Kristian Listou Riksheim
Kristian Listou Riksheim is a PhD candidate at the Department of Interntational Business, working within the field of entreprenurship. He holds a master degree in innovation and entrepreneurship form the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
His research focuses on exploring new business oppertunitues presented by autonomous technology in marine sectors. To this end a Design Science approach is used, with the aim to create new tools and methods to help enhance companies business developement capacities regarding autonomous technology. He is affiliated with the MIDAS project.
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Berstad Maraak, Rita;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Strand, Øivind.
Grønn kai 2023. Sluttrapport.
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Johansen, Torjus Levinsen;
Nydegger, Elise;
Lødemel Vedeld, Katrine;
Huseklepp Tunli, Emil André;
Sigurdsen Røstad, Erlen.
Prosjekt Grønn Kai -rapport sommerjobb 2022.
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Berstad Maraak, Rita;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Strand, Øivind.
Grønn kai 2023. Sluttrapport.
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Johansen, Torjus Levinsen;
Nydegger, Elise;
Lødemel Vedeld, Katrine;
Huseklepp Tunli, Emil André;
Sigurdsen Røstad, Erlen.
Prosjekt Grønn Kai -rapport sommerjobb 2022.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHansen, Irina-Emily; Berstad Maraak, Rita; Hildre, Hans Petter; Æsøy, Vilmar; Nerheim, Ann Rigmor; Strand, Øivind. (2023) GRØNN KAI 2023. Sluttpresentasjon NTNU- næringslivet- Stranda kommune og Stranda Hamnevesen. NTNU Grønn Kai 2023- Sluttpresentasjon , Ålesund 2023-08-28 - 2023-08-28
Faglig foredragRiksheim, Kristian Listou. (2023) Opportunity recognition in the context of autonomeous maritime technologies. NORSI NORSI-konferanse, Stockholm , Stockholm 2023-01-26 - 2023-01-27
Vitenskapelig foredragRiksheim, Kristian Listou. (2023) Business opportunities for autonomeous technology on maritime sector. Norges Handelshøyskole Entrepreneurship & Strategy , Online 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-31
Faglig foredragRiksheim, Kristian Listou. (2023) Venturing into uncharted waters. ISPIM ISPIM, 2023 , Salzburg 2023-12-11 - 2023-12-13
Vitenskapelig foredragRiksheim, Kristian Listou. (2023) A Design Science approach for opportunity creation: the case of autonomous technology in maritime industries. Eindhoven University of Technology Design science perspectives on innovation and entrepreneurship research, Eindhoven , Eindhoven 2023-01-16 - 2023-01-27
Faglig foredragRiksheim, Kristian Listou. (2023) Venturing in uncharted waters: The case of autonomous maritime technologies. Høyskolen Vestlandet Innovation Research - From Origin to Current Frontier , Bergen 2023-10-06 - 2023-10-06
Faglig foredragRiksheim, Kristian Listou; Jørgensen, Espen Aleksander. (2023) Presentasjon av MIDAS innsiktsarbeid. EGGS Design EGGS for Breakfast , Online 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-25
Faglig foredragRiksheim, Kristian Listou. (2023) Navigating uncharted waters; the enablement of autonomous technologies in the Maritime industry. Jønkøping International Business school 2nd JIBS Workshop on External Enablement of Entrepreneurship , Jønkøping 2023-09-28 - 2023-09-29
Faglig foredragHansen, Irina-Emily; Johansen, Torjus Levinsen; Nydegger, Elise; Huseklepp Tunli, Emil André; Sigurdsen Røstad, Erlen; Rødli Gjørtz, Hauk Emil. (2022) Prosjekt Grønn Kai-presentasjon resultater sommerjobb 2022. NTNU Grønn kai 2022: Forskningsresultater og veien videre , Ålesund 2022-09-08 -