Lucie Descamps
Blankvoort, Stefan;
Descamps, Lucie;
Kentros, Clifford.
Enhancer-Driven Gene Expression (EDGE) enables the generation of cell type specific tools for the analysis of neural circuits.
Neuroscience research
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Robinson, Nick;
Descamps, Lucie;
Russell, Lloyd;
Buchholz, Moritz;
Bicknell, Brendan;
Antonov, Georgy.
Targeted Activation of Hippocampal Place Cells Drives Memory-Guided Spatial Behavior.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Blankvoort, Stefan;
Descamps, Lucie;
Kentros, Clifford.
Enhancer-Driven Gene Expression (EDGE) enables the generation of cell type specific tools for the analysis of neural circuits.
Neuroscience research
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Robinson, Nick;
Descamps, Lucie;
Russell, Lloyd;
Buchholz, Moritz;
Bicknell, Brendan;
Antonov, Georgy.
Targeted Activation of Hippocampal Place Cells Drives Memory-Guided Spatial Behavior.
Vitenskapelig artikkel