Ronny Bergmann
Ronny Bergmann er førsteamanuensis ved institutt for matematiske fag siden mars 2021.
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Baumgärtner, Lukas;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal Núñez, José;
Weiß, Manuel.
Mesh Denoising and Inpainting Using the Total Variation of the Normal and a Shape Newton Approach.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zimmermann, Ralf;
Bergmann, Ronny.
Multivariate Hermite interpolation on Riemannian manifolds.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Ferreira, Orizon P.;
M. Santos, Elianderson;
Souza, João Carlos O..
The Difference of Convex Algorithm on Hadamard Manifolds.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Axen, Seth D.;
Baran, Mateusz;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Rzecki, Krzysztof.
Manifolds.jl: An Extensible Julia Framework for Data Analysis on Manifolds.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baumgärtner, Lukas;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Total Generalized Variation for Piecewise Constant Functions on Triangular Meshes with Applications in Imaging.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Ortiz López, Julian;
Schiela, Anton.
First- and Second-Order Analysis for Optimization Problems with Manifold-Valued Constraints.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny.
Manopt.jl: Optimization on Manifolds in Julia.
Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Silva Louzeiro, Maurício;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland.
Fenchel Duality and a Separation Theorem on Hadamard Manifolds.
SIAM Journal on Optimization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Silva Louzeiro, Maurício;
Tenbrinck, Daniel;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Fenchel duality for Convex Optimization and a Primal Dual Algorithm on Riemannian Manifolds.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herrmann, Marc;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Discrete total variation of the normal vector field as shape prior with applications in geometric inverse problems.
Inverse Problems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Merkert, Dennis.
FFT-based homogenization on periodic anisotropic translation invariant spaces.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herrmann, Marc;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Total variation of the normal vector field as shape prior.
Inverse Problems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland.
Intrinsic formulation of KKT conditions and constraint qualifications on smooth manifolds.
SIAM Journal on Optimization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Fitschen, Jan Henrik;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
Priors with coupled first and second order differences for manifold-valued image processing.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Tenbrinck, Daniel.
A graph framework for manifold-valued data.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Merkert, Dennis.
A framework for FFT-based homogenization on anisotropic lattices.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Gousenbourger, Pierre-Yves.
A variational model for data fitting on manifolds by minimizing the acceleration of a Bézier curve.
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Fitschen, Jan Henrik;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
Iterative multiplicative filters for data labeling.
International Journal of Computer Vision
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
A parallel Douglas–Rachford algorithm for minimizing ROF-like functionals on images with values in symmetric Hadamard manifolds.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bačák, Miroslav;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Steidl, Gabriele;
Weinmann, Andreas.
A second order non-smooth variational model for restoring manifold-valued images.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Weinmann, Andreas.
A second order TV-type approach for inpainting and denoising higher dimensional combined cyclic and vector space data.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Chan, Raymond H.;
Hielscher, Ralf;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
Restoration of manifold-valued images by half-quadratic minimization.
Inverse Problems and Imaging
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Prestin, Jürgen.
Multivariate periodic wavelets of de la Vallée Poussin type.
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Laus, Friederike;
Steidl, Gabriele;
Weinmann, Andreas.
Second order differences of cyclic data and applications in variational denoising.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny.
The fast Fourier transform and fast wavelet transform for patterns on the torus.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baumgärtner, Lukas;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal Núñez, José;
Weiß, Manuel.
Mesh Denoising and Inpainting Using the Total Variation of the Normal and a Shape Newton Approach.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zimmermann, Ralf;
Bergmann, Ronny.
Multivariate Hermite interpolation on Riemannian manifolds.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Ferreira, Orizon P.;
M. Santos, Elianderson;
Souza, João Carlos O..
The Difference of Convex Algorithm on Hadamard Manifolds.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Axen, Seth D.;
Baran, Mateusz;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Rzecki, Krzysztof.
Manifolds.jl: An Extensible Julia Framework for Data Analysis on Manifolds.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baumgärtner, Lukas;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Total Generalized Variation for Piecewise Constant Functions on Triangular Meshes with Applications in Imaging.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Ortiz López, Julian;
Schiela, Anton.
First- and Second-Order Analysis for Optimization Problems with Manifold-Valued Constraints.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny.
Manopt.jl: Optimization on Manifolds in Julia.
Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Silva Louzeiro, Maurício;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland.
Fenchel Duality and a Separation Theorem on Hadamard Manifolds.
SIAM Journal on Optimization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland;
Silva Louzeiro, Maurício;
Tenbrinck, Daniel;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Fenchel duality for Convex Optimization and a Primal Dual Algorithm on Riemannian Manifolds.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herrmann, Marc;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Discrete total variation of the normal vector field as shape prior with applications in geometric inverse problems.
Inverse Problems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Merkert, Dennis.
FFT-based homogenization on periodic anisotropic translation invariant spaces.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herrmann, Marc;
Herzog, Roland;
Schmidt, Stephan;
Vidal-Núñez, José.
Total variation of the normal vector field as shape prior.
Inverse Problems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Herzog, Roland.
Intrinsic formulation of KKT conditions and constraint qualifications on smooth manifolds.
SIAM Journal on Optimization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Fitschen, Jan Henrik;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
Priors with coupled first and second order differences for manifold-valued image processing.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Tenbrinck, Daniel.
A graph framework for manifold-valued data.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Merkert, Dennis.
A framework for FFT-based homogenization on anisotropic lattices.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Gousenbourger, Pierre-Yves.
A variational model for data fitting on manifolds by minimizing the acceleration of a Bézier curve.
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Fitschen, Jan Henrik;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
Iterative multiplicative filters for data labeling.
International Journal of Computer Vision
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
A parallel Douglas–Rachford algorithm for minimizing ROF-like functionals on images with values in symmetric Hadamard manifolds.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bačák, Miroslav;
Bergmann, Ronny;
Steidl, Gabriele;
Weinmann, Andreas.
A second order non-smooth variational model for restoring manifold-valued images.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Weinmann, Andreas.
A second order TV-type approach for inpainting and denoising higher dimensional combined cyclic and vector space data.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Chan, Raymond H.;
Hielscher, Ralf;
Persch, Johannes;
Steidl, Gabriele.
Restoration of manifold-valued images by half-quadratic minimization.
Inverse Problems and Imaging
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Prestin, Jürgen.
Multivariate periodic wavelets of de la Vallée Poussin type.
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny;
Laus, Friederike;
Steidl, Gabriele;
Weinmann, Andreas.
Second order differences of cyclic data and applications in variational denoising.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergmann, Ronny.
The fast Fourier transform and fast wavelet transform for patterns on the torus.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Quarto Extensions for the Julia Community
Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system. We propose new extensions and workflows that will help the community embrace this promising new tool and boost developers' efforts toward effective communication and reproducibility.
Manifolds in Julia – Manifolds.jl & ManifoldsBase.jl | JuliaCon 2020
Manifolds.jl provides a library of Riemannian manifolds based on the light-weight, extensible interface ManifoldsBase.jl, which can be used to implement algorithms on arbitrary manifolds.
Manopt.jl – Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds | Extended Lightning Talk | JuliaCon 2022
Manopt.jl provides a set of optimization algorithms in Julia for problems defined on a Riemannian manifold. These are implemented using the interface ManifoldsBase.jl and hence work for arbitrary manifolds from the Manifolds.jl library.
Nonsmooth, non convex Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds
Recording of a talk I gave in the Optimization in Oslo Seminar at the Department of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Simula.
Vitenskapelig foredragJasa, Hajg; Bergmann, Ronny; Herzog, Roland. (2024) Nonsmooth Optimization on Manifolds . SIAM SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA24) , Sorbonne University - Paris, France 2024-05-13 - 2024-05-17
Vitenskapelig foredragJasa, Hajg; Bergmann, Ronny; Herzog, Roland. (2024) The Riemannian Convex Bundle Method. The Association for European Operational Research Societies EURO 2024 , DTU - Copenhagen, Denmark 2024-06-30 - 2024-07-03