Mahshid Selma Bozorgpana
PosterBozorgpana, Selma; Desiati, Indri; Tessem, May-Britt; Elschot, Mattijs; Bathen, Tone Frost. (2024) INTEGRATING RADIOMIC FEATURES FROM mpMRI WITH CLINICAL VARIABLES TO PREDICT PROSTATE CANCER RECURRENCE. Biobank Future Health Conference , Trondheim 2024-09-12 - 2024-09-14
Faglig foredragDesiati, Indri; Bozorgpana, Selma. (2024) Inflammatory protein signatures in prostate cancer recurrence prior to radical prostatectomy. Olink Next-Gen Proteomics Summit: Unveiling biology and decoding health and disease with multiomics , Akerhus University 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-19
PosterBozorgpana, Selma; Nketiah, Gabriel Addio; Andersen, Maria Karoline; Tessem, May-Britt; Bathen, Tone Frost. (2023) Improving Prostate Cancer Care: AI-Enhanced Integration of MRI and 'Omics' Data. PRESIMAL Autumn Research School Autumn Research School in Artificial Intelligence Methods in Medical Imaging 2023 (PRESIMAL Autumn Research School ) , Tromsø 2023-09-13 - 2023-09-15