Øystein Leif Gurandsrud Hestad
Min forskning og undervisning fokuserer på høgspenningsteknologi, isolasjonsmaterialer, gjennomslagsmekanismer i polymerisolasjon, aldring av dielektriske materialer, ladningstransport i dielektriske materialer og numeriske simuleringer (hovedsakelig ved bruk av FEM-programvare). Jeg ønsker å fremme vår forståelse av elektriske isolasjonssystemer og deres ytelse under ekstreme forhold, spesielt for høgspent likestrøm (HVDC)-applikasjoner. Forskningen min kombinerer eksperimentelt arbeid med beregningsmodeller for å utvikle ny innsikt i hvordan materialer bryter sammen når de er utsatt for høye elektriske påkjenninger.
LowEmission reserach centre
LowEmission is a research centre for low-emission technology for petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). Our mission is to pave the road towards zero-emission production of oil and gas from the NCS.
DeMoKab – Design, Modelling, and Testing of HVDC Cable Insulation for the Future Electrical Grid
DeMoKab aims to establish new knowledge and numerical models for how overvoltages in future HVDC networks will stress the electrical insulation in HVDC cables,
SecurEL facilitates a secure, resilient, and sustainable electricity distribution grid that ensures both the security of electricity supply and a path to a net-zero emissions society.
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Conduction and Electric Fields in Dielectric Liquids in Needle-to-Plane Gaps.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
The Key to Cable Longevity: Understanding water treeing in power cables.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Abideen, Amar Khairy M;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
The Key to Cable Longevity: Understanding water treeing in power cables
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Liland, Knut Brede;
Mermigkas, Athanasios;
Klusmeier, Katharina Kuhlefelt;
Kantar, Emre;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Formation of micro-cracks at the surface of a high voltage cable screen induced by aluminum corrosion.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ve, Torbjørn;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
The Effect of Water Content on Time Domain Dielectric Response in Polyetheretherketone.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Hybridkabel enkelt forklart
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Ve, Torbjørn;
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Sæternes, Hans Helmer;
Hvidsten, Sverre;
Mermigkas, Athanasios;
Bærug, Håvard.
Electrical Ageing and Temperature Cycling of XLPE Insulation Saturated with Water.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Abideen, Amar;
Mauseth, Frank;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Faremo, Hallvard.
Review of Water Treeing in Polymeric Insulated Cables.
Proceedings of the Nordic Insulation Symposium
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
“Hybrid cables” explained.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Bærug, Håvard;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Field Dependent Currents in n-Tridecane.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Runde, Magne;
Enoksen, Henrik;
Magnusson, Niklas.
Modeling of Internal Pressure Dynamics in Mass-Impregnated Nondraining HVDC Cables.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Hvidsten, Sverre;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Olsen, Elise;
Bengtsson, Karl Magnus.
Microscopy Study of Inception Sites of Vented Water Trees in a HV XLPE Cable Aged in Salt Water.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Hybridkabel enkelt forklart
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Runde, Magne;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Magnusson, Niklas;
Enoksen, Henrik.
Assessment of the Dielectric Type Test Currently Applied on Mass-Impregnated Non-Draining HVDC Cables.
CIGRE Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
Cerman: Software for simulating streamer propagation in dielectric liquids based on the Townsend–Meek criterion.
Computer Physics Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, Olof;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
Photoionization model for streamer propagation mode change in simulation model for streamers in dielectric liquids.
Plasma Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lunde, Jens Fredrik;
Mauseth, Frank;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Electric field distribution in layered
polymeric HVDC insulation.
NTNU Trondheim
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Linhjell, Dag;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Michael;
Hjortstam, Olof.
Pre-breakdown phenomena in hydrocarbon liquids in a point-plane gap under step voltage. Part 2: behaviour under negative polarity and comparison with positive polarity.
Journal of Physics Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Simulating electron-avalanche-driven positive streamers in dielectric liquids.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Madshaven, Inge;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, Olof;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
Conductivity and capacitance of streamers in avalanche model for streamer propagation in dielectric liquids.
Plasma Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Liland, Knut Brede;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Chemical ageing of subsea mass impregnated insulation cable paper.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, Olof.
Simulation model for the propagation of second mode streamers in dielectric liquids using the Townsend-Meek criterion.
Journal of Physics Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, O..
Modeling the transition to fast mode streamers in dielectric liquids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Linhjell, Dag;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Samseth, Jarl Ø.;
Unge, Mikael.
Field dependent conductivity of n-pentane.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Ve, Torbjørn;
Hestad, Øystein.
Conductivity and permittivity of Midel 7131 : effect of temperature, moisture content, hydrostatic pressure and electric field.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Hestad, Øystein;
Hølto, Jorunn;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
The effect of temperature cycling on mechanical and electrical properties of syndiotactic polypropylene.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Enoksen, Henrik;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Effect of static mechanical strain on the DC conductivity of extruded cross-linked polyethylene cable insulation.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Vuong, Au-Dung;
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof Harald.
Thermal Decomposition of Cyclohexane by Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations and its Relevance to Streamer Formation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Smalø, Hans Sverre;
Unge, Michael;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Photoionization Model for the Transition to Fast Mode Streamers in Dielectric Liquids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Risinggård, Vetle Meland;
Hestad, Øystein;
Hvidsten, Sverre;
Glomm, Wilhelm.
Self-healing composites for high voltage electrical insulation.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Gelimeri, Simone;
Mazzanti, Giovanni;
Mauseth, Frank;
Hestad, Øystein Leif.
Misure di carica de spazio e di conducibilita elettrica nel materiale semicristallino PEEK.
Universita di Bologna
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Risinggård, Vetle;
Hølto, Jorunn;
Sæternes, Hans Helmer;
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Self-healing high voltage electrical insulation materials.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hølto, Jorunn;
Hestad, Øystein Leif.
Field and Temperature Dependent Conductivity of Syndiotactic Polypropylene : Effect of temperature and electric field.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Grav, Torstein;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Unge, M.;
Hjortstam, O..
Numerical simulation of positive streamer propagation in cyclohexane.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Mauseth, Frank;
Kyte, Ruth Helene.
Electrical conductivity of medium voltage XLPE insulated cables.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
n-tridecane as a model system for polyethylene: comparison of pre-breakdown phenomena in liquid and solid phase stressed by a fast transient.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Smalø, Hans Sverre;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Effects of N,N-dimethylaniline and trichloroethene on prebreakdown phenomena in liquid and solid n-tridecane.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Smalø, Hans Sverre;
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Åstrand, Per Olof.
Field dependence on the molecular ionization potential and excitation energies compared to conductivity models for insulation materials at high electric fields.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Linhjell, Dag.
New experimental system for the study of the effect of temperature and liquid to solid transition on streamers in dielectric liquids: Application to cyclohexane.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Lundgaard, Lars E.;
Ildstad, Erling.
Prebreakdown phenomena in solids and liquids stressed by fast transients: The effect of additives and phase.
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Linhjell, Dag;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Borlaug, Jan-Trygve.
High Frequency dielectric Response of Paper/Oil
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Streamer Inception in Cyclohexane Above and
Below Freezing Point.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Condensation of water vapour in XLPE insulation at different cooling rates and pressures.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Linhjell, Dag;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Gäfvert, U.;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Dielectric response of oil-impregnated cellulose from 0.1 mHz to 3 MHz.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian.
Review of test method for dielectric properties of liquids for HV transformer application.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Streamer initiation in cyclohexane, Midel 7131 and Nytro 10X.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Berg, Gunnar;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Liland, Knut Brede.
Streamer injection and growth under impulse voltage : a comparison of cyclohexane, Midel 7131 and Nytro 10X.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Conduction and Electric Fields in Dielectric Liquids in Needle-to-Plane Gaps.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ve, Torbjørn;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
The Effect of Water Content on Time Domain Dielectric Response in Polyetheretherketone.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Abideen, Amar;
Mauseth, Frank;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Faremo, Hallvard.
Review of Water Treeing in Polymeric Insulated Cables.
Proceedings of the Nordic Insulation Symposium
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Runde, Magne;
Enoksen, Henrik;
Magnusson, Niklas.
Modeling of Internal Pressure Dynamics in Mass-Impregnated Nondraining HVDC Cables.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Runde, Magne;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Magnusson, Niklas;
Enoksen, Henrik.
Assessment of the Dielectric Type Test Currently Applied on Mass-Impregnated Non-Draining HVDC Cables.
CIGRE Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
Cerman: Software for simulating streamer propagation in dielectric liquids based on the Townsend–Meek criterion.
Computer Physics Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, Olof;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
Photoionization model for streamer propagation mode change in simulation model for streamers in dielectric liquids.
Plasma Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Linhjell, Dag;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Michael;
Hjortstam, Olof.
Pre-breakdown phenomena in hydrocarbon liquids in a point-plane gap under step voltage. Part 2: behaviour under negative polarity and comparison with positive polarity.
Journal of Physics Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, Olof;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
Conductivity and capacitance of streamers in avalanche model for streamer propagation in dielectric liquids.
Plasma Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, Olof.
Simulation model for the propagation of second mode streamers in dielectric liquids using the Townsend-Meek criterion.
Journal of Physics Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Ve, Torbjørn;
Hestad, Øystein.
Conductivity and permittivity of Midel 7131 : effect of temperature, moisture content, hydrostatic pressure and electric field.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Åstrand, Per-Olof.
n-tridecane as a model system for polyethylene: comparison of pre-breakdown phenomena in liquid and solid phase stressed by a fast transient.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Smalø, Hans Sverre;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Effects of N,N-dimethylaniline and trichloroethene on prebreakdown phenomena in liquid and solid n-tridecane.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Smalø, Hans Sverre;
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Åstrand, Per Olof.
Field dependence on the molecular ionization potential and excitation energies compared to conductivity models for insulation materials at high electric fields.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Linhjell, Dag.
New experimental system for the study of the effect of temperature and liquid to solid transition on streamers in dielectric liquids: Application to cyclohexane.
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Liland, Knut Brede;
Mermigkas, Athanasios;
Klusmeier, Katharina Kuhlefelt;
Kantar, Emre;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Formation of micro-cracks at the surface of a high voltage cable screen induced by aluminum corrosion.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ve, Torbjørn;
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Sæternes, Hans Helmer;
Hvidsten, Sverre;
Mermigkas, Athanasios;
Bærug, Håvard.
Electrical Ageing and Temperature Cycling of XLPE Insulation Saturated with Water.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Bærug, Håvard;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Field Dependent Currents in n-Tridecane.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Hvidsten, Sverre;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Olsen, Elise;
Bengtsson, Karl Magnus.
Microscopy Study of Inception Sites of Vented Water Trees in a HV XLPE Cable Aged in Salt Water.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Liland, Knut Brede;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Chemical ageing of subsea mass impregnated insulation cable paper.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Unge, Mikael;
Hjortstam, O..
Modeling the transition to fast mode streamers in dielectric liquids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Linhjell, Dag;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Samseth, Jarl Ø.;
Unge, Mikael.
Field dependent conductivity of n-pentane.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Aakre, Torstein Grav;
Hestad, Øystein;
Hølto, Jorunn;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
The effect of temperature cycling on mechanical and electrical properties of syndiotactic polypropylene.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Enoksen, Henrik;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Effect of static mechanical strain on the DC conductivity of extruded cross-linked polyethylene cable insulation.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Vuong, Au-Dung;
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof Harald.
Thermal Decomposition of Cyclohexane by Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations and its Relevance to Streamer Formation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Madshaven, Inge;
Smalø, Hans Sverre;
Unge, Michael;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Photoionization Model for the Transition to Fast Mode Streamers in Dielectric Liquids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Risinggård, Vetle Meland;
Hestad, Øystein;
Hvidsten, Sverre;
Glomm, Wilhelm.
Self-healing composites for high voltage electrical insulation.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lesaint, Cedric Michel;
Risinggård, Vetle;
Hølto, Jorunn;
Sæternes, Hans Helmer;
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Self-healing high voltage electrical insulation materials.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hølto, Jorunn;
Hestad, Øystein Leif.
Field and Temperature Dependent Conductivity of Syndiotactic Polypropylene : Effect of temperature and electric field.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Grav, Torstein;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Unge, M.;
Hjortstam, O..
Numerical simulation of positive streamer propagation in cyclohexane.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Mauseth, Frank;
Kyte, Ruth Helene.
Electrical conductivity of medium voltage XLPE insulated cables.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Linhjell, Dag;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Borlaug, Jan-Trygve.
High Frequency dielectric Response of Paper/Oil
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Streamer Inception in Cyclohexane Above and
Below Freezing Point.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Hvidsten, Sverre.
Condensation of water vapour in XLPE insulation at different cooling rates and pressures.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Linhjell, Dag;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Gäfvert, U.;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Dielectric response of oil-impregnated cellulose from 0.1 mHz to 3 MHz.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lundgaard, Lars Esben;
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian.
Review of test method for dielectric properties of liquids for HV transformer application.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Lundgaard, Lars Esben.
Streamer initiation in cyclohexane, Midel 7131 and Nytro 10X.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Berg, Gunnar;
Ingebrigtsen, Stian;
Liland, Knut Brede.
Streamer injection and growth under impulse voltage : a comparison of cyclohexane, Midel 7131 and Nytro 10X.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lunde, Jens Fredrik;
Mauseth, Frank;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Electric field distribution in layered
polymeric HVDC insulation.
NTNU Trondheim
Madshaven, Inge;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
Simulating electron-avalanche-driven positive streamers in dielectric liquids.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gelimeri, Simone;
Mazzanti, Giovanni;
Mauseth, Frank;
Hestad, Øystein Leif.
Misure di carica de spazio e di conducibilita elettrica nel materiale semicristallino PEEK.
Universita di Bologna
Hestad, Øystein Leif;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Lundgaard, Lars E.;
Ildstad, Erling.
Prebreakdown phenomena in solids and liquids stressed by fast transients: The effect of additives and phase.
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
The Key to Cable Longevity: Understanding water treeing in power cables.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Abideen, Amar Khairy M;
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud.
The Key to Cable Longevity: Understanding water treeing in power cables
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Hybridkabel enkelt forklart
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
“Hybrid cables” explained.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Hybridkabel enkelt forklart
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Vitenskapelig foredragLesaint, Cedric Michel; Liland, Knut Brede; Mermigkas, Athanasios; Klusmeier, Katharina Kuhlefelt; Kantar, Emre; Hvidsten, Sverre. (2023) Formation of micro-cracks at the surface of a high voltage cable screen induced by aluminum corrosion. Jicable'23 , Lyon 2023-06-18 - 2023-06-22
PosterD'Arco, Salvatore; Svendsen, Harald Georg; Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud; Hvidsten, Sverre. (2022) Ocean Grid Research – grid and system integration innovations for North Sea wind energy realisation. EERA EERA DeepWind Conference 2022 , Trondheim, Norway (Digital event) 2022-01-18 - 2022-01-20
IntervjuHestad, Øystein Leif; Lesaint, Cedric Michel. (2014) Sparer penger med materialer som fikser seg selv. Forskning.no Forskning.no [Internett] 2014-11-20
IntervjuLesaint, Cedric Michel; Hestad, Øystein Leif. (2014) Mikrokapsler; Sintef-forskere: Dette kan bli fremtidens isolasjonsmateriale. tu.no tu.no [Internett] 2014-11-27
PosterHestad, Øystein; Lundgaard, Lars E.. (2008) Streamer Inception in Cyclohexane Above and Below Freezing Point. ICDL 2008 , Poitier 2008-06-30 - 2008-07-04