Pavlo Sukhachov
Properties of altermagnetic heterostructures
Herasymchuk, A.A.;
Gorbar, E.V.;
Sukhachov, Pavlo.
Viscoelastic response and anisotropic hydrodynamics in Weyl semimetals.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Hodt, Erik Wegner;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Thermoelectric effect in altermagnet-superconductor junctions.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Impurity-induced Friedel oscillations in altermagnets and p -wave magnets.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brekke, Bjørnulf;
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Giil, Hans Gløckner;
Brataas, Arne;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Minimal Models and Transport Properties of Unconventional p -Wave Magnets.
Physical Review Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hodt, Erik Wegner;
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Interface-induced magnetization in altermagnets and antiferromagnets.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Herasymchuk, A.A.;
Gorbar, E.V.;
Sukhachov, Pavlo.
Viscoelastic response and anisotropic hydrodynamics in Weyl semimetals.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Hodt, Erik Wegner;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Thermoelectric effect in altermagnet-superconductor junctions.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Impurity-induced Friedel oscillations in altermagnets and p -wave magnets.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brekke, Bjørnulf;
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Giil, Hans Gløckner;
Brataas, Arne;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Minimal Models and Transport Properties of Unconventional p -Wave Magnets.
Physical Review Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hodt, Erik Wegner;
Sukhachov, Pavlo;
Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff.
Interface-induced magnetization in altermagnets and antiferromagnets.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredragSukhachov, Pavlo; Kurilovich, Vlad; Glazman, Leonid. (2024) Spectral properties of disordered superconducting planar junctions. APS APS March Meeting 2024 , Minnesota, USA 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-08
PosterSukhachov, Pavlo; Hodt, Erik Wegner; Linder, Jacob Wüsthoff. (2024) Thermoelectric Effect in Altermagnet-Superconductor Junctions. QuSpin, NTNU Quantum Spintronics 2024 , Trondheim, Norway 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-07