Melanie Rae Simpson
Stillinger: Studieprogramleder for profesjonsstudiet i medisin ved Enhet for legeutdanning (ELU). Førsteamanuensis i medisinsk statistikk ved Institutt for samfunsmedisin og sykepleie (ISM)
- Bachelor of Medicine 2008 (Newcastle University, Australia)
- Bachelor of Medical Science 2006 (Newcastle University)
- Master in Medical Statistics, 2015 (Newcastle University)
- PhD i samfunnmedisin, 2018 (NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
Forksnings interesser
- Allergi-relaterte sykdommer
- Forebygging
- Amming
- Immunologiske molekyler i morsmelk
- Kliniske forsøk
Pågående forskning
Min pågående forskning betnyttes en kombinasjon av epidemologisk, klinisk og translasjonsforskning til å undersøke forebyggende tiltak mot allergi-relaterte sykdommer. Jeg hovedsakelig jobber med data fra Barneallergi studien i Trondheim (Prevention of Allergy among Children in Trondheim - PACT - study) og de assosierte substudiene. Jeg er også involvert i forskning på immunologiske komponenter av brystmelk og hvordan disse bidrar til utviklingen av mikrobiota, tarmsystemet og immunsystemet til spedbarn.
Probtiotics in the Prevention of Allergy among Children in Trondheim (ProPACT) Study
ProPACT studien er en randomisert, placebo kontrollert, forsøk av et probiotika tilskudd gitt til kvinner fra svangerskaps uke 36 til 3 måneder etter fødsel. Ved 2 år, barna av mødrene i probiotika gruppen hadde en 40% redusert forekomst av eksem. Hvordan denne effekten er overført fra mor til barn er ukjent og vår forskningsgruppe undersøke dette fra ulike vinkler gjennom biologiske prøver innsamlet under ProPACT studien.
I min doktorgradsprosjektet så jeg på morsmelksprøvene for å finne ut om de var invovlert i den forebyggende effekten. Vi så at den bakterielle mikrobiotaen i morsmelk, utvalgte cytokiner (TGF-ßs and TSLP) og miRNA var ikke betydelig påvirket av probiotiske tilskuddet gitt til mødrene og kunne heller ikke forklare den forebyggende effekten. Dette arbeidet var gjennomført i samarbeid med forskere fra Institutt for Klinisk og Molekylar medisin (IKOM, NTNU) og Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU, Ås).
ProPACT stuiden er en substudie av den større befolksnings-basert intervensjon studie (PACT studien) som hadde målet om å redusere allergi-relaterte sykdommer i barndommen ved å redusere eksponering til sigarett røyk, forbedre inneklimaet og øke inntak av fisk og tran gjennom svangerskapet og tidlig i livet.
Høyen, Karina Sagmo;
Prestmo, Astrid;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Cohen, Lisa Janet;
Solem, Stian;
Medås, Kamilla.
Symptoms of the suicide crisis syndrome and therapist emotional responses: associations to self-harm and death by suicide within 18-months post-discharge among patients at an acute psychiatric department.
Journal of Mental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugan, Ingvild;
Husby, Marit Gudrun;
Skjøtskift, Bjørg;
Mostue, Dorothea Aamnes;
Brun, Andreas;
Olsen, Lene Christin.
Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in mid-Norway: A prospective, case control study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Myklebust, Åsne;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Valand, Jonas;
Langaas, Vibeke Stenhaug;
Jartti, Tuomas;
Døllner, Henrik.
Bronchial reactivity and asthma at school age after early-life metapneumovirus infection.
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Husby, Anne Engtrø;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Dalbye, Rebecka;
Larsen, Marit;
Vanky, Eszter Ilona;
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig.
Childbirth experiences in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A cohort study.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen;
Jakobsen, Gunnhild;
Arends, Jann;
Balstad, Trude Rakel;
Brown, Leo R.;
Bye, Asta.
Quality of life endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic review 3 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Zakiudin, Dinastry Pramadita;
Thyssen, Jacob P.;
Zachariae, Claus;
Videm, Vibeke;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Filaggrin Mutation Status and Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis with Maternal Probiotic Supplementation.
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yule, Michael S.;
Thompson, Joshua;
Leesahatsawat, Khachonphat;
Sousa, Mariana S.;
Anker, Stefan D.;
Arends, Jann.
Biomarker endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 5 of the cachexia endpoint series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne;
Balstad, Trude Rakel;
Ottestad, Inger ;
Bye, Asta;
Greil, Christine;
Arends, Jann.
Appetite and dietary intake endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 2 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Brown, Leo R.;
Sousa, Mariana S.;
Yule, Michael S.;
Baracos, Vickie E.;
McMillan, Donald C.;
Arends, Jann.
Body weight and composition endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 4 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Talmo, Maren Sophie Aaserud;
Fløysand, Ingvild Skogedal;
Nilsen, Guro Ørndal;
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig;
Ødegård, Rønnaug Astri;
Juliusson, Pétur Benedikt.
Growth Restriction in the Offspring of Mothers With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
JAMA Network Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granviken, Fredrik;
Meisingset, Ingebrigt;
Bach, Kerstin;
Bones, Anita Formo;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Hill, Jonathan C..
Personalised decision support in the management of patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary physiotherapy care: a cluster randomised controlled trial (the SupportPrim project).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
Clinical benefits of modifying the evening light environment in an acute psychiatric unit: A single-centre, two-arm, parallel-group, pragmatic effectiveness randomised controlled trial.
Nature Methods
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hernholm, Mathilde;
Kristiansen, Veronica;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Bråthen, Geir;
Meisingset, Tore Wergeland.
Alkoholvaner blant NTNU-studenter 2007-19.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Seim, Arnfinn;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Bakøy, Marthe Alida;
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth.
App-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Among Patients with Comorbid Musculoskeletal Complaints and Insomnia Referred to 4-Week Inpatient Multimodal Rehabilitation: Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Nature and Science of Sleep
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugen, Tina;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Friborg, Oddgeir;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Mikkelsen, Gustav.
Erratum: Correction: Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial (Trials (2023) 24 1 (126)).
Moholdt, Trine;
Ashby, Emily Rose;
Tømmerdal, Karina Hammer;
Lemoine, Maeliss Cynthia Chloe;
Holm, Rebecca Lyng;
Sætrom, Pål.
Randomised controlled trial of exercise training during lactation on breast milk composition in breastfeeding people with overweight/obesity: a study protocol for the MILKSHAKE trial
BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prescott, Marcus Glenton;
Iakovleva, Ekaterina;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Munblit, Daniel;
Vallersnes, Odd Martin.
Intranasal analgesia for acute moderate to severe pain in children – a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMC Pediatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilsen, Guro Ørndal;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Hanem, Liv Guro Engen;
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig;
Ødegård, Rønnaug Astri;
Stokkeland, Live Marie T.
Anthropometrics of neonates born to mothers with PCOS with metformin or placebo exposure in utero.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Golubovic, Jelena;
Baker, Felicity;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Neerland, Bjørn Erik.
Live and recorded music interventions for management of delirium symptoms in acute geriatric patients: Protocol for a randomized feasibility trial.
Nordic journal of music therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugen, Tina;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Friborg, Oddgeir;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Mikkelsen, Gustav.
Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
McDonald, James;
Sayers, Judith;
Anker, Stefan D.;
Arends, Jann;
Balstad, Trude Rakel;
Baracos, Vickie.
Physical function endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 1 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jamtøy, Kent Are;
Thorstensen, Wenche Moe;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Rosén, Annika;
Maarbjerg, Stine;
Bratbak, Daniel Fossum.
Onabotulinum toxin A block of the sphenopalatine ganglion in patients with persistent idiopathic facial pain: a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled, exploratory, cross-over study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zakiudin, Dinastry Pramadita;
Rø, Anne Dorthea Bjerkenes;
Videm, Vibeke;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Systemic inflammatory proteins in offspring following maternal probiotic supplementation for atopic dermatitis prevention.
Clinical and Molecular Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ahlberg, Emelie;
Al-Kaabawi, Ahmed;
Thune, Rebecka;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Cione, Erika.
Breast milk microRNAs: Potential players in oral tolerance development.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Cheung, Ka Yan;
Petrou, Loukia;
Helfer, Bartosz;
Porubayeva, Erika;
Dolgikh, Elena;
Ali, Sana.
Health and nutrition claims for infant formula: international cross sectional survey.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chalise, Pratibha;
Manandhar, Pratibha;
Infanti, Jennifer Jean;
Campbell, Jacquelyn C;
Henriksen, Lena;
Joshi, Sunil Kumar.
Addressing Domestic Violence in Antenatal Care Environments in Nepal (ADVANCE) – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating a video intervention on domestic violence among pregnant women.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Belevich, Ilya;
Røyset, Elin Synnøve;
Smistad, Erik;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Jokitalo, Eija.
Code-Free Development and Deployment of Deep Segmentation Models for Digital Pathology.
Frontiers in medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gamirova, Aysylu;
Berbenyuk, Anna;
Levina, Daria;
Peshko, Dmitrii;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Azad, Meghan B..
Food Proteins in Human Breast Milk and Probability of IgE-Mediated Allergic Reaction in Children During Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rosvold, Elin Olaug;
Dahl, Christen Peder;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Wiker, Harald Gotten.
Fastlegevikar uten LIS1 er feil bruk av nye leger.
Dagens medisin
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen;
Coutinho, Silvia;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Martins, Catia.
Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings between individuals with and without obesity—A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Obesity Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Neerland, Bjørn Erik;
Busund, Rolf;
Haaverstad, Rune;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Landsverk, Svein A.;
Martinaityte, Ieva.
Alpha-2-adrenergic receptor agonists for the prevention of delirium and cognitive decline after open heart surgery (ALPHA2PREVENT): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Simmonds, Emily Grace;
Adjei, Kwaku Peprah;
Andersen, Christoffer Wold;
Aspheim, Janne Cathrin Hetle;
Battistin, Claudia;
Bulso, Nicola.
Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Løset, Mari;
Thomas, Laurent Francois;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Modalsli, Ellen Heilmann;
Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad;
Solvin, Åshild Øksnevad.
Discovering novel genes and causal relationships for psoriasis: The HUNT study.
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Mehta, Shriya;
Allen, Hilary I.;
Campbell, Dianne E.;
Arntsen, Karoline Fagerli;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Boyle, Robert J..
Trends in use of specialized formula for managing cow's milk allergy in young children.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schei, Kasper;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Salamati, Saideh;
Rudi, Knut;
Ødegård, Rønnaug.
Allergy-related diseases and early gut fungal and bacterial microbiota abundances in children.
Clinical and Translational Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Faaland, Patrick;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
The effect of sleep-wake intraindividual variability in digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a mediation analysis of a large-scale RCT.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tingö, Lina;
Ahlberg, Emelie;
Johansson, Lovisa;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Chawla, Konika;
Sætrom, Pål.
Non-coding RNAs in human breast milk: A systematic review.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ekelund, Louise;
Gloppen, Inga;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Duration of breastfeeding, age at introduction of complementary foods and allergy-related diseases: a prospective cohort study.
International Breastfeeding Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
O'Reilly, Daniel;
Dorodnykh, Denis;
Avdeenko, Nina V.;
Nekliudov, Nikita A.;
Garssen, Johan;
Elolimy, Ahmed A..
Reply to J Zempleni.
Advances in Nutrition
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Morken, Gunnar;
Lydersen, Stian.
Digital cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia compared with digital patient education about insomnia in individuals referred to secondary mental health services in Norway: Protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schei, Kasper;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Rudi, Knut;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Juliusson, Petur Benedikt.
Early gut fungal and bacterial microbiota and childhood growth.
Frontiers in pediatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
O'Reilly, Daniel;
Dorodnykh, Denis;
Avdeenko, Nina;
Nekliudov, Nikita A.;
Garssen, Johan;
Elolimy, Ahmed.
Perspective: The Role of Human Breast-Milk Extracellular Vesicles in Child Health and Disease.
Advances in Nutrition
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Blyuss, Oleg;
Cheung, Ka Yan;
Chen, Jessica;
Parr, Callum;
Petrou, Loukia;
Komarova, Alina.
Statistical approaches in the studies assessing associations between human milk immune composition and allergic diseases: A scoping review.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Øien, Torbjørn;
Schjelvaag, Astrid;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Fish Consumption at One Year of Age Reduces the Risk
of Eczema, Asthma and Wheeze at Six Years of Age.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Angell, Inga Leena;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Storrø, Ola;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Johnsen, Roar.
Low maternal microbiota sharing across gut, breast milk and vagina, as revealed by 16s rRNA gene and reduced metagenomic sequencing.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rø, Anne Dorthea;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Videm, Vibeke.
Reduced Th22 cell proportion and prevention of atopic dermatitis in infants following maternal probiotic supplementation.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Rudi, Knut;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Breastfeeding associated microbiota in human milk following supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis Bb-12.
Journal of Dairy Science (JDS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Slangsvold, Silje;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Diversity of vaginal microbiota increases by the time of labor onset.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Probiotiske bakterier i forebygging av atopisk dermatitt.
Hud og Helse
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Probiotiske bakterier i forebygging av atopisk dermatitt.
BestPractice Dermatologi
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Systems biology: Impressions from a newcomer graduate student in 2016.
Advances in Physiology Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Rø, Anne Dorthea;
Grimstad, Øystein;
Johnsen, Roar;
Storrø, Ola;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Atopic dermatitis prevention in children following maternal probiotic supplementation does not appear to be mediated by breast milk TSLP or TGF-β.
Clinical and Translational Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dotterud, Christian;
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Sekelja, Monika;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Rudi, Knut;
Storrø, Ola.
Does maternal perinatal probiotic supplementation alter the intestinal microbiota of mother and child?.
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition - JPGN
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Brede, Gaute;
Johansen, Jostein;
Johnsen, Roar;
Storrø, Ola;
Sætrom, Pål.
Human breast milk miRNA, maternal probiotic supplementation and atopic dermatitis in offspring.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Dotterud, Christian Kvikne;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Perinatal probiotic supplementation in the prevention of allergy related disease: 6 year follow up of a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Dermatology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rø, Anne Dorthea;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Videm, Vibeke;
Øien, Torbjørn.
The predictive value of allergen skin prick tests and IgE tests at pre-school age: The PACT study.
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dotterud, Christian Kvikne;
Storrø, Ola;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Johnsen, Roar;
Øien, Torbjørn.
The impact of pre- and postnatal exposures on allergy related diseases in childhood: a controlled multicentre intervention study in primary health care.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Høyen, Karina Sagmo;
Prestmo, Astrid;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Cohen, Lisa Janet;
Solem, Stian;
Medås, Kamilla.
Symptoms of the suicide crisis syndrome and therapist emotional responses: associations to self-harm and death by suicide within 18-months post-discharge among patients at an acute psychiatric department.
Journal of Mental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugan, Ingvild;
Husby, Marit Gudrun;
Skjøtskift, Bjørg;
Mostue, Dorothea Aamnes;
Brun, Andreas;
Olsen, Lene Christin.
Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in mid-Norway: A prospective, case control study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Myklebust, Åsne;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Valand, Jonas;
Langaas, Vibeke Stenhaug;
Jartti, Tuomas;
Døllner, Henrik.
Bronchial reactivity and asthma at school age after early-life metapneumovirus infection.
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Husby, Anne Engtrø;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Dalbye, Rebecka;
Larsen, Marit;
Vanky, Eszter Ilona;
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig.
Childbirth experiences in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A cohort study.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen;
Jakobsen, Gunnhild;
Arends, Jann;
Balstad, Trude Rakel;
Brown, Leo R.;
Bye, Asta.
Quality of life endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic review 3 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Zakiudin, Dinastry Pramadita;
Thyssen, Jacob P.;
Zachariae, Claus;
Videm, Vibeke;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Filaggrin Mutation Status and Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis with Maternal Probiotic Supplementation.
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yule, Michael S.;
Thompson, Joshua;
Leesahatsawat, Khachonphat;
Sousa, Mariana S.;
Anker, Stefan D.;
Arends, Jann.
Biomarker endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 5 of the cachexia endpoint series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne;
Balstad, Trude Rakel;
Ottestad, Inger ;
Bye, Asta;
Greil, Christine;
Arends, Jann.
Appetite and dietary intake endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 2 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Brown, Leo R.;
Sousa, Mariana S.;
Yule, Michael S.;
Baracos, Vickie E.;
McMillan, Donald C.;
Arends, Jann.
Body weight and composition endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 4 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Talmo, Maren Sophie Aaserud;
Fløysand, Ingvild Skogedal;
Nilsen, Guro Ørndal;
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig;
Ødegård, Rønnaug Astri;
Juliusson, Pétur Benedikt.
Growth Restriction in the Offspring of Mothers With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
JAMA Network Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granviken, Fredrik;
Meisingset, Ingebrigt;
Bach, Kerstin;
Bones, Anita Formo;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Hill, Jonathan C..
Personalised decision support in the management of patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary physiotherapy care: a cluster randomised controlled trial (the SupportPrim project).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
Clinical benefits of modifying the evening light environment in an acute psychiatric unit: A single-centre, two-arm, parallel-group, pragmatic effectiveness randomised controlled trial.
Nature Methods
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hernholm, Mathilde;
Kristiansen, Veronica;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Bråthen, Geir;
Meisingset, Tore Wergeland.
Alkoholvaner blant NTNU-studenter 2007-19.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Seim, Arnfinn;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Bakøy, Marthe Alida;
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth.
App-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Among Patients with Comorbid Musculoskeletal Complaints and Insomnia Referred to 4-Week Inpatient Multimodal Rehabilitation: Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Nature and Science of Sleep
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugen, Tina;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Friborg, Oddgeir;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Mikkelsen, Gustav.
Erratum: Correction: Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial (Trials (2023) 24 1 (126)).
Moholdt, Trine;
Ashby, Emily Rose;
Tømmerdal, Karina Hammer;
Lemoine, Maeliss Cynthia Chloe;
Holm, Rebecca Lyng;
Sætrom, Pål.
Randomised controlled trial of exercise training during lactation on breast milk composition in breastfeeding people with overweight/obesity: a study protocol for the MILKSHAKE trial
BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prescott, Marcus Glenton;
Iakovleva, Ekaterina;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Munblit, Daniel;
Vallersnes, Odd Martin.
Intranasal analgesia for acute moderate to severe pain in children – a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMC Pediatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilsen, Guro Ørndal;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Hanem, Liv Guro Engen;
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig;
Ødegård, Rønnaug Astri;
Stokkeland, Live Marie T.
Anthropometrics of neonates born to mothers with PCOS with metformin or placebo exposure in utero.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Golubovic, Jelena;
Baker, Felicity;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Neerland, Bjørn Erik.
Live and recorded music interventions for management of delirium symptoms in acute geriatric patients: Protocol for a randomized feasibility trial.
Nordic journal of music therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugen, Tina;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Friborg, Oddgeir;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Mikkelsen, Gustav.
Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
McDonald, James;
Sayers, Judith;
Anker, Stefan D.;
Arends, Jann;
Balstad, Trude Rakel;
Baracos, Vickie.
Physical function endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 1 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jamtøy, Kent Are;
Thorstensen, Wenche Moe;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Rosén, Annika;
Maarbjerg, Stine;
Bratbak, Daniel Fossum.
Onabotulinum toxin A block of the sphenopalatine ganglion in patients with persistent idiopathic facial pain: a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled, exploratory, cross-over study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zakiudin, Dinastry Pramadita;
Rø, Anne Dorthea Bjerkenes;
Videm, Vibeke;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Systemic inflammatory proteins in offspring following maternal probiotic supplementation for atopic dermatitis prevention.
Clinical and Molecular Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ahlberg, Emelie;
Al-Kaabawi, Ahmed;
Thune, Rebecka;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Cione, Erika.
Breast milk microRNAs: Potential players in oral tolerance development.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Cheung, Ka Yan;
Petrou, Loukia;
Helfer, Bartosz;
Porubayeva, Erika;
Dolgikh, Elena;
Ali, Sana.
Health and nutrition claims for infant formula: international cross sectional survey.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chalise, Pratibha;
Manandhar, Pratibha;
Infanti, Jennifer Jean;
Campbell, Jacquelyn C;
Henriksen, Lena;
Joshi, Sunil Kumar.
Addressing Domestic Violence in Antenatal Care Environments in Nepal (ADVANCE) – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating a video intervention on domestic violence among pregnant women.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Belevich, Ilya;
Røyset, Elin Synnøve;
Smistad, Erik;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Jokitalo, Eija.
Code-Free Development and Deployment of Deep Segmentation Models for Digital Pathology.
Frontiers in medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gamirova, Aysylu;
Berbenyuk, Anna;
Levina, Daria;
Peshko, Dmitrii;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Azad, Meghan B..
Food Proteins in Human Breast Milk and Probability of IgE-Mediated Allergic Reaction in Children During Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rosvold, Elin Olaug;
Dahl, Christen Peder;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Wiker, Harald Gotten.
Fastlegevikar uten LIS1 er feil bruk av nye leger.
Dagens medisin
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen;
Coutinho, Silvia;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Martins, Catia.
Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings between individuals with and without obesity—A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Obesity Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Neerland, Bjørn Erik;
Busund, Rolf;
Haaverstad, Rune;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Landsverk, Svein A.;
Martinaityte, Ieva.
Alpha-2-adrenergic receptor agonists for the prevention of delirium and cognitive decline after open heart surgery (ALPHA2PREVENT): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Simmonds, Emily Grace;
Adjei, Kwaku Peprah;
Andersen, Christoffer Wold;
Aspheim, Janne Cathrin Hetle;
Battistin, Claudia;
Bulso, Nicola.
Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Løset, Mari;
Thomas, Laurent Francois;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Modalsli, Ellen Heilmann;
Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad;
Solvin, Åshild Øksnevad.
Discovering novel genes and causal relationships for psoriasis: The HUNT study.
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Mehta, Shriya;
Allen, Hilary I.;
Campbell, Dianne E.;
Arntsen, Karoline Fagerli;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Boyle, Robert J..
Trends in use of specialized formula for managing cow's milk allergy in young children.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schei, Kasper;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Salamati, Saideh;
Rudi, Knut;
Ødegård, Rønnaug.
Allergy-related diseases and early gut fungal and bacterial microbiota abundances in children.
Clinical and Translational Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vestergaard, Cecilie Lund;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Faaland, Patrick;
Vethe, Daniel;
Kjørstad, Kaia.
The effect of sleep-wake intraindividual variability in digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a mediation analysis of a large-scale RCT.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tingö, Lina;
Ahlberg, Emelie;
Johansson, Lovisa;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Chawla, Konika;
Sætrom, Pål.
Non-coding RNAs in human breast milk: A systematic review.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ekelund, Louise;
Gloppen, Inga;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Duration of breastfeeding, age at introduction of complementary foods and allergy-related diseases: a prospective cohort study.
International Breastfeeding Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
O'Reilly, Daniel;
Dorodnykh, Denis;
Avdeenko, Nina V.;
Nekliudov, Nikita A.;
Garssen, Johan;
Elolimy, Ahmed A..
Reply to J Zempleni.
Advances in Nutrition
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kallestad, Håvard;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Vedaa, Øystein;
Langsrud, Knut;
Morken, Gunnar;
Lydersen, Stian.
Digital cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia compared with digital patient education about insomnia in individuals referred to secondary mental health services in Norway: Protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schei, Kasper;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Rudi, Knut;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Juliusson, Petur Benedikt.
Early gut fungal and bacterial microbiota and childhood growth.
Frontiers in pediatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
O'Reilly, Daniel;
Dorodnykh, Denis;
Avdeenko, Nina;
Nekliudov, Nikita A.;
Garssen, Johan;
Elolimy, Ahmed.
Perspective: The Role of Human Breast-Milk Extracellular Vesicles in Child Health and Disease.
Advances in Nutrition
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Blyuss, Oleg;
Cheung, Ka Yan;
Chen, Jessica;
Parr, Callum;
Petrou, Loukia;
Komarova, Alina.
Statistical approaches in the studies assessing associations between human milk immune composition and allergic diseases: A scoping review.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Øien, Torbjørn;
Schjelvaag, Astrid;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Fish Consumption at One Year of Age Reduces the Risk
of Eczema, Asthma and Wheeze at Six Years of Age.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Angell, Inga Leena;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Storrø, Ola;
Øien, Torbjørn;
Johnsen, Roar.
Low maternal microbiota sharing across gut, breast milk and vagina, as revealed by 16s rRNA gene and reduced metagenomic sequencing.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rø, Anne Dorthea;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Videm, Vibeke.
Reduced Th22 cell proportion and prevention of atopic dermatitis in infants following maternal probiotic supplementation.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Rudi, Knut;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Breastfeeding associated microbiota in human milk following supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis Bb-12.
Journal of Dairy Science (JDS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Slangsvold, Silje;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Diversity of vaginal microbiota increases by the time of labor onset.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Probiotiske bakterier i forebygging av atopisk dermatitt.
Hud og Helse
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Probiotiske bakterier i forebygging av atopisk dermatitt.
BestPractice Dermatologi
Simpson, Melanie Rae.
Systems biology: Impressions from a newcomer graduate student in 2016.
Advances in Physiology Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Rø, Anne Dorthea;
Grimstad, Øystein;
Johnsen, Roar;
Storrø, Ola;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Atopic dermatitis prevention in children following maternal probiotic supplementation does not appear to be mediated by breast milk TSLP or TGF-β.
Clinical and Translational Allergy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dotterud, Christian;
Avershina, Ekaterina;
Sekelja, Monika;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Rudi, Knut;
Storrø, Ola.
Does maternal perinatal probiotic supplementation alter the intestinal microbiota of mother and child?.
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition - JPGN
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Brede, Gaute;
Johansen, Jostein;
Johnsen, Roar;
Storrø, Ola;
Sætrom, Pål.
Human breast milk miRNA, maternal probiotic supplementation and atopic dermatitis in offspring.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Dotterud, Christian Kvikne;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Øien, Torbjørn.
Perinatal probiotic supplementation in the prevention of allergy related disease: 6 year follow up of a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Dermatology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rø, Anne Dorthea;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Storrø, Ola;
Johnsen, Roar;
Videm, Vibeke;
Øien, Torbjørn.
The predictive value of allergen skin prick tests and IgE tests at pre-school age: The PACT study.
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dotterud, Christian Kvikne;
Storrø, Ola;
Simpson, Melanie Rae;
Johnsen, Roar;
Øien, Torbjørn.
The impact of pre- and postnatal exposures on allergy related diseases in childhood: a controlled multicentre intervention study in primary health care.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredragLaird, Barry; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Stene, Guro Birgitte; Baracos, Vickie; Bye, Asta; Dajani, Olav. (2024) Results from a randomised, open-label trial of a multimodal intervention (exercise, nutrition and anti-inflammatory medication) plus standard care versus standard care alone to attenuate cachexia in patients with advanced cancer undergoing chemotherapy. American Society of Clinical Oncology, ASCO 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting , Chicago 2024-05-31 - 2024-06-04
Faglig foredragZakiudin, Dinastry Pramadita; Rø, Anne Dorthea Bjerkenes; Øien, Torbjørn; Simpson, Melanie Rae. (2023) The effect of maternal probiotic supplementation on biomarkers of systemic allergic inflammation in 2-year-old children. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology EAACI Congress 2023 , Hamburg, Germany 2023-06-09 - 2023-06-11
Vitenskapelig foredragAustad, Bjarne; Prescott, Marcus Glenton; Iakovleva, Ekaterina; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Pedersen, Sindre Andre; Munblit, Daniel. (2023) Intranasal analgesia for acute moderate to severe pain in children - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wonca World Wonca World Sydney , Sydney 2023-10-28 - 2023-10-28
Vitenskapelig foredragMeisingset, Ingebrigt; Granviken, Fredrik; Bach, Kerstin; Bones, Anita Formo; Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth; Simpson, Melanie Rae. (2023) Advancing from stratified to personalized AI-based management of MSK patients in Norwegian primary care . EFIC EFIC 2023-09-20 - 2023-09-22
PosterGranviken, Fredrik; Meisingset, Ingebrigt; Bach, Kerstin; Bones, Anita Formo; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Hill, Jonathan C.. (2023) Optimising the management of musculoskeletal pain disorders in primary physiotherapy care: a cluster randomised controlled trial (The SupportPrim Project). International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research The 18th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care , Groningen, Netherlands 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-01
PosterGranviken, Fredrik; Meisingset, Ingebrigt; Bach, Kerstin; Bones, Anita Formo; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Hill, Jonathan C.. (2023) Optimising the management of musculoskeletal pain disorders in primary physiotherapy care: a cluster randomised controlled trial (The SupportPrim Project). EFIC 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC - Pain in Europe XIII (EFIC 2023) , Budapest, Hungary 2023-09-20 - 2023-09-22
PosterHaugen, Tina; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Hagemann, Cecilie Therese; Schei, Berit; Friborg, Oddgeir; Mork, Paul Jarle. (2022) Early intervention after rape- poster presentation. Forskerkurs, Elementær forskningsmetodikk for psykiatri, NTNU Posterwalk Østmarka, St. Olavs hospital , Trondheim 2022-12-13 - 2022-12-13
Vitenskapelig foredragLøset, Mari; Thomas, Laurent Francois; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Modalsli, Ellen Heilmann; Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad; Solvin, Åshild Øksnevad. (2022) Discovering novel genes and causal relationships for psoriasis: The HUNT study. Nordic Dermatology Association 35th Nordic Congres of Dermatology and Venereology , København 2022-04-19 - 2022-04-22
Faglig foredragSimpson, Melanie Rae. (2017) Probiotiske bakterier i forebygging av atopisk dermatitt - kunnskap og kunnskapshull. Helsedirektoratet AllergiFrisk , Oslo 2017-11-22 - 2017-11-23
Faglig foredragRø, Anne Dorthea; Øien, Torbjørn; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Rø, Torstein Baade; Storrø, Ola; Johnsen, Roar. (2016) The proportion of Th22 cells in infants is reduced following maternal probiotic supplementation, and is associated with atopic dermatitis. European Society of clinical Cell analysis ESCCA 2016 , Edinburgh 2016-09-11 - 2016-09-14
IntervjuSimpson, Melanie Rae. (2015) Intervju angående resultatene publisert i artikkelen: "Perinatal probiotic supplementation in the prevention of allergy related disease: 6 year follow up of a randomised controlled trial". Midt nytt, Dagsrevyen 21 (NRK) Midt nytt, Dagsrevyen 21 (NRK) [TV] 2015-09-21
ProgramdeltagelseSimpson, Melanie Rae. (2015) Fra mors tarm til barnets hud, er morsmelk et sendebud?. Forsker Grand Prix regonalefinale 2015 Trondheim Forsker Grand Prix regonalefinale 2015 Trondheim [TV] 2015-12-27
Vitenskapelig foredragSimpson, Melanie Rae; Øien, Torbjørn; Storrø, Ola; Dotterud, Christian; Johnsen, Roar. (2015) Perinatal probiotics and eczema in school aged children (oral presentation). Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) Children: Food and the Environment , Austin, Texas 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-06
Vitenskapelig foredragSimpson, Melanie Rae; Dotterud, Christian; Avershina, Ekaterina; Sekelja, Monika; Rudi, Knut; Storrø, Ola. (2015) Probiotics to mothers - impact on diversity in offspring (oral presentation). Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) Children: Food and the Environment , Austin, Texas 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-06
Vitenskapelig foredragSimpson, Melanie Rae; Brede, Gaute; Johansen, Jostein; Storrø, Ola; Johnsen, Roar; Sætrom, Pål. (2015) Human breast milk miRNA, maternal probiotic supplementation and atopic dermatitis (oral presentation). International Milk Genomics Consortium 12th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health , Sydney 2015-10-26 - 2015-10-28
PosterSimpson, Melanie Rae; Brede, Gaute; Johansen, Jostein; Storrø, Ola; Johnsen, Roar; Sætrom, Pål. (2015) Human breast milk miRNA, maternal probiotics supplementation and atopic dermatitis in offspring (poster). International Milk Genomics Consortium 12th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health , Sydney 2015-10-26 - 2015-10-28
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSimpson, Melanie Rae. (2015) Fra mors tarm til barnets hud, er morsmelk et sendebud?. Norske Forskningsrådet Forsker Grand Prix, regionale finalen 2015 Trondheim , Byscenen, Trondheim 2015-09-24 - 2015-09-24