Max Bergström
Max Bergström er stipendiat i idrett ved Institut for sosiologi og statsvitenskap (ISS). Stillingen består av forskningsarbeid, undervisning og veiledning. Bergström er en del av forskningsgruppen: Ferdighets- og prestasjonsutvikling i idrett og skole (SPDSS)
I Ph.d.-prosjektet undersøks talentutviklingsmiljøer for kvinner innom ishockey:
Dual Careers, Female Athletes, Lifelong Participation in Physical activity, Talent Development
Storaa, S., Bergström, B., Solli, G.S. & Sæther, S.A. (2025). «Det er jo et sjokk å komme til seniornivået». Kvinnelige utøvere sin opplevelse av starten på en seniorkarriere i langrenn. (Submitted, Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education)
- Bergström, M, Høigaard, R., Aspvik, N.P. & Sæther, S.A. (2025) "It´s unrealistic": Experiences of Swedish Elite Female Ice Hockey Players Considering Parenthood. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 7:1548261.
- Bergström, M., Mehus, I., Aspvik, N. P., Høigaard, R., & Sæther, S. A. (2025). ‘Same sport, different game’: male and female junior Norwegian national ice hockey players’ perceptions of their talent development environments. Sport in Society, 1–18.
- Mehus, I., Martindale, R., Andronikos, G., Aspvik, N.P., Bergström, M. & Sæther, S A. (2024) Comparing female and male talent environments of age specific national teams in handball and ice hockey in Norway. European Journal of Sport Sciences.
- Bergström, M., Okkenhaug, I., Høigaard, R. & Sæther, S.A. (2024). Aldersbestemte landslagsspillere i håndball sin opplevelse av eget utviklingsmiljø. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, 15, 131-152
- Bergström, M., Solli, G.S., Sandbakk, Ø., McGawley, K. & Sæther, S.A. (2024) Finding the optimal balance: Father-athlete challenges facing elite Nordic skiers. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living.
- Bergström, M., Sæther, S.A., Solli, G.S. & McGawley, K. (2023) Tick-tock goes the biological clock: Mother-athlete challenges facing elite Scandinavian cross-country skiers. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal.
- Bergström, M, Rosvold, M. & Sæther, S.A. (2023) “I hardly have a problem [...] I have my period quite rarely too” Female football players and their coaches’ perceptions of barriers to communication on menstrual cycle. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
- Bergström, M. Solli, G.S. Sandbakk, Ø, & Sæther, S.A. (2022) "Mission impossible"? How a successful female cross-country skier managed a dual career as a professional athlete and medical student: a case study. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, 57-83.
- Höök, M., Bergström, M., Sæther, S.A. & McGawley, K. (2021) "Do elite sport first, get your period back later." Are barriers to communcation hindering female athlete? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 12075.
- Bergström, M., Jong, M. & Sæther, S.A. (2021) Orienteering from cradle to grave – how a sport could offer lifelong participation. Social Sciences, 10 (5), 146.
- Bergström, M., Solli, G.S., Sandbakk, Ø., McGawley, K., & Sæther, S.A. Finding the optimal balance: Father-athlete challenges facing elite Nordic skiers. Nordic Winter Sport Conference, Meråker, 17-19 april. 2024
- Bergström, M, Rosvold, M. & Sæther, S.A. (2022) “I hardly have a problem [...] I have my period quite rarely too” Female football players and their coaches’ thoughts on how the knowledge and communication on menstrual cycle impact their development as footballers. NTNU Idrett forskningskonferanse, Trondheim, 1 des. 2022
- Bergström M., Sæther S.A., Solli G.S. & McGawley K. (2022) Tick-tock goes the biological clock: Mother-athlete dilemmas facing elite Scandinavian cross-country skiers. Nordic Winter Sport Conference, Östersund, 3-4 oct. 2022
- Höök, M., Bergström, M., Sӕther, S.A. & McGawley, K. (2021) Focus-group discussions of the female hormonal cycle as tool for increasing knowledge and communication among elite endurance athletes and their coaches. WOMEN IN SPORT & EXERCISE CONFERENCE 2021 (Virtual event).