
Welcome to the 2023 AFINO autumn school
Published 7/15/2023 in News from AFINO
Beautiful surroundings for the research school in Hardanger.
AFINO Research School welcomes to a new edition this autumn, 18th – 21st September. This… read more ❯
Reisebrev fra medisinstudenter i Nepal
Published 6/30/2023 in NTNU medisin og helse
Her er medisinstudentene i den historiske byen Bakhtapur. Vi er 13 norske medisinstudenter fra UiO, NTNU,… read more ❯
I got a Marie Curie Global Fellowship. How did that happen – and why do I have mixed feelings?
Published 6/23/2023 in NTNU medisin og helse
“The Declaration of Honor needs to be signed”. This was the somewhat cryptic message I… read more ❯
Have a nice summer :)
Summer and summer holiday is here! The Medicine and Health Library in Kunnskapssenteret (The Knowledge… read more ❯
God sommer :)
Sommer og sommerferie er i gang eller rett rundt hjørnet for de fleste. Bibliotek for… read more ❯
‘Bellman’s lottery’: An Italian novelty in Sweden
By Johanne Slettvoll Kristiansen Carl Michael Bellman (1740–1795), Swedish poet, songwriter, entertainer, and—unbeknownst to most—secretary of… read more ❯
ØK-nytt uke 24
Published 6/18/2023 in Monica Rolfsens blogg
Hei, og god søndag! Jeg starter med slutten av forrige uke. Da var det en… read more ❯
User Cafés with LiCalab Belgium
Published 6/13/2023 in News from AFINO
User Cafe in Belgium
Releasing the Power of Users – in Belgium! Releasing the Power of Users is one of… read more ❯
ØK-nytt uke 23
Published 6/11/2023 in Monica Rolfsens blogg
Hei, og god søndag! To hektiske uker har passert. Vi har gjennomført dialog- og allmøte… read more ❯
Kan vi bli lykkelige uten å ødelegge planeten med økt forbruk?
Published 6/8/2023 in News from AFINO
Caroline D. Ditlev-Simonsen
Når nordmenn blir spurt hva som er viktigste element for lykke kommer familie øverst på… read more ❯
How to simulate icing on UAVs
Published 6/2/2023 in Richard Hann
I have contributed a chapter to a new book about the simulation of aircraft icing…. read more ❯
ØK-nytt uke 21
Published 5/27/2023 in Monica Rolfsens blogg
God lørdag og god pinse! Denne uken startet Gunnar, Anne Katharine og jeg i Oslo,… read more ❯
Did the Spanish Lottery Succeed as a Deterrent to Illicit Gambling? A Legal Perspective
By Michael Scham Portrait of Carlos III, the enlightened monarch who introduced the lottery in Spain…. read more ❯
Usefulness of emerging technologies in formal foreign language education
Published 5/22/2023 in NTNU TekNat
The MRPET research group at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK), NTNU Gjøvik… read more ❯
AFINO Annual meeting 2023 – Responsibility for Transformative Futures
Published 5/16/2023 in News from AFINO
Photo of Hovde gård.
We look forward to meeting the AFINO network at Hovde gård. For registered participants, here… read more ❯
Detecting the smallest leakages without delay
Published 5/15/2023 in Innovations in Ultrasound
Air photo of oil leaking into the sea around an oil platform.
Leaks in oil & gas boreholes can have serious consequences. But current monitoring methods have… read more ❯