Jo Eidsvik
Research interests
My research interests are spatio-temporal statistics and computational statistics, often applied to the Earth sciences. Research projects:
- Center for Geophysical Forecasting (SFI -CGF) (
- Geophysics and Applied Mathematics in Exploration and Safe production (
- Maritime Autonomous Sampling and Control (
I am also taking part in the GEOPARD project on data assimilation in geological models, the Havvarsel project working on ocenographic data assimilation and the ML4ITS project working on machine learning for irregular time series data.
Along with methods for parameter estimation, prediction and data assimilation, I work on value of information analysis in this context of spatio-temporal applications. Here is our book on 'Value of Information in the Earth Sciences' (, published by Cambridge University Press. (Runner up publication award by the Decision analysis society at INFORMS, 2017.)
I am associate editor of 'Mathematical Geosciences' and 'Statistics and computing'.
PhD students (statistics): André Olaisen, Oscar Ovanger, Khanh Truong, Øyvind Singsaas
Former PhD students: Erlend Aune, Gabriele Martinelli, Javad Rezaie, Marie Lilleborge, Jacob Skauvold, Jacopo Paglia, Michael Gineste, Susan Anyosa, Yaolin Ge, Florian Beiser, Mina Spremic.
I have supervised 60 MSc students.
Study programs and education
I am active in the study program for Physics and Mathematics ( at NTNU and member of the Industrial Mathematics board (
Project and master thesis topics.
- MSc in applied mathematics at the University of Oslo (1997) and PhD at NTNU (2003).
- Industry experience from the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment and Statoil.
- Visitor Stanford University, California in 2001-02, Duke University and the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, North Carolina in 2009-10, Stanford University in 2014-15 and Duke University 2021-22.
Beiser, Florian;
Holm, Håvard Heitlo;
Lye, Kjetil Olsen;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Multi-level data assimilation for ocean forecasting using the shallow-water equations.
Journal of Computational Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Spremic, Mina;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hansen, Thomas Mejer.
Local conditioning in posterior sampling methods with example cases in subsurface inversion.
Computers & Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Daesoo;
Ovanger, Oscar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Aune, Erlend;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Latent diffusion model for conditional reservoir facies generation.
Computers & Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Callioli Santi, Andrea;
Ringrose, Philip;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Haugdahl, Tor Andre.
Invasion percolation Markov Chains – A probabilistic framework for assessing vertical CO<inf>2</inf> migration.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ovanger, Oscar;
Lee, Daesoo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Aune, Erlend.
A Statistical Study of Latent Diffusion Models for Geological Facies Modeling.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ge, Yaolin;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Olaisen, André Julius Hovd.
RRT*-enhanced long-horizon path planning for AUV adaptive sampling using a cost valley.
Knowledge-Based Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beiser, Florian;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Holm, Håvard Heitlo;
Sætra, Martin Lilleeng.
Local Drift Forecasting with Simplified Ocean Models and Multi-Level Data Assimilation.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (241)
Omre, Henning;
Eidsvik, Jo.
ECMI blog: Geophysical data inversion in a probabilistic setting
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Ovanger, Oscar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Aarnes, Ingrid.
Addressing Configuration Uncertainty in Well Conditioning for a Rule-Based Model.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Spremic, Mina;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Avseth, Per Åge.
Bayesian rock-physics inversion using a localized ensemble-based approach — With an application to the Alvheim field.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chumbimune Anyosa, Susan Alicia;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Grana, Dario.
Evaluating geophysical monitoring strategies for a CO<inf>2</inf> storage project.
Computers & Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koski, Vilja;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Sampling design methods for making improved lake management decisions.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Azevedo, Leonardo;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Fifth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Beiser, Florian;
Holm, Håvard Heitlo;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Comparison of ensemble-based data assimilation methods for sparse oceanographic data.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rajan, Kanna;
Alvera Azcarate, Aida;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Subramaniam, Ajit.
Symposium on Advances in Ocean Observation.
Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin
Berild, Martin Outzen;
Ge, Yaolin;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Fuglstad, Geir-Arne;
Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene.
Efficient 3D real-time adaptive AUV sampling of a river plume front.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Daesoo;
Ovanger, Oscar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Aune, Erlend;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Latent Diffusion Model for Conditional Reservoir Facies Generation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ge, Yaolin;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mo-Bjørkelund, Tore.
3-D Adaptive AUV Sampling for Classification of Water Masses.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rørstadbotnen, Robin Andre;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Bouffaut, Léa;
Landrø, Martin;
Potter, John Robert;
Taweesintananon, Kittinat.
Simultaneous tracking of multiple whales using two fiber-optic cables in the Arctic.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic stochasticmodeling for adaptive sampling of environmental
variables using an AUV.
Autonomous Robots
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyosa, Susan;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Pizarro, Oscar.
Adaptive spatial designs minimizing the integrated Bernoulli variance in spatial logistic regression models - with an application to benthic habitat mapping.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Daesoo;
Aune, Erlend;
Langet, Nadege;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Ensemble and Self-supervised Learning for Improved Classification of Seismic Signals from the Åknes Rockslope.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ge, Yaolin;
Olaisen, André Julius Hovd;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Jain, Ravinder Praveen Kumar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Long-Horizon Informative Path Planning with Obstacles and Time Constraints.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyosa, Susan;
Bunting, Scott William Christopher;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Romdhane, Mohamed Anouar;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand.
Assessing the value of seismic monitoring of CO2 storage using simulations and statistical analysis.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Foss, Karine Hagesæther;
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Using an autonomous underwater vehicle with onboard stochastic advection-diffusion models to map excursion sets of environmental variables.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Travelletti, Cedric;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ginsbourger, David;
Rajan, Kanna.
Learning excursion sets of vector-valued Gaussian random fields for autonomous ocean sampling.
Annals of Applied Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringrose, Philip;
Landrø, Martin;
Potter, John;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Wienecke, Susann;
Bouffaut, Léa.
Next generation geophysical sensing: exploring a new wave of geophysical technologies for the energy transition.
First Break
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Karvanen, Juha.
Efficient spatial designs using Hausdorff distances and Bayesian optimization.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lie, Henrik Syversveen;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Inference in cylindrical models having latent Markovian classes - with an application to ocean current data.
Spatial Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gineste, Michael;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Batch seismic inversion using the iterative ensemble Kalman smoother.
Computational Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mendoza Espinosa, Jorge;
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Kohler, Jochen.
Value of information of in-situ inspections of mooring lines.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Cerasi, Pierre.
Workflow for Sensitivity Analysis and Decision Making on the Lower Limit of the Mud-Weight Window in an Overpressured Formation.
SPE Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gineste, Michael;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Zheng, York.
Ensemble-based seismic inversion for a stratified medium.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Myklebust, Hans Olav Vogt;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Sperstad, Iver Bakken;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Value of information analysis for complex simulator models: Application to wind farm maintenance.
Decision Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Ryan, John;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Maughan, Thom;
Ludvigsen, Martin.
Compact models for adaptive sampling in marine robotics.
The International Journal of Robotics Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Ullgren, Jenny;
Mendes, Renato;
Johnsen, Geir.
Toward adaptive robotic sampling of phytoplankton in the coastal ocean.
Science robotics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo;
van Leeuwen, Peter Jan;
Amezcua, Javier.
A revised implicit equal-weights particle filter.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Parametric spatial covariance models in the ensemble Kalman filter.
Spatial Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dutta, Geetartha;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Value of information of time-lapse seismic data by simulation-regression: comparison with double-loop Monte Carlo.
Computational Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dutta, Geetartha;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Value of information analysis for subsurface energy resources applications.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Grøver, Arnt;
Lothe, Ane Elisabet.
Statistical modeling for real-time pore pressure prediction from predrill analysis and well logs.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Data assimilation for a geological process model using the ensemble Kalman filter.
Basin Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Sequential information gathering schemes for spatial risk and decision analysis applications.
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
Alver, Morten;
Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira;
Johnsen, Geir.
Information-driven robotic sampling in the coastal ocean.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Methods Applied to Geological Process Modeling.
Sajith Vezhapparambu, Veena;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
Rock Classification Using Multivariate Analysis of Measurement While Drilling Data: Towards a Better Sampling Strategy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evangelou, Evangelos;
Eidsvik, Jo.
The value of information for correlated GLMs.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegård, Heidi Liljeblad;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Fleten, Stein-Erik.
Value of information analysis of snow measurements for the scheduling of hydropower production.
Energy Systems, Springer Verlag
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Dutta, Geetartha;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Simulation-Regression Approximations for Value of Information Analysis of Geophysical Data.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo.
A skewed unscented Kalman filter.
International Journal of Control
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Theune, Ulrich.
A parametric model for seismic wavelets-with estimation and uncertainty quantification.
Geophysical Journal International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Parker, Ryan J;
Reich, Brian J.;
Eidsvik, Jo.
A Fused Lasso Approach to Nonstationary Spatial Covariance Estimation.
Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lilleborge, Marie;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Huseby, Arne.
Effektiv informasjonsinnhenting i Bayesianske Nettverk.
Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo. (No. 1796)
Lilleborge, Marie;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Efficient designs for Bayesian networks with sub-tree bounds.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Value of Information in the Earth Sciences.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Vitenskapelig monografi
Lilleborge, Marie;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Information Gathering in Bayesian Networks Applied to Petroleum Prospecting.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan.
Value of information analysis and Bayesian inversion for closed skew-normal distributions: Applications to seismic amplitude variation with offset data
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Erlend;
Simpson, Daniel Peter;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Parameter estimation in high dimensional Gaussian distributions.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Shaby, BA;
Reich, Brian J.;
Wheeler, M;
Niemi, J.
Estimation and prediction in spatial models with block composite likelihoods.
Journal of Computational And Graphical Statistics (JCGS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hokstad, Ketil;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Strategies for Petroleum Exploration on the Basis of Bayesian Networks: A Case Study.
SPE Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Dynamic exploration designs for graphical models using clustering with applications to petroleum exploration.
Knowledge-Based Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Kalman filter variants in the closed skew normal setting.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
The Value of Information in Mineral Exploration Within a Multi-Gaussian Framework.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Erlend;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ursin, Bjørn.
Three-dimensional non-stationary and non-linear isotropic AVA inversion.
Geophysical Journal International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Erlend;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Pokern, Y.
Iterative numerical methods for sampling from high dimensional Gaussian distributions.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Sinding-Larsen, Richard;
Tviberg, Sara;
Mukerji, Tapan.
Building Bayesian networks from basin modeling scenarios for improved geological decision making.
Petroleum Geoscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bhattacharjya, Debarun;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan.
The value of information in portfolio problems with dependent projects.
Decision Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Dynamic decision making for graphical models applied to oil exploration.
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Finley, Andrew O;
Banerjee, S;
Rue, Håvard.
Approximate Bayesian inference for large spatial datasets using predictive process models.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Shrinked (1-alpha) ensemble Kalman filter and alpha Gaussian mixture filter.
Computational Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Tjelmeland, Håkon.
Petroleum exploration with Bayesian Networks - From prospect risk assessment to optimal exploration.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2012:273)
Hosseini, Fatemeh;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mohammadzadeh, Moshen.
Approximate Bayesian inference in spatial GLMM with skew normal latent variables.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjerde, Tony;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Nyrnes, Erik;
Bruun, Bjørn.
Positioning and position error of petroleum wells.
Journal of Geodetic Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Reich, Brian J.;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Guindani, Michele;
Nail, Amy;
Schmidt, Alexandra M.
A class of covariate-dependent spatiotemporal covariance functions for the analysis of daily ozone concentration.
Annals of Applied Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Førland, Maren Drange.
Bayesian networks for prospect analysis in the North Sea.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Theune, U;
Jensas, IO;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Analysis of prior models for a blocky inversion of seismic AVA data.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bhattacharjya, Debarun;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan.
The Value of Information in Spatial Decision Making.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Martino, Sara;
Rue, Håvard.
Approximate Bayesian Inference in Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Local and Spatial Joint Frequency Uncertainty and its Application to Rock Mass Characterisation.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Bhattacharjya, D;
Mukerji, T.
Value of information of seismic amplitude and CSEM resistivity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Tjelmeland, Håkon.
On directional Metropolis-Hastings algorithms.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hokstad, Ketil.
Positioning drill-bit and look-ahead events using seismic traveltime data.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tjelmeland, Håkon;
Eidsvik, Jo.
On the use of local optimizations within Metropolis-Hastings updates.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, T;
Switzer, P.
Estimation of geological attributes from a well log: An application of hidden Markov chains.
Mathematical Geology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Avseth, P;
Omre, Henning;
Mukerji, T;
Mavko, G.
Stochastic reservoir characterization using prestack seismic data.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beiser, Florian;
Holm, Håvard Heitlo;
Lye, Kjetil Olsen;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Multi-level data assimilation for ocean forecasting using the shallow-water equations.
Journal of Computational Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Spremic, Mina;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hansen, Thomas Mejer.
Local conditioning in posterior sampling methods with example cases in subsurface inversion.
Computers & Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Daesoo;
Ovanger, Oscar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Aune, Erlend;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Latent diffusion model for conditional reservoir facies generation.
Computers & Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Callioli Santi, Andrea;
Ringrose, Philip;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Haugdahl, Tor Andre.
Invasion percolation Markov Chains – A probabilistic framework for assessing vertical CO<inf>2</inf> migration.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ovanger, Oscar;
Lee, Daesoo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Aune, Erlend.
A Statistical Study of Latent Diffusion Models for Geological Facies Modeling.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ge, Yaolin;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Olaisen, André Julius Hovd.
RRT*-enhanced long-horizon path planning for AUV adaptive sampling using a cost valley.
Knowledge-Based Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ovanger, Oscar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Aarnes, Ingrid.
Addressing Configuration Uncertainty in Well Conditioning for a Rule-Based Model.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Spremic, Mina;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Avseth, Per Åge.
Bayesian rock-physics inversion using a localized ensemble-based approach — With an application to the Alvheim field.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chumbimune Anyosa, Susan Alicia;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Grana, Dario.
Evaluating geophysical monitoring strategies for a CO<inf>2</inf> storage project.
Computers & Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koski, Vilja;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Sampling design methods for making improved lake management decisions.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Beiser, Florian;
Holm, Håvard Heitlo;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Comparison of ensemble-based data assimilation methods for sparse oceanographic data.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rajan, Kanna;
Alvera Azcarate, Aida;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Subramaniam, Ajit.
Symposium on Advances in Ocean Observation.
Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin
Berild, Martin Outzen;
Ge, Yaolin;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Fuglstad, Geir-Arne;
Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene.
Efficient 3D real-time adaptive AUV sampling of a river plume front.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Daesoo;
Ovanger, Oscar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Aune, Erlend;
Skauvold, Jacob;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Latent Diffusion Model for Conditional Reservoir Facies Generation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ge, Yaolin;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mo-Bjørkelund, Tore.
3-D Adaptive AUV Sampling for Classification of Water Masses.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rørstadbotnen, Robin Andre;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Bouffaut, Léa;
Landrø, Martin;
Potter, John Robert;
Taweesintananon, Kittinat.
Simultaneous tracking of multiple whales using two fiber-optic cables in the Arctic.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic stochasticmodeling for adaptive sampling of environmental
variables using an AUV.
Autonomous Robots
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyosa, Susan;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Pizarro, Oscar.
Adaptive spatial designs minimizing the integrated Bernoulli variance in spatial logistic regression models - with an application to benthic habitat mapping.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Daesoo;
Aune, Erlend;
Langet, Nadege;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Ensemble and Self-supervised Learning for Improved Classification of Seismic Signals from the Åknes Rockslope.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ge, Yaolin;
Olaisen, André Julius Hovd;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Jain, Ravinder Praveen Kumar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Long-Horizon Informative Path Planning with Obstacles and Time Constraints.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anyosa, Susan;
Bunting, Scott William Christopher;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Romdhane, Mohamed Anouar;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand.
Assessing the value of seismic monitoring of CO2 storage using simulations and statistical analysis.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Foss, Karine Hagesæther;
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Using an autonomous underwater vehicle with onboard stochastic advection-diffusion models to map excursion sets of environmental variables.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Travelletti, Cedric;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ginsbourger, David;
Rajan, Kanna.
Learning excursion sets of vector-valued Gaussian random fields for autonomous ocean sampling.
Annals of Applied Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringrose, Philip;
Landrø, Martin;
Potter, John;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Wienecke, Susann;
Bouffaut, Léa.
Next generation geophysical sensing: exploring a new wave of geophysical technologies for the energy transition.
First Break
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Karvanen, Juha.
Efficient spatial designs using Hausdorff distances and Bayesian optimization.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lie, Henrik Syversveen;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Inference in cylindrical models having latent Markovian classes - with an application to ocean current data.
Spatial Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gineste, Michael;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Batch seismic inversion using the iterative ensemble Kalman smoother.
Computational Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mendoza Espinosa, Jorge;
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Kohler, Jochen.
Value of information of in-situ inspections of mooring lines.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Cerasi, Pierre.
Workflow for Sensitivity Analysis and Decision Making on the Lower Limit of the Mud-Weight Window in an Overpressured Formation.
SPE Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gineste, Michael;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Zheng, York.
Ensemble-based seismic inversion for a stratified medium.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Myklebust, Hans Olav Vogt;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Sperstad, Iver Bakken;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Value of information analysis for complex simulator models: Application to wind farm maintenance.
Decision Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Ryan, John;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Maughan, Thom;
Ludvigsen, Martin.
Compact models for adaptive sampling in marine robotics.
The International Journal of Robotics Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Ullgren, Jenny;
Mendes, Renato;
Johnsen, Geir.
Toward adaptive robotic sampling of phytoplankton in the coastal ocean.
Science robotics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo;
van Leeuwen, Peter Jan;
Amezcua, Javier.
A revised implicit equal-weights particle filter.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Parametric spatial covariance models in the ensemble Kalman filter.
Spatial Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dutta, Geetartha;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Value of information of time-lapse seismic data by simulation-regression: comparison with double-loop Monte Carlo.
Computational Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dutta, Geetartha;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Value of information analysis for subsurface energy resources applications.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Paglia, Jacopo;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Grøver, Arnt;
Lothe, Ane Elisabet.
Statistical modeling for real-time pore pressure prediction from predrill analysis and well logs.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Data assimilation for a geological process model using the ensemble Kalman filter.
Basin Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Sequential information gathering schemes for spatial risk and decision analysis applications.
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
Alver, Morten;
Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira;
Johnsen, Geir.
Information-driven robotic sampling in the coastal ocean.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sajith Vezhapparambu, Veena;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
Rock Classification Using Multivariate Analysis of Measurement While Drilling Data: Towards a Better Sampling Strategy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evangelou, Evangelos;
Eidsvik, Jo.
The value of information for correlated GLMs.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegård, Heidi Liljeblad;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Fleten, Stein-Erik.
Value of information analysis of snow measurements for the scheduling of hydropower production.
Energy Systems, Springer Verlag
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Dutta, Geetartha;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Simulation-Regression Approximations for Value of Information Analysis of Geophysical Data.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo.
A skewed unscented Kalman filter.
International Journal of Control
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Theune, Ulrich.
A parametric model for seismic wavelets-with estimation and uncertainty quantification.
Geophysical Journal International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Parker, Ryan J;
Reich, Brian J.;
Eidsvik, Jo.
A Fused Lasso Approach to Nonstationary Spatial Covariance Estimation.
Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lilleborge, Marie;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Efficient designs for Bayesian networks with sub-tree bounds.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lilleborge, Marie;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Information Gathering in Bayesian Networks Applied to Petroleum Prospecting.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan.
Value of information analysis and Bayesian inversion for closed skew-normal distributions: Applications to seismic amplitude variation with offset data
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Erlend;
Simpson, Daniel Peter;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Parameter estimation in high dimensional Gaussian distributions.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Shaby, BA;
Reich, Brian J.;
Wheeler, M;
Niemi, J.
Estimation and prediction in spatial models with block composite likelihoods.
Journal of Computational And Graphical Statistics (JCGS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hokstad, Ketil;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Strategies for Petroleum Exploration on the Basis of Bayesian Networks: A Case Study.
SPE Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Dynamic exploration designs for graphical models using clustering with applications to petroleum exploration.
Knowledge-Based Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Kalman filter variants in the closed skew normal setting.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
The Value of Information in Mineral Exploration Within a Multi-Gaussian Framework.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Erlend;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ursin, Bjørn.
Three-dimensional non-stationary and non-linear isotropic AVA inversion.
Geophysical Journal International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Erlend;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Pokern, Y.
Iterative numerical methods for sampling from high dimensional Gaussian distributions.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Sinding-Larsen, Richard;
Tviberg, Sara;
Mukerji, Tapan.
Building Bayesian networks from basin modeling scenarios for improved geological decision making.
Petroleum Geoscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bhattacharjya, Debarun;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan.
The value of information in portfolio problems with dependent projects.
Decision Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar.
Dynamic decision making for graphical models applied to oil exploration.
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Finley, Andrew O;
Banerjee, S;
Rue, Håvard.
Approximate Bayesian inference for large spatial datasets using predictive process models.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rezaie, Javad;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Shrinked (1-alpha) ensemble Kalman filter and alpha Gaussian mixture filter.
Computational Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hosseini, Fatemeh;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mohammadzadeh, Moshen.
Approximate Bayesian inference in spatial GLMM with skew normal latent variables.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjerde, Tony;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Nyrnes, Erik;
Bruun, Bjørn.
Positioning and position error of petroleum wells.
Journal of Geodetic Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Reich, Brian J.;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Guindani, Michele;
Nail, Amy;
Schmidt, Alexandra M.
A class of covariate-dependent spatiotemporal covariance functions for the analysis of daily ozone concentration.
Annals of Applied Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Førland, Maren Drange.
Bayesian networks for prospect analysis in the North Sea.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Theune, U;
Jensas, IO;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Analysis of prior models for a blocky inversion of seismic AVA data.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bhattacharjya, Debarun;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan.
The Value of Information in Spatial Decision Making.
Mathematical Geosciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Martino, Sara;
Rue, Håvard.
Approximate Bayesian Inference in Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Local and Spatial Joint Frequency Uncertainty and its Application to Rock Mass Characterisation.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Bhattacharjya, D;
Mukerji, T.
Value of information of seismic amplitude and CSEM resistivity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Tjelmeland, Håkon.
On directional Metropolis-Hastings algorithms.
Statistics and computing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hokstad, Ketil.
Positioning drill-bit and look-ahead events using seismic traveltime data.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tjelmeland, Håkon;
Eidsvik, Jo.
On the use of local optimizations within Metropolis-Hastings updates.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, T;
Switzer, P.
Estimation of geological attributes from a well log: An application of hidden Markov chains.
Mathematical Geology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eidsvik, Jo;
Avseth, P;
Omre, Henning;
Mukerji, T;
Mavko, G.
Stochastic reservoir characterization using prestack seismic data.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Azevedo, Leonardo;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Fifth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Eidsvik, Jo;
Mukerji, Tapan;
Bhattacharjya, Debarun.
Value of Information in the Earth Sciences.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Vitenskapelig monografi
Beiser, Florian;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Holm, Håvard Heitlo;
Sætra, Martin Lilleeng.
Local Drift Forecasting with Simplified Ocean Models and Multi-Level Data Assimilation.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (241)
Skauvold, Jacob;
Eidsvik, Jo.
Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Methods Applied to Geological Process Modeling.
Lilleborge, Marie;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Huseby, Arne.
Effektiv informasjonsinnhenting i Bayesianske Nettverk.
Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo. (No. 1796)
Martinelli, Gabriele;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Hauge, Ragnar;
Tjelmeland, Håkon.
Petroleum exploration with Bayesian Networks - From prospect risk assessment to optimal exploration.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2012:273)
Omre, Henning;
Eidsvik, Jo.
ECMI blog: Geophysical data inversion in a probabilistic setting
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Faglig foredragSpremic, Mina; Eidsvik, Jo; Raknes, Espen Birger. (2024) Sequential Ensemble Kalman Filter for Seismic Waveform Inversion. Geostats2024 Organizing Committee The 12th International Geostatistics Congress - Geostats2024 , Azores 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06
Faglig foredragEidsvik, Jo; Spremic, Mina; Mai, The Tien. (2024) Bayesian inversion of seismic data at the Alvheim field. BRGM, France PAUQ , Orleans, France 2024-05-21 - 2024-05-23
Faglig foredragEidsvik, Jo; Rørstadbotnen, Robin Andre. (2024) Analysis of distributed acoustic sensing data for urban space-time monitoring. Geostats2024 Geostatisics conference 2024 , Azorene 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06
Faglig foredragEidsvik, Jo. (2024) Maritime autonomous sampling and control project . European Consortium of Mathematics in Industry ECMI blog , ECMI blog: 2024-02-21 - 2024-02-21
Vitenskapelig foredragOvanger, Oscar; Eidsvik, Jo; Lee, Daesoo; Hauge, Ragnar; Skauvold, Jacob; Aune, Erlend. (2024) A statistical study of latent diffusion models for geological modeling. 12th International Geostatistics Congress , Ponta Delgada, Azorene 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06
Vitenskapelig foredragOlaisen, André Julius Hovd; Eidsvik, Jo; Ludvigsen, Martin. (2024) Expected Improvement for Efficient Robotic Sampling in the Ocean. Norwegian Statistical Association (NSF) Det 21. norske statistikermøtet , Tønsberg 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-20
PosterDutta, Geetartha; Martinez, Ricardo; Ringrose, Philip S.; Eidsvik, Jo. (2024) Targeted CO2 storage monitoring in a multi-layer stratigraphic system. Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) 1st Caprock Integrity & Gas Storage Symposium 2024 , St. Ursanne 2024-01-24 - 2024-01-25
PosterMai, The Tien; Spremic, Mina; Eidsvik, Jo. (2023) A pseudo-Bayesian approach for non-linear seismic inversion. IAMG 22st Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences , Trondheim, Norway 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-12
Faglig foredragSpremic, Mina; Eidsvik, Jo; Hansen, Thomas Mejer. (2023) Comparison of Sampling Methods with Local Conditioning to Seismic Data. EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) Fifth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics , Porto, Portugal 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-30
Vitenskapelig foredragOlaisen, André Julius Hovd; Eidsvik, Jo. (2023) Using AUV to measure high gradient zones in a river plume. International Association for Mathematical Geosciences IAMG2023 , Trondheim 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-12
Faglig foredragEidsvik, Jo. (2023) ECMI news : Centre for Geophysical Forecasting. European Consortium of Mathematics in Industry ECMI blog news , Web: 2023-02-20 - 2023-02-20
PosterBeiser, Florian; Holm, Håvard Heitlo; Lye, Kjetil Olsen; Eidsvik, Jo; Sætra, Martin Lilleeng. (2023) Multi-level Data Assimilation: Statistical Background and Application to the Shallow-Water Model. SINTEF Geilo Winter School 2023 , Geilo 2023-01-22 - 2023-01-27
Vitenskapelig foredragOvanger, Oscar; Lee, Daesoo; Eidsvik, Jo; Skauvold, Jacob; Hauge, Ragnar. (2023) Conditional Facies Sampling using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models . IAMG IAMG Conference 2023 , Trondheim 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-12
Vitenskapelig foredragBerild, Martin Outzen; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Ge, Yaolin; Eidsvik, Jo; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene. (2023) Adaptive oceanographic sampling using surrogate models with spatially varying anisotropy in three dimensions. Elsevier Spatial Statistics 2023 , Boulder, Colorado, USA 2023-07-18 - 2023-07-21
PosterBerild, Martin Outzen; Ge, Yaolin; Eidsvik, Jo; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene. (2023) Using a statistical surrogate model for three-dimensional adaptive sampling. University of Bern 2023 Liège Colloquium “Machine learning and data analysis in oceanography” , Bern, Sveits 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-12
Vitenskapelig foredragBerild, Martin Outzen; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Ge, Yaolin; Eidsvik, Jo; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene. (2023) Adaptive ocean sampling using surrogate models with spatially varying anisotropy in three dimensions. Norwegian University of Science and technology Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences 2023 , Trondheim, Norway 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-12
Vitenskapelig foredragBeiser, Florian; Lye, Kjetil Olsen; Holm, Håvard Heitlo; Eidsvik, Jo. (2023) Rank Histogram Estimators for Multi-Level Data Assimilation. ISDA ISDA 2023: 9th International Symposium on Data Assimilation , Bologna 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-20
Vitenskapelig foredragDutta, Geetartha; Eidsvik, Jo; Ringrose, Philip. (2023) Value of Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Storage in a Multi-Layer Stratigraphic System. EAGE Fifth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics , Porto 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-30
Faglig foredragOvanger, Oscar; Eidsvik, Jo; Skauvold, Jacob; Hauge, Ragnar; Aarnes, Ingrid. (2022) A rule-based reservoir stacking model with effective well conditioning. IAMG IAMG 2022 21st annual conference , Nancy, Frankrike 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-03
Faglig foredragAnyosa, Susan; Eidsvik, Jo; Grana, Dario. (2022) Assessment of geophysical monitoring strategies for CO2 storage using ensemble-based methods and value of information analysis. International Association for Mathematical Geosciences 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences , Nancy, France 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-03
PosterSanti, Andrea Callioli; Ringrose, Philip; Eidsvik, Jo; Haugdahl, Tor Andre. (2022) Assessing CO2 Storage Containment Risks Using an Invasion Percolation Markov Chain Concept. IEAGHG 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-16 , Lyon 2022-10-23 - 2022-10-27
Vitenskapelig foredragBeiser, Florian; Holm, Håvard Heitlo; Eidsvik, Jo. (2022) Handling sparse observations in ensemble-based filtering with an application to drift trajectory forecasting. NORCE EnKF Workshop 2022 , Balestrand 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-02
Vitenskapelig foredragEidsvik, Jo. (2022) Adaptive spatio-temporal sampling with autonomous underwater vehicles. Azores Symposium on Ocean Observations , Angra, Azorene 2022-07-04 - 2022-07-08
Faglig foredragSpremic, Mina; Eidsvik, Jo; Avseth, Per Åge. (2022) Bayesian Seismic Rock Physics Inversion Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences , Nancy, France 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-02
Faglig foredragSpremic, Mina; Eidsvik, Jo; Avseth, Per Åge. (2022) Bayesian seismic rock physics inversion using a localized ensemble-based approach - with an application to the Alvheim field. NORCE EnKF Workshop 2022 , Balestrand 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-02
Vitenskapelig foredragBeiser, Florian; Holm, Håvard Heitlo; Eidsvik, Jo. (2021) Comparison of Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation Methods for Drift Trajectory Forecasting. Norsk statistik forening NORDSTAT2021 , Tromsø 2021-06-21 - 2021-06-24
Vitenskapelig foredragAnyosa, Susan; Eidsvik, Jo; Pizarro, Oscar. (2021) Sampling methods for improved benthic habitat maps based on reducing integrated Bernoulli variance. IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society and Marine Technoly Society Global OCEANS 2021 , Online 2021-09-20 - 2021-09-23
PosterBeiser, Florian; Holm, Håvard Heitlo; Eidsvik, Jo. (2021) Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Methods for Drift Trajectory Forecasting. SINTEF AS Geilo Winter School , Online 2021-01-25 - 2021-01-29
Vitenskapelig foredragBrodtkorb, André R.; Brajard, Julien; Künsch, Hans R; Hanea, Remus Gabriel; Lye, Kjetil Olsen; Eidsvik, Jo. (2019) Geilo Winter School in eScience on Learning from Data. SINTEF Digital Geilo Winter School in eScience , Geilo 2019-01-20 - 2019-01-25
Vitenskapelig foredragSkauvold, Jacob; Eidsvik, Jo. (2019) Parametric Covariance Estimation in Ensemble-based Data Assimilation. EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics 2019 , Firenze 2019-09-02 - 2019-09-06
Vitenskapelig foredragBerget, Gunhild Elisabeth; Fossum, Trygve Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne; Eidsvik, Jo; Rajan, Kanna. (2018) Adaptive Sampling of Ocean Processes Using a Gaussian Proxy Model Onboard an AUV. 11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12
PosterPaglia, Jacopo; Eidsvik, Jo; Grøver, Arnt; Lothe, Ane Elisabet. (2018) Statistical Modelling for Online Pore Pressure Prediction from Well Logs. EAGE 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibiton 2018 , Copenhagen 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-14
PosterFjeldstad, Torstein Mæland; Eidsvik, Jo. (2018) Approximate Bayesian inference of model parameters in convolved hidden Markov models - with an application to seismic data. 2018 ISBA World Meeting , Edinburgh 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-29
PosterPaglia, Jacopo; Eidsvik, Jo. (2017) Statistical modeling for online pore-pressure prediction and drilling window. DrillWell The annual DrillWell conference , Sola, Stavanger 2017-09-26 - 2017-09-27
Vitenskapelig foredragGineste, Michael; Eidsvik, Jo. (2015) Framework for Seismic Inversion of Full Waveform Data Using Sequential Filtering. EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics 2015 , Biarritz 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11
Vitenskapelig foredragLilleborge, Marie; Eidsvik, Jo; Hauge, Ragnar. (2015) Efficient Optimization of Exploration Drilling Campaigns with Convergent Information Bounds. EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics 2015 , Biarritz 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11
Vitenskapelig foredragLilleborge, Marie; Hauge, Ragnar; Eidsvik, Jo. (2014) Information Gathering in Bayesian Networks with an Application to Petroleum Prospecting. 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings , Boston 2014-08-02 - 2014-08-07
Vitenskapelig foredragLilleborge, Marie; Eidsvik, Jo; Hauge, Ragnar. (2014) Efficient Information gathering in Bayesian Network models for Petroleum Prospecting. Stanford Center for Reservoir Forcasting Seminar 2014-11-20 - 2014-11-20
Vitenskapelig foredragLilleborge, Marie; Eidsvik, Jo; Hauge, Ragnar. (2014) Information gathering in Bayesian Networks with a taste of almonds and petroleum. NTNU Statistics seminar 2014-05-08 - 2014-05-08
Vitenskapelig foredragLilleborge, Marie; Hauge, Ragnar; Eidsvik, Jo. (2013) Measures of Information for Bayesian Networks. Norsk Statistisk Forening avdeling Oslo Det 17. norske statistikermøtet , Halden 2013-06-11 - 2013-06-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHauge, Ragnar; Stien, Marita; Drange-Espeland, Maren ; Eidsvik, Jo; Martinelli, Gabriele. (2013) Modeling Dependencies Between Oil Exploration Prospects with Bayesian Networks. EMS 2013 , Budapest 2013-07-20 - 2013-07-25
Vitenskapelig foredragMartinelli, Gabriele; Tviberg, Sara; Eidsvik, Jo; Sinding-Larsen, Richard; Mukerji, Tapan. (2012) Building Bayesian Networks from Basin Modeling scenarios for Decision Making under geologic uncertainty. Norwegian Computing Centre 9th International Geostatistics Congress, Oslo , Oslo 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-15
PosterEllefmo, Steinar Løve; Eidsvik, Jo. (2012) The value of imperfect borehole information in mineral resource evaluation. Norsk Regnesentral Geostat 2012 , Oslo 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-15
Vitenskapelig foredragMartinelli, Gabriele; Eidsvik, Jo; Hauge, Ragnar. (2011) The value of sequential prospect selection. IAMG IAMG , Salzburg 2011-09-05 - 2011-09-09
Vitenskapelig foredragEllefmo, Steinar Løve; Eidsvik, Jo. (2011) Fast detection of outliers and anomalies in joint frequency data. International Association of Mathematical Geoscience IAMG 2011 , Salzburg 2011-09-05 - 2011-09-09
Vitenskapelig foredragEidsvik, Jo. (2008) Stochastic reservoir characterization. Warwick University Workshop , Coventry 2008-06-05 - 2008-06-07
Vitenskapelig foredragGjerde, Tony; Bruun, Bjørn; Nyrnes, Erik; Eidsvik, Jo. (2008) Distributions with heavy tails in directional drilling. Workshop , Denver 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
PosterJensås, Ingrid; Eidsvik, Jo; Theune, Ulrich. (2008) Methods for blocky seismic AVA inversion. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers , Roma 2008-06-10 - 2008-06-14
Vitenskapelig foredragEidsvik, Jo; Bhattacharjya, Debarun; Mukerji, Tapan. (2007) Estimating the value of information in spatial decision making for reservoir development. Society of Exploration Geopysicists Society of Exploration Geopysicists , San Antonio, TX 2007-09-24 - 2007-09-28
Vitenskapelig foredragEidsvik, Jo; Bhattacharjya, Debarun; Mukerji, Tapan. (2007) The value of seismic amplitude information. European association of Geophysicists and Engineers EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics , Cascais 2007-09-11 - 2007-09-14