Slaven Conevski
Hrebrina, Jan;
Conevski, Slaven;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Review of Structural Mitigation Measures for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Faltis, Doreen;
Rennie, Colin D.;
Rüther, Nils.
Analysis of the riverbed backscattered signal registered by ADCPs in different bedload transport conditions–field application.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Guerrero, Massimo;
Conevski, Slaven;
Cavalieri, Irene;
Schippa, Leonardo;
Rüther, Nils.
Influence of Hydropower Propellers on Open-Channel Flow.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ermilov, Alexander Anatol;
Fleit, Gabor;
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Rüther, Nils;
Baranya, Sandor.
Video-Based Bedload Measurement in a Large River.
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nones, Michael;
Dolcetti, Giulio;
Przyborowski, Łukasz;
Mrokowska, Magdalena;
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo.
Experimental methods and instrumentation in hydraulics.
Acta Geophysica
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Rüther, Nils.
Comprehensive Analysis of the Bottom Tracking features measured by ADCPs in Riverine Environments .
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Emilov Anatoly, Alexander;
Gabor, Feit;
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Sandor, Baranya;
Rüther, Nils.
Bedload transport analysis using image processing techniques.
Acta Geophysica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Rennie, Colin;
Ruther, Nils.
Towards an evaluation of bedload transport characteristics by using Doppler and backscatter outputs from ADCPs.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven.
Bedload monitoring by means of Hydro-Acoustic techniques.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (47)
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Rennie, Colin;
Ruther, Nils.
Acoustic sampling effects on bedload quantification using acoustic Doppler current profilers.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Alexio, Rui;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Ruther, Nils.
Bedload Velocity and Backscattering Strength from Mobile Sediment Bed: A Laboratory Investigation Comparing Bistatic Versus Monostatic Acoustic Configuration.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Ruther, Nils;
Rennie, Colin.
Laboratory investigation of the apparent bedload velocity measured by ADCPs under different transport conditions.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Ruther, Nils;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Rennie, Colin.
Evaluation of an acoustic Doppler technique for bed-load transport measurements in sand-bed Rivers.
E3S Web of Conferences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Faltis, Doreen;
Rennie, Colin D.;
Rüther, Nils.
Analysis of the riverbed backscattered signal registered by ADCPs in different bedload transport conditions–field application.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Guerrero, Massimo;
Conevski, Slaven;
Cavalieri, Irene;
Schippa, Leonardo;
Rüther, Nils.
Influence of Hydropower Propellers on Open-Channel Flow.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ermilov, Alexander Anatol;
Fleit, Gabor;
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Rüther, Nils;
Baranya, Sandor.
Video-Based Bedload Measurement in a Large River.
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nones, Michael;
Dolcetti, Giulio;
Przyborowski, Łukasz;
Mrokowska, Magdalena;
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo.
Experimental methods and instrumentation in hydraulics.
Acta Geophysica
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Rüther, Nils.
Comprehensive Analysis of the Bottom Tracking features measured by ADCPs in Riverine Environments .
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Emilov Anatoly, Alexander;
Gabor, Feit;
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Sandor, Baranya;
Rüther, Nils.
Bedload transport analysis using image processing techniques.
Acta Geophysica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Rennie, Colin;
Ruther, Nils.
Towards an evaluation of bedload transport characteristics by using Doppler and backscatter outputs from ADCPs.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Rennie, Colin;
Ruther, Nils.
Acoustic sampling effects on bedload quantification using acoustic Doppler current profilers.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Alexio, Rui;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Ruther, Nils.
Bedload Velocity and Backscattering Strength from Mobile Sediment Bed: A Laboratory Investigation Comparing Bistatic Versus Monostatic Acoustic Configuration.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Ruther, Nils;
Rennie, Colin.
Laboratory investigation of the apparent bedload velocity measured by ADCPs under different transport conditions.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Conevski, Slaven;
Winterscheid, Axel;
Ruther, Nils;
Guerrero, Massimo;
Rennie, Colin.
Evaluation of an acoustic Doppler technique for bed-load transport measurements in sand-bed Rivers.
E3S Web of Conferences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Hrebrina, Jan;
Conevski, Slaven;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Review of Structural Mitigation Measures for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Conevski, Slaven.
Bedload monitoring by means of Hydro-Acoustic techniques.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (47)
Faglig foredragConevski, Slaven; Ruther, Nils; Guerrero, Massimo; Winterscheid, Axel. (2021) Application of ANN to estimate bedload transport rates using outputs of stationary ADCP measurements . EGU EGU General Assembly , Online 2021-04-28 - 2021-05-03
Vitenskapelig foredragConevski, Slaven. (2019) Bedload transport monitoring by means of hydro-acoustic techniques (ADCPs). EGU EGU General Assembly 2019 , Vienna 2019-04-07 - 2019-04-13
Vitenskapelig foredragConevski, Slaven; Guerrero, Massimo; Ruther, Nils; Rennie, Colin. (2019) LABORATORY MONITORING OF BEDLOAD TRANSPORT RATES USING HYDRO-ACOUSTIC TECHNIQUES (ADCP) . IHAR IHAR World Congress , Panama city 2019-09-01 - 2019-09-06
Vitenskapelig foredragConevski, Slaven; Ruther, Nils; Guerrero, Massimo; Burckbuchler, Marie. (2018) Bedload measurements using ultrasound Velocity profilers (UVP) in controlled laboratory conditions. Sequoia Particles in Europe , Lisbon 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-17
Faglig foredragConevski, Slaven; Ruther, Nils; Winterscheid, Axel; Guerrero, Massimo; Rennie, Colin. (2018) Evaluation of an acoustic Doppler technique for bed-load transport measurements in sand-bed Rivers. University of Lyon RiverFlow 2018 , Lyon 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-07
Faglig foredragConevski, Slaven; Guerrero, Massimo; Ruther, Nils; Winterscheid, Axel. (2018) BEDLOAD MEASSURMENTS USING ADCP - CONFIRMATION AND ANALYSIS. University of Ancona; Italian Association of civil engineers Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche , Ancona 2018-09-12 - 2018-09-14
PosterConevski, Slaven; Ruther, Nils; Guerrero, Massimo; Winterscheid, Axel; Rennie, Colin. (2018) Bedload measurements using ADCPs with different frequencies in sandy rivers. European Geosicence Union EGU , Wien, Austria VIC 2018-04-08 - 2018-04-13
Vitenskapelig foredragConevski, Slaven; Guerrero, Massimo; Ruther, Nils; Rennie, Colin. (2017) ADCP’s capabilities in measuring the bed load velocity: A confirmation by means of image velocimetry under controlled conditions. EWRI ASCE HMEM (HYDRAULIC MEASUREMENTS & EXPERIMENTAL METHODS CONFERENCE) , University of New Hampshire 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-12
Vitenskapelig foredragGuerrero, Massimo; Conevski, Slaven; Baranaya, Sandor; Ruther, Nils. (2017) Combining backscatter and attenuation measurements for suspended sediment concentration assessment. IAHR Experimental Methods and Instrumentation Technical Comm Hydrosensoft, International Symposium and Exhibition on Hydro-Environment Sensors and Software, Madrid, spain , MAdrid 2017-02-28 - 2017-03-03
Faglig foredragRuther, Nils; Conevski, Slaven. (2017) Sediment Transport/Bedload Measurments ADCP. Startkrat FUTURE SEDIMENT HANDLING STRATEGIES , Trondheim 2017-06-06 - 2017-06-07
PosterGuerrero, Massimo; Conevski, Slaven; Ruther, Nils. (2017) Bed Load transport of sediment mixtures in laboratory flume: Synchronized measuring with ADCP and Digital Camera. IAHR, University of Trento RCEM 2017 2017-09-15 - 2017-09-15
Faglig foredragConevski, Slaven; Ruther, Nils; Winterscheid, Axel. (2017) Bedload Measurements using ADCPs: Oder river. BfG (3 Federal Institute of Hydrology, Department Groundwat) BfG symposium , Koblenz 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-10
Vitenskapelig foredragConevski, Slaven; Guerrero, Massimo; Rennie, Colin. (2017) Bed Load velocity estimation using ADCP and digital cameras. European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly , Vienna 2017-04-23 - 2017-04-27
Vitenskapelig foredragConevski, Slaven; Guerrero, Massimo; Ruther, Nils; Baranaya, Sandor. (2016) Testing the LISST-ABS capabilities and verifying its usage for measuring suspended sediment concentration in large rivers. Sequoia Particles In Europe , Budapest 2016-11-03 - 2016-11-05