Nadia Shardt
Buede grensesnitt – bobler, dråper og porer – er en betydelig utfordring innen kjemiteknikk. Flertallet av konvensjonelle modelleringsverktøy (f.eks. tilstandsligninger) er kun gyldige for bulksystemer, dvs. de med store volum og ubetydelig grensesnittkrumning. Flerkomponent-, flerfasesystemer med grenseflatekrumning eksisterer på tvers av mange applikasjoner, inkludert CO2-lagring i underjordiske reservoarer, skydannelse i atmosfæren, farmasøytisk medikamentutvikling og mat- og drikkeproduksjon. I tillegg, om et kolloid forblir stabilt over tid eller om komponentene skiller seg, bestemmes av tendensen til den dispergerte fasen til å aggregere eller koalesere. Avhengig av grenseflatekrumningen kan nøkkelvariabler som damptrykk og frysepunkt avvike fra de som forventes for bulksystemer (dvs. med uendelige krumningsradier). Derfor er det viktig å forstå og kontrollere grensesnittegenskaper.
Vannbehandling via gassflotasjon
Bearbeiding av mineralmalm
Faseoverganger og kjernedannelse
Porøse medier
Eksperimentell mikrofluidikk
Gibbsisk komposittsystem termodynamikk
Maskinlæring og datasyn
Utdanning og erfaring
2020–2022: Postdoktor | Institutt for atmosfærisk og klimavitenskap ved ETH Zürich (Sveits) | finansiert av et ETH postdoktorstipend og et naturvitenskapelig og ingeniørvitenskapelig forskningsråd i Canada (NSERC) postdoktorstipend
2019: PhD i kjemiteknikk med prof. Janet A. W. Elliott | University of Alberta (Canada) | Multikomponent, flerfase termodynamikk med grenseflatekrumning
2015: BSc i kjemiteknikk | University of Alberta (Canada)
Ice nucleation abilities and chemical characteristics of laboratory-generated and aged biomass burning aerosols
The surface tension and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation of sea spray aerosol particles
Monitoring aqueous sucrose solutions using droplet microfluidics: Ice nucleation, growth, glass transition, and melting
A unified surface tension model for multi-component salt, organic, and surfactant solutions
Surface tension models for binary aqueous solutions: a review and intercomparison
Homogeneous freezing of water droplets for different volumes and cooling rates
The Microfluidic Ice Nuclei Counter Zürich (MINCZ): A platform for homogeneous and heterogeneous ice nucleation
Accuracy of the Shardt–Elliott–Connors–Wright equation for predicting the surface tension of metal alloys
Highly efficient and accurate gas-alkane binary mixture interfacial tension equations for a broad range of temperatures, pressures, and compositions
Vitrification of particulated articular cartilage via calculated protocols
Surface tension as a function of temperature and composition for a broad range of mixtures
Osmometric measurements of cryoprotective agent permeation into tissues
Validity of the Kelvin equation and the equation-of-state-with-capillary-pressure model for the phase behavior of a pure component under nanoconfinement
Using engineering models to shorten cryoprotectant loading time for the vitrification of articular cartilage
Comparison of three multi-cryoprotectant loading protocols for vitrification of porcine articular cartilage
Gibbsian thermodynamics of Wenzel wetting (Was Wenzel Wrong? Revisited)
How surfactants affect droplet wetting on hydrophobic microstructures
Gibbsian thermodynamics of Cassie-Baxter wetting (Were Cassie and Baxter wrong? Revisited)
Isobaric vapor–liquid phase diagrams for multicomponent systems with nanoscale radii of curvature
Model for the surface tension of dilute and concentrated binary aqueous mixtures as a function of composition and temperature
Cryoprotectant kinetic analysis of a human articular cartilage vitrification protocol
Thermodynamic study of the role of interface curvature on multicomponent vapor–liquid phase equilibrium
Evaluation of the constant wavenumber cutoff parameter for modeling van der Waals energy
Kleinheins, Judith;
Shardt, Nadia;
Lohmann, Ulrike;
Marcolli, Claudia.
The surface tension and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation of sea spray aerosol particles.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Santana, Vinicius;
Rebello, Carine Menezes;
Queiroz, Luana P.;
Ribeiro, Ana Mafalda;
Shardt, Nadia;
B. R. Nogueira, Idelfonso.
PUFFIN: A path-unifying feed-forward interfaced network for vapor pressure prediction.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deck, Leif-Thore;
Shardt, Nadia;
El-Bakouri, Imad;
Isenrich, Florin N.;
Marcolli, Claudia;
deMello, Andrew J..
Monitoring Aqueous Sucrose Solutions Using Droplet Microfluidics: Ice Nucleation, Growth, Glass Transition, and Melting.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kleinheins, Judith;
Marcolli, Claudia;
Dutcher, Cari S.;
Shardt, Nadia.
A unified surface tension model for multi-component salt, organic, and surfactant solutions.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kleinheins, Judith;
Shardt, Nadia;
Lohmann, Ulrike;
Marcolli, Claudia.
The surface tension and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation of sea spray aerosol particles.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Santana, Vinicius;
Rebello, Carine Menezes;
Queiroz, Luana P.;
Ribeiro, Ana Mafalda;
Shardt, Nadia;
B. R. Nogueira, Idelfonso.
PUFFIN: A path-unifying feed-forward interfaced network for vapor pressure prediction.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deck, Leif-Thore;
Shardt, Nadia;
El-Bakouri, Imad;
Isenrich, Florin N.;
Marcolli, Claudia;
deMello, Andrew J..
Monitoring Aqueous Sucrose Solutions Using Droplet Microfluidics: Ice Nucleation, Growth, Glass Transition, and Melting.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kleinheins, Judith;
Marcolli, Claudia;
Dutcher, Cari S.;
Shardt, Nadia.
A unified surface tension model for multi-component salt, organic, and surfactant solutions.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Vitenskapelig artikkel