directly share their perspectives on what they mean and intend to, when they call for RRI in radical innovation projects.

Collage: Anne Blanchard

We hope to discuss:

  • the tensions between what is expected and asked for in RRI project calls, and what is possible in the reality of short-term projects, and
  • the collaborations and partnerships needed between research and policy, in order to navigate these tensions.

As AFINO is coming to its end in 2024, our hope for this last autumn school is to create synergies between the well-established AFINO RRI community and the new ARINA RRI community, thus keeping reflections and discussions going on the challenges and opportunities of RRI, in particular as experienced by early career researchers. ARINA is a project funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) for 2024-2028, and titled Ansvarlig Radikal Innovasjon: Nettverk og læringsArena (Responsible Radical Innovation: Networking and learning Arena). The project will support reflections and learning around RRI for the various projects of the RCN portfolio “Technology convergence” and the RCN itself. Synergies between the experiences of the AFINO RRI community, and the ARINA radical innovation community, will certainly be enriching!

A detailed programme of the AFINO autumn school and practical information will come in August, but you can already register now to secure your place (priority will be given to AFINO affiliates and ARINA project members)

Registration link: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=17357436

We look forward to seeing you in Jondal in October!

On behalf of the teaching team,
Anne Blanchard (anne.blanchard@uib.no)

Featured photo taken at the AFINO Autumn School 2023, with AFINO research school leader, Anne Blanchard in the middle. Photo: Eva H. Murvold.

Anne Bremer
Anne Blanchard
Researcher at Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen

Anne Blanchard is a researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at the University of Bergen, where she is working on projects studying how science is employed for complex and uncertain climate and health challenges.
She is also the leader of The AFINO Research School. Read more about Anne at AFINO's webpage.