With a worldwide perspective, AFINO has initiated work on a bibliography on whistleblowing research.

The conference on “The global bibliography on whistleblowing research” was held September 15th and 16th at BI Norwegian Business School.

The work is led by Kristian Alm and David Guttormsen from AFINO WP6, The Nordic Sustainable Innovation Dialogue series.

Heidi Karlsen, one of the speakers at the conference.

With a group of international contributing partners, they are running the conference “The global bibliography on whistleblowing research”. Already in the first talks, important issues were raised, like national differences, the risk for whistleblowers, the fact that whistleblowing make different sectors, cultures and communication styles come together, the biases in the research on whistleblowing (why some sectors are very studied and some neglected), and more.

– A very promising start and a very engaged group of contributors, sums Giovanni De Grandis up, after the first conference day at BI Norwegian Business School. De Grandis is the centre’s coordinator in AFINO.

A more extensive report will follow after the completion of the event.

whistleblower is a person, often an employee, who reveals information about activity within a private or public organization that is deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe or fraudulent. Retaliation is a real risk for whistleblowers.
Source: Wikipedia.

Featured image: Kristian Alm hosting the conference.
All photos: Giovanni De Grandis.

Giovanni De Grandis
Researcher and centre coordinator for AFINO at NTNU

Giovanni De Grandis has a PhD in Philosophy. In the last ten years he has worked in several transdisciplinary projects and initiatives in the areas of health, new technologies, innovation and public policy. He is the coordinator of the AFINO project and leads Work Package 2.