AFINO Research School welcomes to a new edition this autumn, 18th – 21st September. This time with the topic: “Reinventing RRI”.

  • Place: Jonatunet, in Jondal by Hardangerfjorden
  • Date: 18th – 21st September 2023 (lunch to lunch)
  • Who: aimed at early career researchers working with / interested in RRI, but mid-career and senior researchers are very welcome!
  • Registration link:
  • Deadline for registration: 29th August 2023
  • Limited places: 20 participants
  • ECTS: 2 (+1 for assignment)
  • Practicalities: accommodation and food is paid for, but you have to organise and fund your own travels. Pack a pair of walking shoes, as we aim to go on a one-day walkshop!
  • For scientific content and practical questions, email Anne Blanchard:

Staying in the spirit of the previous AFINO schools, we wish, this year again, to stay close to the needs and interests of early career researchers who are involved to some extent with Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), and its opportunities and challenges in everyday research.

Therefore, building on previous discussions about the concrete implementation of RRI in practice, to how to evaluate its quality or whether it ‘worked’, or again, how to pursue critical, engaged, inter- or transdisciplinary research within funding and research institutions who are led by ideas or productivity, speed and excellence, the topic of this years’ AFINO autumn school is “reinventing RRI”.

Jonatunet is located in Hardanger, between Folgefonna og Hardangerfjorden. Photo: Jonatunet.

With a teaching team so far composed of Anne Blanchard (AFINO and SVT), Erik Thorstensen (Østfold University College and ex-AFINO), Anders B. Hanssen (DLN and OsloMet), and Jean-Paul Vanderlinden (CEARC, France), we will together aim to rethink and reinvent RRI by looking at its four key dimensions – anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion and responsiveness – from critical perspectives including feminism, transdisciplinarity, and even Western philosophy (Daoism in particular).

We will discuss the four RRI dimensions in turn, starting from your experience (so please be thorough in your registration form!), with for instance Anders Hanssen hoping to organise a one-day walkshop to discuss one of those dimensions; weather allowing!

Please note: the deadline for registration is the 29th August. We have to set the limit to 20 participants, and you will receive a confirmation as soon as possible on whether you have a place at the AFINO autumn school!

The programme, assignment description and other updates will be sent out in August, but in the meantime, contact me if you have any questions: Anne –

We look forward to seeing you there!

Featured image: View from Jonatunet in Jondal. Photo: Jonatunet.

Anne Bremer
Anne Blanchard
Researcher at Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen

Anne Blanchard is a researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at the University of Bergen, where she is working on projects studying how science is employed for complex and uncertain climate and health challenges.
She is also the leader of The AFINO Research School. Read more about Anne at AFINO's webpage.