Updated program for the workshop in Bergen!
The workshop on public engagement organized by AFINO in partnership with the Danish Board of Technology.

Location of the hotel in Bergen. Source: Radisson Blue Royal, Bergen, website.

The workshop will be held Thursday the 19th of May and Friday the 20th of May in Bergen.
The venue is Radisson Blu Royal hotel, see map.

What AFINO offers
For all invited and accepted participants, AFINO will cover the accommodation cost at the Radisson Blu Royal hotel for the night between the 19 th and the 20 th of May, and all the meals from lunch on Thursday to lunch on Friday.
AFINO will also reimburse the travel expenses from your home/office to the workshop venue and return. We will only reimburse travel tickets, not other expenses like food and beverages consumed during the journey.

The workshop is organized by AFINO in collaboration with the Danish Board of Technology.
It will be led by Professor Matthias Kaiser (UiB, AFINO), and by Lars Klüver and Bjørn Bedsted (DBT).

Several members of the AFINO network will attend the event.

We invite researchers, PhD students, professionals working on innovations (e.g. working for industry, consortia, governmental organistions or NGOs) who have a serious interest and/or experience in public engagement or stakeholder engagement and involvement in the research and innovation process. 

What will we do?
Public Engagement is key to the practice of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). In this AFINO workshop, the Danish Board of Technology (long time practitioners of public engagement and RRI) will present and discuss the rationale behind Public Engagement with workshop participants. They will provide concrete examples of public engagement in research and innovation projects and introduce participants to existing resources that can assist researchers in their choice of public engagement methods. The workshop will engage participants in discussions about potential public engagement activities to be included in their own research projects – and about policy measures and evaluation criteria that can help promote the future practice of public engagement in Norwegian R&I projects.


May 19:
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 14.30 Intro to the rationale behind Public Engagement
14:30 – 15:20 Group and plenary discussions about the rationale
15:20 – 15:50 Break
15:50 – 16:30 Concrete examples of Public Engagement in R&I projects
16:30 – 18:00 Open space – participants’ projects and proposals. DBT provides feedback in the groups
19:00 Dinner at the restaurant To kokker, Enhjørningsgården 29, Bergen

May 20:
8:30 – 9:30 Open space continued.
9:30 – 10:15 Reflections
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 11:30 Intro to research policies, calls for project and evaluation criteria – How to implement Engagement and RRI in the research institutional settings
11:30 – 12:30 Group work on research policies, calls for project and evaluation criteria
12:30 – 13:45 Lunch
13:45 – 15:00 Presentations and discussion

Is it possible to participate remotely?
There will be the possibility to follow some sessions remotely, but not to participate to the interactive sessions. If you are interested in following remotely, please email to AFINO coordinator, Giovanni De Grandis (giovanni.grandis@ntnu.no).

How to register?
Please sign up in this registration form.
Deadline for registration is 30 th March.
Important – to you who signed up for the scheduled workshop in January: It is not necessary to register again, but please send an email to AFINO coordinator, Giovanni De Grandis, if you cannot participate in May.

Featured image: Bergen, Colourbox.

Giovanni De Grandis
Researcher and centre coordinator for AFINO at NTNU

Giovanni De Grandis has a PhD in Philosophy. In the last ten years he has worked in several transdisciplinary projects and initiatives in the areas of health, new technologies, innovation and public policy. He is the coordinator of the AFINO project and leads Work Package 2.