Ingvild Tina Saltvedt
Ingvild Tina Saltvedt
Jeg er professor ved Institutt for nevromedisin og bevegelsesvitenskap og overlege ved Avdeling for geriatri, St Olavs hospital.
Cand. med. fra universitetet i Oslo 1987. Ferdig spesialist i indremedisin og geriatri i 2000. ved NTNU i 2006 med avhandlingen "Treatment of acutely sick, frail elderly patient in a geriatric evaluation and management unit. Results from a prospective randomised study."
Jeg har bred klinisk erfaring med utredning og behandling av geriatriske pasienter som blir innlagt på sykehuset eller henvist til poliklinisk utredning.
Gjennom mange år har jeg undervist medisinerstudenter ved NTNU. I tillegg har jeg hatt en rekke andre undervisningsoppdrag.
Jeg har forsket på effekten av bred geriatrisk utredning og behandling av akuttinnlagte geriatriske pasienter. I 2006 disputerte jeg på en randomisert studie på behandling av skrøpelige eldre innlagt sykehus. I denne studien viste vi at geriatrisk behandling gir bedre overlevelse og øker sjansen for komme tilbake i egen bolig, sammenlignet med vanlig indremedisinsk behandling. I en senere randomisert klinisk studie (Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial) viste vi at også eldre hoftebruddspasienter profitterer på bred geriatriske utredning og behandling som gir bedre mobilitet, livskvalitet, færre døgn i institusjon og er kostnadsbesparende. Resultatene ble publisert i The Lancet i 2015.
Senere har vi sammen med Sykehuset Innlandet (prosjektleder professor Marit Slaaen Jordhøy) også gjennomført en studie som ser på effekten av en avgrenset geriatrisk vurdering på eldre kreftpasienter som skal ha strålebehandling.
Jeg er også med i studien LAST- long (prosjektleder professor Torunn Askim, GeMS, NTNU) som er en randomisert klinisk studie der vi ser om multimodal og persontilpasset oppfølging av pasienter som har gjennomgått hjerneslag kan forebygge funksjonssvikt.
Jeg har gjennom mine 30 år innen geriatrien jobbet mye med demens, både klinisk og forskningsmessig. Prosjektene har fokusert på progresjon av Alzheimers sykdom, delirium, risikofaktorer for demens (HUNT), samt assosiasjonen mellom motorisk funksjon og kognitiv svikt. Jeg er også lokalt ansvarlig for NorKOG (Nasjonalt register for personer som utredes for kogntiv svikt på hukommelsespoliklinikker i Norge), der vår poliklinikk har rekrutterert over 1600 pasienter. Dette registret gir grunnlag for mye forskning om demens, blant annet genetikk, biomarkører mm.
Jeg er prosjektleder for Nor-COAST (Norwegian Cognitive Impairment After Stroke) studien som er en multisenterstudie finansiert gjennom Nasjonalforeningens demensforskningsprogram. Vi har inkludert ca 815 hjerneslagpasienter fra fem ulike sykehus, disse er fulgt tre år. Det er 11 PhD stipendiater og flere postdocs stipendiater på studien, som til nå har resultert i over 30 pulikasjoner relatert til forekomst, symptomer, identifisering av risikopasienter, årsakssammenhenger studert ved bildediagnostikk, biomarkører og fysisk aktivitet, samt studier på sekundærprofylakse etter hjerneslag.
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Ryum, Truls.
Delirium in acute stroke is associated with increased cognitive and psychiatric symptoms over time: The Nor-COAST study.
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Navickaite, Egle;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beate;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Diagnostic accuracy of the Clock Drawing Test in screening for early post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: the Nor-COAST study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Luzum, Geske;
Thrane, Gyrd;
Aam, Stina;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild.
A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Post-stroke Fatigue. The Nor-COAST study.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandvig, Heidi Vihovde;
Aam, Stina;
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ueland, Per Magne;
Ulvik, Arve.
Neopterin, kynurenine metabolites, and indexes related to vitamin B6 are associated with post-stroke cognitive impairment: The Nor-COAST study.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knapskog, Anne-Brita;
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Ueland, Per Magne;
Ulvik, Arve;
Fang, Fei;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug.
Sex-specific associations of kynurenic acid with neopterin in Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Antonsdottir, Inga Margaret;
Creese, Byron;
Klei, Lambertus;
DeMichele-Sweet, Mary Ann A.;
Weamer, Elise A.;
Garcia-Gonzalez, Pablo.
Genetic associations with psychosis and affective disturbance in Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Svalbjørg, Tone;
Askim, Torunn;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Lydersen, Stian;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug.
Changes in sedentary behavior in the chronic phase following stroke.
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen;
Røyset, Inga Marie;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Døhl, Øystein.
Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy: a cluster-randomised controlled pilot study.
BMC Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aksnes, Mari;
Schibstad, Mari Haavig;
Chaudhry, Farrukh Abbas;
Neerland, Bjørn Erik;
Caplan, Gideon A.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina.
Differences in metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the cerebrospinal fluid are associated with delirium.
Communications Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandvig, Heidi Vihovde;
Aam, Stina;
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Askim, Torunn;
Beyer, Mona K.;
Ellekjær, Hanne.
Plasma Inflammatory Biomarkers Are Associated With Poststroke Cognitive Impairment: The Nor-COAST Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Askim, Torunn;
Hokstad, Anne;
Bergh, Elin Josefina;
Døhl, Øystein;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Ihle-Hansen, Håkon.
Multimodal individualised intervention to prevent functional decline after stroke: protocol of a randomised controlled trial on long-term follow-up after stroke (LAST-long).
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Røyset, Inga Marie;
Eriksen, Guro Falk;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Rostoft, Siri .
Edmonton Frail Scale predicts mortality in older patients with cancer undergoing radiotherapy-A prospective observational study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Runde, Henrik Alexander;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Follestad, Turid;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar.
The impact of cognitive function on physical activity, physical function and quality of life in older adults following a hip fracture.
Age and Ageing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aksnes, Mari;
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Chaudhry, Farrukh Abbas;
Halaas, Nathalie Bodd.
Sex-specific associations of matrix metalloproteinases in Alzheimer’s disease.
Biology of Sex Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Aksnes, Mari;
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Ueland, Per Magne;
Ulvik, Arve;
Fang, Fei.
Higher concentrations of kynurenic acid in CSF are associated with the slower clinical progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dakhil, Shams;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Thingstad, Anne Pernille Mæhle;
Watne, Leiv;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Longitudinal trajectories of functional recovery after hip fracture.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Rojas, Itziar;
Moreno-Grau, Sonia;
Tesi, Niccolo;
Grenier-Boley, Benjamin;
Andrade, Victor;
Jansen, Iris E..
Erratum: Author Correction: Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores (Nature communications (2021) 12 1 (3417)).
Nature Communications
Luzum, Geske;
Gunnes, Mari;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Tan, Xiang chun;
Thingstad, Anne Pernille Mæhle.
Physical Activity Behavior and Its Association With Global Cognitive Function Three Months After Stroke: The Nor-COAST Study.
Physical Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hageman, Steven HJ;
McKay, Ailsa;
Ueda, Peter;
Gunn, Laura;
Jernberg, Tomas;
Hagström, Emil.
Estimation of recurrent atherosclerotic cardiovascular event risk in patients with established cardiovascular disease: The updated SMART2 algorithm.
European Heart Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Hageman, Steven H. J.;
Spigset, Olav;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Dorresteijn, Jannick AN.
Use of lipid-lowering therapy after ischaemic stroke and expected benefit from intensification of treatment.
Open heart
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Henjum, Kristi;
Watne, Leiv;
Godang, Kristin;
Halaas, Nathalie Bodd;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Blennow, Kaj.
Cerebrospinal fluid catecholamines in Alzheimer's disease patients with and without biological disease.
Translational Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bellenguez, Céline;
Küçükali, Fahri;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Kleineidam, Luca;
Moreno-Grau, Sonia;
Amin, Najaf.
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Aam, Stina;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Pendlebury, Sarah T.;
Lydersen, Stian.
Is Frailty Index a better predictor than pre-stroke modified Rankin Scale for neurocognitive outcomes 3-months post-stroke?.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Lydersen, Stian;
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Beyer, Mona K..
Neuroimaging markers of dual impairment in cognition and physical performance following stroke: The Nor-COAST study.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Barca, Maria Lage;
Alnæs, Dag;
Engedal, Knut;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Siafarikas, Nikias Ioannis.
Brain Morphometric Correlates of Depressive Symptoms among Patients with and without Dementia.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Lydersen, Stian;
Alnæs, Dag;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Beyer, Mona K..
Longitudinal Brain Changes After Stroke and the Association With Cognitive Decline.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stokke, Kristin;
Halvorsen, Tarje Onsøien;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen;
Kirkevold, Øyvind.
Associations between Measured and Patient-Reported Physical Function and Survival in Advanced NSCLC.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Lydersen, Stian;
Gunnes, Mari;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Askim, Torunn.
Physical Performance and Cognition as Predictors of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living After Stroke: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Alnæs, Dag;
de Lange, Ann-Marie Glasø;
Aam, Stina;
Schellhorn, Till;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina.
Longitudinal brain age prediction and cognitive function after stroke.
Neurobiology of Aging
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jansen, Iris E.;
van der Lee, Sven J.;
Gomez-Fonseca, Duber;
de Rojas, Itziar;
Dalmasso, Maria Carolina;
Grenier-Boley, Benjamin.
Genome-wide meta-analysis for Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers.
Acta Neuropathologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wightman, Douglas P.;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Shadrin, Alexey;
Bahrami, Shahram;
Holland, Dominic.
Author Correction: A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer’s disease (Nature Genetics, (2021), 53, 9, (1276-1282), 10.1038/s41588-021-00921-z).
Nature Genetics
Motazedi, Ehsan;
Cheng, Weiqiu;
Thomassen, Jesper Qvist;
Frei, Oleksandr;
Rongve, Arvid;
Athanasiu, Lavinia.
Using Polygenic Hazard Scores to Predict Age at Onset of Alzheimer's Disease in Nordic Populations.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Ryum, Truls.
The relationship of acute delirium with cognitive and psychiatric symptoms after stroke: a longitudinal study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbøen, Ingrid Tøndel;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Nåvik, Marit;
Totland, Torunn Holm;
Bergh, Sverre;
Treviño, Cathrine Selnes.
Cohort profile: the Norwegian Registry of Persons Assessed for Cognitive Symptoms (NorCog) - a national research and quality registry with a biomaterial collection.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schellhorn, Till;
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Lydersen, Stian;
Aam, Stina;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Clinically accessible neuroimaging predictors of post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: a prospective observational study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Askim, Torunn;
Assmus, Jörg;
Mollnes, Tom Eirik;
Naik, Mala;
Næss, Halvor.
Investigating novel biomarkers of immune activation and modulation in the context of sedentary behaviour: a multicentre prospective ischemic stroke cohort study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Røyset, Inga;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Rostoft, Siri;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Kirkevold, Øyvind;
Oldervoll, Line.
Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy. Protocol of a Norwegian cluster-randomised controlled pilot study.
Journal of Geriatric Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
DeMichele-Sweet, Mary Ann A.;
Klei, Lambertus;
Creese, Byron;
Harwood, Janet C.;
Weamer, Elise A.;
McClain, Lora.
Genome-wide association identifies the first risk loci for psychosis in Alzheimer disease.
Molecular Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dakhil, Shams;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Frihagen, Frede ;
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar;
Lydersen, Stian;
Skovlund, Eva.
Orthogeriatrics prevents functional decline in hip fracture patients: report from two randomized controlled trials.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wæhler, Idunn Snorresdatter;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Fure, Brynjar;
Askim, Torunn;
Einstad, Marte Stine.
Association between in-hospital frailty and health-related quality of life after stroke: the Nor-COAST study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wightman, Douglas P.;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Shadrin, Alexey A.;
Bahrami, Shahram;
Holland, Dominic.
Author Correction: A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer’s disease (Nature Genetics, (2021), 53, 9, (1276-1282), 10.1038/s41588-021-00921-z).
Nature Genetics
de Rojas, Itziar;
Moreno-Grau, Sonia;
Tesi, Niccolo;
Grenier-Boley, Benjamin;
Andrade, Victor;
Jansen, Iris E..
Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores.
Nature Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Follestad, Turid;
Bergh, Sverre;
Selbæk, Geir;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Gait, physical function, and physical activity in three groups of home-dwelling older adults with different severity of cognitive impairment - a cross-sectional study.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Ulvik, Arve;
Askim, Torunn;
Assmus, Jörg;
Mollnes, Tom Eirik;
Naik, Mala.
Neopterin and kynurenic acid as predictors of stroke recurrence and mortality: a multicentre prospective cohort study on biomarkers of inflammation measured three months after ischemic stroke.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wightman, Douglas P.;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Shadrin, Alexey;
Bahrami, Shahram;
Holland, Dominic.
A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer's disease.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Serrano, Artur;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Maetzler, Walter;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Stories from SENSE-GARDEN: A transactional perspective on the use of individualized technology for co-constructing narrative identity in dementia care.
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Hageman, Steven HJ;
Dorresteijn, Jannick AN;
Spigset, Olav;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wethal, Torgeir.
Risk Stratification in Patients with Ischemic Stroke and Residual Cardiovascular Risk with Current Secondary Prevention.
Clinical Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Stage, Edwin;
Sanjay, Apoorva Bharthur;
Logan, Paige E.;
Svaldi, Diana Otero.
Predicting the Emergence of Major Neurocognitive Disorder Within Three Months After a Stroke.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aam, Stina;
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
The Impact of Vascular Risk Factors on Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment: The Nor-COAST Study.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ursin, Marie Helene;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege.
Associations between post-stroke motor
and cognitive function: a cross-sectional
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjelvik, Grete;
Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe;
Hummel, Thomas;
Engedal, Knut;
Selbæk, Geir;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
The human brain representation of odor identification in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's dementia of mild degree.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Ranhoff, Anette Hylen;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
The delirium screening tool 4AT in routine clinical practice: prediction of mortality, sensitivity and specificity.
European Geriatric Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schellhorn, Till;
Zucknick, Manuela;
Askim, Torunn;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Seljeseth, Yngve Müller.
Pre-stroke cognitive impairment is associated with vascular imaging pathology: a prospective observational study.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Aam, Stina;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Pendlebury, Sarah T.;
Lydersen, Stian.
Test Accuracy of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Screening for Early Poststroke Neurocognitive Disorder.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Mikolaizak, A. Stefanie;
Maier, Andrea B.;
Mellone, Sabato;
Boulton, Elisabeth;
Aminian, Kamiar.
Digital technology to deliver a lifestyle-integrated exercise intervention in young seniors – the PreventIT feasibility randomised controlled trial.
Frontiers in Digital Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Aam, Stina;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Lydersen, Stian;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Impact of different methods defining post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: The Nor-COAST study.
Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Aakerøy, Rachel;
Spigset, Olav;
Askim, Torunn;
Beyer, Mona Kristiansen;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege.
Vascular risk factor control and adherence to secondary preventive medication after ischaemic stroke.
Journal of Internal Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Boulton, Elisabeth;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Granbo, Randi.
Client, caregiver, volunteer, and therapist views on a voluntary supported group exercise programme for older adults with dementia.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aam, Stina;
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment—Impact of Follow-Up Time and Stroke Subtype on Severity and Cognitive Profile: The Nor-COAST Study.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Henjum, Kristi;
Idland, Ane-Victoria;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Cerebrospinal fluid sTREM2 in Alzheimer’s disease: comparisons between clinical presentation and AT classification.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kuvås, Karen Rosmo;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Aam, Stina;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Askim, Torunn.
The Risk of Selection Bias in a Clinical Multi-Center Cohort Study. Results from the Norwegian Cognitive Impairment After Stroke (Nor-COAST) Study.
Clinical Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Næss, Halvor;
Naik, Mala;
Beyer, Mona K.;
Ellekjær, Hanne.
Is long-bout sedentary behaviour associated with long-Term glucose levels 3 months after acute ischaemic stroke? A prospective observational cohort study.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Henjum, Kristi;
Nilsson, Lars;
Watne, Leiv;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug.
A high cerebrospinal fluid soluble TREM2 level is associated with slow clinical progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Barca, Maria Lage;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Björklöf, Guro Hanevold;
Borza, Tom;
Telenius, Elisabeth Wiken.
Cortisol levels among older people with and without depression and dementia.
International Psychogeriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Døhl, Øystein;
Follestad, Turid;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Lamb, Sarah.
Short and long-term clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a late-phase community-based balance and gait exercise program following hip fracture. The EVA-HIP randomised controlled trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rongve, Arvid;
Witoelar, Aree;
Ruiz, Agustín;
Athanasiu, Lavinia;
Abdelnour, Carla;
Clarimon, Jordi.
GBA and APOE ε4 associate with sporadic dementia with Lewy bodies in European genome wide association study.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Ranhoff, Anette Hylen;
Myrstad, Marius;
Myrstad, Christian;
Mellingsæter, Marte.
Delirium og kognitiv svikt blant eldre i norske akuttmottak.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granbo, Randi;
Boulton, Elisabeth;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin.
My husband is not ill; He has memory loss - Caregivers perspectives on health care services for persons with dementia.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranhoff, Anette Hylen;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Ræder, Johan;
Maini, Sameer;
Sletvold, Olav.
Interdisciplinary care of hip fractures: Orthogeriatric models, alternative models, interdisciplinary teamwork.
Baillière's Best Practice & Research : Clinical Rheumatology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Romundstad, Solfrid;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Holmen, Jostein.
Moderately increased albuminuria, chronic kidney disease and incident dementia: the HUNT study.
BMC Nephrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Figved, Wender;
Myrstad, Marius;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Finjarn, Merete;
Odland, Liv Marie Flaten;
Frihagen, Frede Jon.
Team approach: Multidisciplinary treatment of hip fractures in elderly patients: Orthogeriatric care.
Journal of bone and joint surgery reviews (JBJS Reviews)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd Storhaug;
Bourke, Alan;
Lydersen, Stian;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Motor activity across delirium motor subtypes in geriatric patients assessed using body-worn sensors: a Norwegian cross-sectional study.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hazen, Josje;
Vistnes, Maria;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Brækhus, Anne.
The Association Between Circulating Inflammatory Markers
and the Progression of Alzheimer Disease in Norwegian Memory Clinic Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia.
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kirkhus, Lene;
Harneshaug, Magnus;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Rostoft, Siri ;
Bergh, Sverre.
Modifiable factors affecting older patients' quality of life and physical function during cancer treatment.
Journal of Geriatric Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Watanabe, Kyoko;
Bryois, Julien;
Williams, Dylan M.;
Steinberg, Stacy.
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new loci and functional pathways influencing Alzheimer's disease risk.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sletvold, Olav.
Delirium motor subtypes and prognosis in hospitalized geriatric patients ? A prospective observational study.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Creese, Byron;
Vassos, Evangelos;
Bergh, Sverre;
Athanasiu, Lavinia;
Johar, Iskandar;
Rongve, Arvid.
Examining the association between genetic liability for schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in Alzheimer's disease.
Translational Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Da Silva, Miguel Vasconcelos;
Creese, Byron;
Iskandar, Johar;
Aarsland, Dag;
Bergh, Sverre;
Athanasiu, Lavinia.
Genome wide Association study: identifying Genetic markers in apathy in People with Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Da Silva, Miguel Vasconcelos;
Creese, Byron;
Iskandar, Johar;
Bergh, Sverre;
Aarsland, Dag;
Rongve, Arvid.
The course of apathy in people with dementia.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Askim, Torunn;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Hokstad, Anne;
Indredavik, Bent;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Thingstad, Pernille.
European Stroke Journal
Rongve, Arvid;
Witoelar, Aree Widya;
Ruiz, Agustín;
Athanasiu, Lavinia;
Abdelnour, Carla;
Clarimon, Jordi.
Author Correction: GBA and APOE ε4 associate with sporadic dementia with Lewy bodies in European genome wide association study (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (7013), 10.1038/s41598-019-43458-2).
Scientific Reports
Thingstad, Pernille;
Askim, Torunn;
Beyer, Mona K.;
Bråthen, Geir;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege.
The Norwegian Cognitive impairment after stroke study (Nor-COAST): study protocol of a multicentre, prospective cohort study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sletvold, Olav.
Environmental factors and risk of delirium in geriatric patients: An observational study.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Cavallin, Lena;
Engedal, Knut.
Association between vascular comorbidity and progression of Alzheimer's disease: a two-year observational study in Norwegian memory clinics.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pettersen, Petter Morten;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Figved, Wender.
På tide å innføre ortogeriatri i Norge?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Kuvås, Karen Rosmo;
Askim, Torunn;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
The risk of selection bias in the Nor-COAST study. A descriptive, cross-sectional study.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet
Witoelar, Aree;
Rongve, Arvid;
Almdahl, Ina Selseth;
Ulstein, Ingun;
Engvig, Andreas;
White, Linda Rosemary.
Meta-analysis of Alzheimer’s disease on 9,751 samples from Norway and IGAP study identifies four risk loci.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Tambs, Kristian;
Holmen, Jostein.
The association of high sensitivity C-reactive protein and incident Alzheimer disease in patients 60 years and older: The HUNT study, Norway.
Immunity & Ageing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Delirium - forvirrende og farlig.
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Brækhus, Anne;
Engedal, Knut;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Factors that influence the levels of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in memory clinic patients.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Tambs, Kristian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sund, Erik;
Holmen, Jostein.
Association between blood pressure and Alzheimer disease measured up to 27 years prior to diagnosis: the HUNT Study.
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Persson, Karin;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Cavallin, Lena;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Selbæk, Geir.
Visual Evaluation of Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy as a Clinical Marker of Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia and for Predicting Progression in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Barca, Maria Lage;
Persson, Karin;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Kersten, Hege;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
Trajectories of depressive symptoms and their relationship to the progression of dementia.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Persson, Karin;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Kersten, Hege;
Engedal, Knut.
Progression of Alzheimer's disease: A longitudinal study in Norwegian memory clinics.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellis, Graham;
Gardner, Mike;
Tsiachristas, Apostolos;
Langhorne, Peter;
Burke, Órlaith;
Harwood, Rowan H.
Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Heltne, Marianne;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Prestmo, Anders;
Sletvold, Olav;
Spigset, Olav.
Patterns of drug prescriptions in an orthogeriatric ward as compared to orthopaedic ward: results from the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial?a randomised clinical trial.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Persson, Karin;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Cavallin, Lena;
Ferreira, Daniel;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
MRI-assessed atrophy subtypes in Alzheimer’s disease and the cognitive reserve hypothesis.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Lamb, SE.
The long-term effect of comprehensive geriatric care on gait after hip fracture: the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial—a randomised controlled trial.
Osteoporosis International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Palliativ behandling av gamle.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Faglig kapittel
Hektoen, Liv Faksvåg;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Lurås, Hilde;
Halsteinli, Vidar.
One-year health and care costs after hip fracture for home-dwelling elderly patients in Norway: Results from the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Lydersen, Stian.
Who benefits from orthogeriatric treatment? Results from the Trondheim hip-fracture trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Hagen, Gunhild;
Sand, Sylvi;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav.
Effectiveness of Task Specific Gait and Balance Exercise 4Months After Hip Fracture: Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial - The Eva-Hip Study.
Physiotherapy Research International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prestmo, Anders;
Hagen, Gunhild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin.
Comprehensive geriatric care for patients with hip fractures: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial.
The Lancet
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Granat, Malcolm H..
The long-term effect of being treated in a geriatric ward compared to an orthopaedic ward on six measures of free-living physical behavior 4 and 12 months after a hip fracture – a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav.
The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. Evaluation of an Orthogeriatric Clinical Pathway for Old Patients With Hip Fractures.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Ask, Helga;
Holmen, Jostein;
Stordal, Eystein;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Selbæk, Geir.
Alcohol consumption and risk of dementia up to 27 years later in a large, population-based sample: the HUNT study, Norway.
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar;
Watne, Leiv Otto;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Hvorfor ortogeriatri?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Kjelvik, Grete;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
White, Linda;
Stenumgård, Pål Sigurd;
Sletvold, Olav;
Engedal, Knut .
The brain structural and cognitive basis of odor identification deficits in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sletvold, Olav;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Granat, MH;
Lydersen, Stian.
Physical behavior and function early after Hip Fracture surgery in patients receiving comprehensive geriatric care or orthopedic care - A randomized controlled trial.
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergh, Sverre;
Holmen, Jostein;
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Stordal, Eystein;
Fikseaunet, Arvid;
Selbæk, Geir.
Cohort Profile: The Health and Memory Study (HMS): a dementia cohort linked to the HUNT study in Norway.
International Journal of Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ask, Helga;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Holmen, Jostein;
Selbæk, Geir;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Tambs, Kristian.
Mental health and wellbeing in spouses of persons with dementia: the Nord-Trøndelag health study.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Watne, Leiv Otto;
Torbergsen, Anne Cathrine;
Conroy, Simon;
Engedal, Knut ;
Frihagen, Frede ;
Hjorthaug, Geir Aasmund.
The effect of a pre- and postoperative orthogeriatric service on cognitive function in patients with hip fracture: Randomized controlled trial (Oslo Orthogeriatric Trial).
BMC Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holmen, Jostein;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Midthjell, Kristian;
Holmen, Turid Lingaas;
Fikseaunet, Arvid;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Gender differences in subjective memory impairment in a general population: the HUNT study, Norway.
BMC Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Sletvold, Olav;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Physical activity early after hip fracture: The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial.
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Tambs, Kristian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Midthjell, Kristian;
Holmen, Jostein.
The association between vascular factors and subjective memory impairment in older people : the HUNT study, Norway.
Norsk Epidemiologi
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Prestmo, Anders;
Einarsen, Elin Kristin;
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Sletvold, Olav.
Development and delivery of patient treatment in the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. A new geriatric in-hospital pathway for elderly patients with hip fracture.
BMC Research Notes
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Watne, Leiv Otto;
Torbergsen, Anne Cathrine;
Engedal, Knut Arne;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Juliebø, Vibeke.
The effect of a pre- and post-operative orthogeriatric service on cognitive function in patients with hip fracture. The protocol of the Oslo Orthogeriatrics Trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergh, Sverre;
Holmen, Jostein;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Tambs, Kristian;
Selbæk, Geir.
Demens og nevropsykiatriske symptomer hos sykehjemspasienter i Nord-Trøndelag.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sletvold, Olav;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Prestmo, Anders;
Lamb, SE.
Effect of in-hospital comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) in older people with hip fracture. The protocol of the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Nevropsykologisk utredning ofte nødvendig.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Måler funksjon ved slag og demens.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Short communication
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Tester til bruk i arbeidet med eldre.
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Slik avsløres alzheimer demens.
Mesteig, Marianne;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Sletvold, Olav;
Røsstad, Tove;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Unwanted incidents during transition of geriatric patients from hospital to home: a prospective observational study.
BMC Health Services Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Torvik, Karin;
Kaasa, Stein;
Kirkevold, Øyvind;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Fayers, Peter.
Validation of Doloplus-2 among nonverbal nursing home patients - an evaluation of Doloplus-2 in a clinical setting.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nokleby, Karin;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Skåringsverktøy i geriatri og rehabilitering.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Short communication
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Skåringsverktøy i geriatri og rehabilitering.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Demens. I: aktivitetshåndboken. Fysisk aktivitet i forebygging og behandling.
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Apoteket AB, Brombergs, YFA
Vitenskapelig monografi
Lindberg, Morten;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Bjerve, Kristian S.
Long-chain n-3 fatty acids and mortality in elderly patients.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Melquist, S;
Cannon, A;
Hutton, ML;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
APOE epsilon 4 lowers age at onset and is a high risk factor for Alzheimer's disease; A case control study from central Norway.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Melquist, Stacey;
Cannon, Ashley;
Hutton, Michael;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
APOEe4 lowers age at onset and is a high risk factor for Alzheimer's disease; a case control study from central Norway.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Melquist, Stacey;
Cannon, Ashley;
Hutton, Michael;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Risk-reducing effect of education in Alzheimer's disease.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Statens folkhälsoinstitut
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Melquist, S.;
Halperin, R.F;
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Cannon, A;
White, Linda;
Craig, D.W.
Identification of Novel Alzheimer Disease Genetic Risk Loci in a Population Isolate Using a Genome-Wide Scan of 500,288 SNPS.
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Kaasa, Stein.
Doloplus-2, a valid tool for behavioural pain assessment?.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Jordhøy, Marit S;
Opdahl Mo, Ellen Sofie;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Randomised trial of in-hospital geriatric intervention: Impact on function and morale.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Treatment of acutely sick, frail elderly patients in a geriatric evaluation and management unit. Results from a prospective ransomised study.
NTNU Innovation and Creativity
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Sykehusgeriatri-hva er kunnskapsgrunnlaget?.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Spigset, Olav;
Ruths, Sabine;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Patterns of drug prescription in a geriatric evaluation and management unit as compared with the general medical wards. A randomised study.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Bjørnnes, MARIT;
Stenseth, G;
Hval, Bjørn.
The Norwegian Doloplus-2, a tool for behavioural pain assessment: translation and pilot-validation in nursing home patients with cognitive impairment.
Palliative Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Songe-Møller, Silje;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Kaasa, Stein.
Smertemålinger hos eldre med kognitiv svikt.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Spigset, Olav;
Ruths, Sabine;
Fayes, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Patterns of drug prescription in a geriatric evaluation and management unit as compared with the general medical wards: a randomised study.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Saltnes, Turi;
Opdahl Mo, Elle Sofie;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Acute geriatric intervention increases the number of patients able to live at home. A prospective randomised study.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jordhøy, Marit S;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Ahlner-Elmqvist, Marianne;
Kaasa, Stein.
Which cancer pasients die in nursing homes? Quality of life, medical and sociodemographic characteristics.
Palliative Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jordhøy, Marit S;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter M.;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Kaasa, Stein.
Which cancer patients die in nursing homes? Quality of life, medical and sociodemographic characteristics.
Palliative Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav;
Opdahl-Mo, Ellen Sofie.
Reduced mortality in treating acutely sick, frail elderly patients in a greiatric evaluation and management unit. A prospective randomized trial.
Journal of The American Geriatrics Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Ryum, Truls.
Delirium in acute stroke is associated with increased cognitive and psychiatric symptoms over time: The Nor-COAST study.
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Navickaite, Egle;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beate;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Diagnostic accuracy of the Clock Drawing Test in screening for early post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: the Nor-COAST study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Luzum, Geske;
Thrane, Gyrd;
Aam, Stina;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild.
A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Post-stroke Fatigue. The Nor-COAST study.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandvig, Heidi Vihovde;
Aam, Stina;
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ueland, Per Magne;
Ulvik, Arve.
Neopterin, kynurenine metabolites, and indexes related to vitamin B6 are associated with post-stroke cognitive impairment: The Nor-COAST study.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knapskog, Anne-Brita;
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Ueland, Per Magne;
Ulvik, Arve;
Fang, Fei;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug.
Sex-specific associations of kynurenic acid with neopterin in Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Antonsdottir, Inga Margaret;
Creese, Byron;
Klei, Lambertus;
DeMichele-Sweet, Mary Ann A.;
Weamer, Elise A.;
Garcia-Gonzalez, Pablo.
Genetic associations with psychosis and affective disturbance in Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Svalbjørg, Tone;
Askim, Torunn;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Lydersen, Stian;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug.
Changes in sedentary behavior in the chronic phase following stroke.
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen;
Røyset, Inga Marie;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Døhl, Øystein.
Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy: a cluster-randomised controlled pilot study.
BMC Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aksnes, Mari;
Schibstad, Mari Haavig;
Chaudhry, Farrukh Abbas;
Neerland, Bjørn Erik;
Caplan, Gideon A.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina.
Differences in metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the cerebrospinal fluid are associated with delirium.
Communications Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandvig, Heidi Vihovde;
Aam, Stina;
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Askim, Torunn;
Beyer, Mona K.;
Ellekjær, Hanne.
Plasma Inflammatory Biomarkers Are Associated With Poststroke Cognitive Impairment: The Nor-COAST Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Askim, Torunn;
Hokstad, Anne;
Bergh, Elin Josefina;
Døhl, Øystein;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Ihle-Hansen, Håkon.
Multimodal individualised intervention to prevent functional decline after stroke: protocol of a randomised controlled trial on long-term follow-up after stroke (LAST-long).
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Røyset, Inga Marie;
Eriksen, Guro Falk;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Rostoft, Siri .
Edmonton Frail Scale predicts mortality in older patients with cancer undergoing radiotherapy-A prospective observational study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Runde, Henrik Alexander;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Follestad, Turid;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar.
The impact of cognitive function on physical activity, physical function and quality of life in older adults following a hip fracture.
Age and Ageing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aksnes, Mari;
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Chaudhry, Farrukh Abbas;
Halaas, Nathalie Bodd.
Sex-specific associations of matrix metalloproteinases in Alzheimer’s disease.
Biology of Sex Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Aksnes, Mari;
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Ueland, Per Magne;
Ulvik, Arve;
Fang, Fei.
Higher concentrations of kynurenic acid in CSF are associated with the slower clinical progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dakhil, Shams;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Thingstad, Anne Pernille Mæhle;
Watne, Leiv;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Longitudinal trajectories of functional recovery after hip fracture.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Rojas, Itziar;
Moreno-Grau, Sonia;
Tesi, Niccolo;
Grenier-Boley, Benjamin;
Andrade, Victor;
Jansen, Iris E..
Erratum: Author Correction: Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores (Nature communications (2021) 12 1 (3417)).
Nature Communications
Luzum, Geske;
Gunnes, Mari;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Tan, Xiang chun;
Thingstad, Anne Pernille Mæhle.
Physical Activity Behavior and Its Association With Global Cognitive Function Three Months After Stroke: The Nor-COAST Study.
Physical Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hageman, Steven HJ;
McKay, Ailsa;
Ueda, Peter;
Gunn, Laura;
Jernberg, Tomas;
Hagström, Emil.
Estimation of recurrent atherosclerotic cardiovascular event risk in patients with established cardiovascular disease: The updated SMART2 algorithm.
European Heart Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Hageman, Steven H. J.;
Spigset, Olav;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Dorresteijn, Jannick AN.
Use of lipid-lowering therapy after ischaemic stroke and expected benefit from intensification of treatment.
Open heart
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Henjum, Kristi;
Watne, Leiv;
Godang, Kristin;
Halaas, Nathalie Bodd;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Blennow, Kaj.
Cerebrospinal fluid catecholamines in Alzheimer's disease patients with and without biological disease.
Translational Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bellenguez, Céline;
Küçükali, Fahri;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Kleineidam, Luca;
Moreno-Grau, Sonia;
Amin, Najaf.
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Aam, Stina;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Pendlebury, Sarah T.;
Lydersen, Stian.
Is Frailty Index a better predictor than pre-stroke modified Rankin Scale for neurocognitive outcomes 3-months post-stroke?.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Lydersen, Stian;
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Beyer, Mona K..
Neuroimaging markers of dual impairment in cognition and physical performance following stroke: The Nor-COAST study.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Barca, Maria Lage;
Alnæs, Dag;
Engedal, Knut;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Siafarikas, Nikias Ioannis.
Brain Morphometric Correlates of Depressive Symptoms among Patients with and without Dementia.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Lydersen, Stian;
Alnæs, Dag;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Beyer, Mona K..
Longitudinal Brain Changes After Stroke and the Association With Cognitive Decline.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stokke, Kristin;
Halvorsen, Tarje Onsøien;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen;
Kirkevold, Øyvind.
Associations between Measured and Patient-Reported Physical Function and Survival in Advanced NSCLC.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Lydersen, Stian;
Gunnes, Mari;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Askim, Torunn.
Physical Performance and Cognition as Predictors of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living After Stroke: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Alnæs, Dag;
de Lange, Ann-Marie Glasø;
Aam, Stina;
Schellhorn, Till;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina.
Longitudinal brain age prediction and cognitive function after stroke.
Neurobiology of Aging
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jansen, Iris E.;
van der Lee, Sven J.;
Gomez-Fonseca, Duber;
de Rojas, Itziar;
Dalmasso, Maria Carolina;
Grenier-Boley, Benjamin.
Genome-wide meta-analysis for Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers.
Acta Neuropathologica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wightman, Douglas P.;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Shadrin, Alexey;
Bahrami, Shahram;
Holland, Dominic.
Author Correction: A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer’s disease (Nature Genetics, (2021), 53, 9, (1276-1282), 10.1038/s41588-021-00921-z).
Nature Genetics
Motazedi, Ehsan;
Cheng, Weiqiu;
Thomassen, Jesper Qvist;
Frei, Oleksandr;
Rongve, Arvid;
Athanasiu, Lavinia.
Using Polygenic Hazard Scores to Predict Age at Onset of Alzheimer's Disease in Nordic Populations.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Ryum, Truls.
The relationship of acute delirium with cognitive and psychiatric symptoms after stroke: a longitudinal study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Medbøen, Ingrid Tøndel;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Nåvik, Marit;
Totland, Torunn Holm;
Bergh, Sverre;
Treviño, Cathrine Selnes.
Cohort profile: the Norwegian Registry of Persons Assessed for Cognitive Symptoms (NorCog) - a national research and quality registry with a biomaterial collection.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schellhorn, Till;
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Lydersen, Stian;
Aam, Stina;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Clinically accessible neuroimaging predictors of post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: a prospective observational study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Askim, Torunn;
Assmus, Jörg;
Mollnes, Tom Eirik;
Naik, Mala;
Næss, Halvor.
Investigating novel biomarkers of immune activation and modulation in the context of sedentary behaviour: a multicentre prospective ischemic stroke cohort study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Røyset, Inga;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Rostoft, Siri;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Kirkevold, Øyvind;
Oldervoll, Line.
Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy. Protocol of a Norwegian cluster-randomised controlled pilot study.
Journal of Geriatric Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
DeMichele-Sweet, Mary Ann A.;
Klei, Lambertus;
Creese, Byron;
Harwood, Janet C.;
Weamer, Elise A.;
McClain, Lora.
Genome-wide association identifies the first risk loci for psychosis in Alzheimer disease.
Molecular Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dakhil, Shams;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Frihagen, Frede ;
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar;
Lydersen, Stian;
Skovlund, Eva.
Orthogeriatrics prevents functional decline in hip fracture patients: report from two randomized controlled trials.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wæhler, Idunn Snorresdatter;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Fure, Brynjar;
Askim, Torunn;
Einstad, Marte Stine.
Association between in-hospital frailty and health-related quality of life after stroke: the Nor-COAST study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wightman, Douglas P.;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Shadrin, Alexey A.;
Bahrami, Shahram;
Holland, Dominic.
Author Correction: A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer’s disease (Nature Genetics, (2021), 53, 9, (1276-1282), 10.1038/s41588-021-00921-z).
Nature Genetics
de Rojas, Itziar;
Moreno-Grau, Sonia;
Tesi, Niccolo;
Grenier-Boley, Benjamin;
Andrade, Victor;
Jansen, Iris E..
Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores.
Nature Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Follestad, Turid;
Bergh, Sverre;
Selbæk, Geir;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Gait, physical function, and physical activity in three groups of home-dwelling older adults with different severity of cognitive impairment - a cross-sectional study.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Ulvik, Arve;
Askim, Torunn;
Assmus, Jörg;
Mollnes, Tom Eirik;
Naik, Mala.
Neopterin and kynurenic acid as predictors of stroke recurrence and mortality: a multicentre prospective cohort study on biomarkers of inflammation measured three months after ischemic stroke.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wightman, Douglas P.;
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Shadrin, Alexey;
Bahrami, Shahram;
Holland, Dominic.
A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer's disease.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Hageman, Steven HJ;
Dorresteijn, Jannick AN;
Spigset, Olav;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wethal, Torgeir.
Risk Stratification in Patients with Ischemic Stroke and Residual Cardiovascular Risk with Current Secondary Prevention.
Clinical Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte;
Stage, Edwin;
Sanjay, Apoorva Bharthur;
Logan, Paige E.;
Svaldi, Diana Otero.
Predicting the Emergence of Major Neurocognitive Disorder Within Three Months After a Stroke.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aam, Stina;
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
The Impact of Vascular Risk Factors on Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment: The Nor-COAST Study.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ursin, Marie Helene;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege.
Associations between post-stroke motor
and cognitive function: a cross-sectional
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjelvik, Grete;
Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe;
Hummel, Thomas;
Engedal, Knut;
Selbæk, Geir;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
The human brain representation of odor identification in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's dementia of mild degree.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Ranhoff, Anette Hylen;
Lydersen, Stian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
The delirium screening tool 4AT in routine clinical practice: prediction of mortality, sensitivity and specificity.
European Geriatric Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schellhorn, Till;
Zucknick, Manuela;
Askim, Torunn;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Seljeseth, Yngve Müller.
Pre-stroke cognitive impairment is associated with vascular imaging pathology: a prospective observational study.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Aam, Stina;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Pendlebury, Sarah T.;
Lydersen, Stian.
Test Accuracy of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Screening for Early Poststroke Neurocognitive Disorder.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Mikolaizak, A. Stefanie;
Maier, Andrea B.;
Mellone, Sabato;
Boulton, Elisabeth;
Aminian, Kamiar.
Digital technology to deliver a lifestyle-integrated exercise intervention in young seniors – the PreventIT feasibility randomised controlled trial.
Frontiers in Digital Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Aam, Stina;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Lydersen, Stian;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Impact of different methods defining post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: The Nor-COAST study.
Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gynnild, Mari Nordbø;
Aakerøy, Rachel;
Spigset, Olav;
Askim, Torunn;
Beyer, Mona Kristiansen;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege.
Vascular risk factor control and adherence to secondary preventive medication after ischaemic stroke.
Journal of Internal Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Boulton, Elisabeth;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Granbo, Randi.
Client, caregiver, volunteer, and therapist views on a voluntary supported group exercise programme for older adults with dementia.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aam, Stina;
Einstad, Marte Stine;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment—Impact of Follow-Up Time and Stroke Subtype on Severity and Cognitive Profile: The Nor-COAST Study.
Frontiers in Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Henjum, Kristi;
Idland, Ane-Victoria;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Cerebrospinal fluid sTREM2 in Alzheimer’s disease: comparisons between clinical presentation and AT classification.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kuvås, Karen Rosmo;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Aam, Stina;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Askim, Torunn.
The Risk of Selection Bias in a Clinical Multi-Center Cohort Study. Results from the Norwegian Cognitive Impairment After Stroke (Nor-COAST) Study.
Clinical Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alme, Katinka Nordheim;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Næss, Halvor;
Naik, Mala;
Beyer, Mona K.;
Ellekjær, Hanne.
Is long-bout sedentary behaviour associated with long-Term glucose levels 3 months after acute ischaemic stroke? A prospective observational cohort study.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Edwin, Trine Holt;
Henjum, Kristi;
Nilsson, Lars;
Watne, Leiv;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug.
A high cerebrospinal fluid soluble TREM2 level is associated with slow clinical progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Barca, Maria Lage;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Björklöf, Guro Hanevold;
Borza, Tom;
Telenius, Elisabeth Wiken.
Cortisol levels among older people with and without depression and dementia.
International Psychogeriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Døhl, Øystein;
Follestad, Turid;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Lamb, Sarah.
Short and long-term clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a late-phase community-based balance and gait exercise program following hip fracture. The EVA-HIP randomised controlled trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rongve, Arvid;
Witoelar, Aree;
Ruiz, Agustín;
Athanasiu, Lavinia;
Abdelnour, Carla;
Clarimon, Jordi.
GBA and APOE ε4 associate with sporadic dementia with Lewy bodies in European genome wide association study.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Ranhoff, Anette Hylen;
Myrstad, Marius;
Myrstad, Christian;
Mellingsæter, Marte.
Delirium og kognitiv svikt blant eldre i norske akuttmottak.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granbo, Randi;
Boulton, Elisabeth;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin.
My husband is not ill; He has memory loss - Caregivers perspectives on health care services for persons with dementia.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranhoff, Anette Hylen;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Ræder, Johan;
Maini, Sameer;
Sletvold, Olav.
Interdisciplinary care of hip fractures: Orthogeriatric models, alternative models, interdisciplinary teamwork.
Baillière's Best Practice & Research : Clinical Rheumatology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Romundstad, Solfrid;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Holmen, Jostein.
Moderately increased albuminuria, chronic kidney disease and incident dementia: the HUNT study.
BMC Nephrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Figved, Wender;
Myrstad, Marius;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Finjarn, Merete;
Odland, Liv Marie Flaten;
Frihagen, Frede Jon.
Team approach: Multidisciplinary treatment of hip fractures in elderly patients: Orthogeriatric care.
Journal of bone and joint surgery reviews (JBJS Reviews)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd Storhaug;
Bourke, Alan;
Lydersen, Stian;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Motor activity across delirium motor subtypes in geriatric patients assessed using body-worn sensors: a Norwegian cross-sectional study.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hazen, Josje;
Vistnes, Maria;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Brækhus, Anne.
The Association Between Circulating Inflammatory Markers
and the Progression of Alzheimer Disease in Norwegian Memory Clinic Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia.
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kirkhus, Lene;
Harneshaug, Magnus;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Rostoft, Siri ;
Bergh, Sverre.
Modifiable factors affecting older patients' quality of life and physical function during cancer treatment.
Journal of Geriatric Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jansen, Iris E.;
Savage, Jeanne E.;
Watanabe, Kyoko;
Bryois, Julien;
Williams, Dylan M.;
Steinberg, Stacy.
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new loci and functional pathways influencing Alzheimer's disease risk.
Nature Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sletvold, Olav.
Delirium motor subtypes and prognosis in hospitalized geriatric patients ? A prospective observational study.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Creese, Byron;
Vassos, Evangelos;
Bergh, Sverre;
Athanasiu, Lavinia;
Johar, Iskandar;
Rongve, Arvid.
Examining the association between genetic liability for schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in Alzheimer's disease.
Translational Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Da Silva, Miguel Vasconcelos;
Creese, Byron;
Iskandar, Johar;
Aarsland, Dag;
Bergh, Sverre;
Athanasiu, Lavinia.
Genome wide Association study: identifying Genetic markers in apathy in People with Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Da Silva, Miguel Vasconcelos;
Creese, Byron;
Iskandar, Johar;
Bergh, Sverre;
Aarsland, Dag;
Rongve, Arvid.
The course of apathy in people with dementia.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Askim, Torunn;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Hokstad, Anne;
Indredavik, Bent;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Thingstad, Pernille.
European Stroke Journal
Rongve, Arvid;
Witoelar, Aree Widya;
Ruiz, Agustín;
Athanasiu, Lavinia;
Abdelnour, Carla;
Clarimon, Jordi.
Author Correction: GBA and APOE ε4 associate with sporadic dementia with Lewy bodies in European genome wide association study (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (7013), 10.1038/s41598-019-43458-2).
Scientific Reports
Thingstad, Pernille;
Askim, Torunn;
Beyer, Mona K.;
Bråthen, Geir;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege.
The Norwegian Cognitive impairment after stroke study (Nor-COAST): study protocol of a multicentre, prospective cohort study.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sletvold, Olav.
Environmental factors and risk of delirium in geriatric patients: An observational study.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Persson, Karin Ester Torun;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Cavallin, Lena;
Engedal, Knut.
Association between vascular comorbidity and progression of Alzheimer's disease: a two-year observational study in Norwegian memory clinics.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pettersen, Petter Morten;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Figved, Wender.
På tide å innføre ortogeriatri i Norge?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Witoelar, Aree;
Rongve, Arvid;
Almdahl, Ina Selseth;
Ulstein, Ingun;
Engvig, Andreas;
White, Linda Rosemary.
Meta-analysis of Alzheimer’s disease on 9,751 samples from Norway and IGAP study identifies four risk loci.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Tambs, Kristian;
Holmen, Jostein.
The association of high sensitivity C-reactive protein and incident Alzheimer disease in patients 60 years and older: The HUNT study, Norway.
Immunity & Ageing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Evensen, Sigurd;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Delirium - forvirrende og farlig.
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Brækhus, Anne;
Engedal, Knut;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Factors that influence the levels of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in memory clinic patients.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Tambs, Kristian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sund, Erik;
Holmen, Jostein.
Association between blood pressure and Alzheimer disease measured up to 27 years prior to diagnosis: the HUNT Study.
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Persson, Karin;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Cavallin, Lena;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Selbæk, Geir.
Visual Evaluation of Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy as a Clinical Marker of Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia and for Predicting Progression in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Barca, Maria Lage;
Persson, Karin;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Kersten, Hege;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
Trajectories of depressive symptoms and their relationship to the progression of dementia.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Persson, Karin;
Knapskog, Anne Brita;
Kersten, Hege;
Engedal, Knut.
Progression of Alzheimer's disease: A longitudinal study in Norwegian memory clinics.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ellis, Graham;
Gardner, Mike;
Tsiachristas, Apostolos;
Langhorne, Peter;
Burke, Órlaith;
Harwood, Rowan H.
Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Heltne, Marianne;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Prestmo, Anders;
Sletvold, Olav;
Spigset, Olav.
Patterns of drug prescriptions in an orthogeriatric ward as compared to orthopaedic ward: results from the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial?a randomised clinical trial.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Persson, Karin;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Barca, Maria Lage;
Cavallin, Lena;
Ferreira, Daniel;
Knapskog, Anne Brita.
MRI-assessed atrophy subtypes in Alzheimer’s disease and the cognitive reserve hypothesis.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Lamb, SE.
The long-term effect of comprehensive geriatric care on gait after hip fracture: the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial—a randomised controlled trial.
Osteoporosis International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hektoen, Liv Faksvåg;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Lurås, Hilde;
Halsteinli, Vidar.
One-year health and care costs after hip fracture for home-dwelling elderly patients in Norway: Results from the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Lydersen, Stian.
Who benefits from orthogeriatric treatment? Results from the Trondheim hip-fracture trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Hagen, Gunhild;
Sand, Sylvi;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav.
Effectiveness of Task Specific Gait and Balance Exercise 4Months After Hip Fracture: Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial - The Eva-Hip Study.
Physiotherapy Research International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prestmo, Anders;
Hagen, Gunhild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin.
Comprehensive geriatric care for patients with hip fractures: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial.
The Lancet
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Lydersen, Stian;
Granat, Malcolm H..
The long-term effect of being treated in a geriatric ward compared to an orthopaedic ward on six measures of free-living physical behavior 4 and 12 months after a hip fracture – a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Ask, Helga;
Holmen, Jostein;
Stordal, Eystein;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Selbæk, Geir.
Alcohol consumption and risk of dementia up to 27 years later in a large, population-based sample: the HUNT study, Norway.
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar;
Watne, Leiv Otto;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Hvorfor ortogeriatri?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Kjelvik, Grete;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
White, Linda;
Stenumgård, Pål Sigurd;
Sletvold, Olav;
Engedal, Knut .
The brain structural and cognitive basis of odor identification deficits in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sletvold, Olav;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Granat, MH;
Lydersen, Stian.
Physical behavior and function early after Hip Fracture surgery in patients receiving comprehensive geriatric care or orthopedic care - A randomized controlled trial.
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergh, Sverre;
Holmen, Jostein;
Gabin, Jessica Mira;
Stordal, Eystein;
Fikseaunet, Arvid;
Selbæk, Geir.
Cohort Profile: The Health and Memory Study (HMS): a dementia cohort linked to the HUNT study in Norway.
International Journal of Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ask, Helga;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Holmen, Jostein;
Selbæk, Geir;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Tambs, Kristian.
Mental health and wellbeing in spouses of persons with dementia: the Nord-Trøndelag health study.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Watne, Leiv Otto;
Torbergsen, Anne Cathrine;
Conroy, Simon;
Engedal, Knut ;
Frihagen, Frede ;
Hjorthaug, Geir Aasmund.
The effect of a pre- and postoperative orthogeriatric service on cognitive function in patients with hip fracture: Randomized controlled trial (Oslo Orthogeriatric Trial).
BMC Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holmen, Jostein;
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Midthjell, Kristian;
Holmen, Turid Lingaas;
Fikseaunet, Arvid;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Gender differences in subjective memory impairment in a general population: the HUNT study, Norway.
BMC Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Sletvold, Olav;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Physical activity early after hip fracture: The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial.
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
Langballe, Ellen Melbye;
Tambs, Kristian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Midthjell, Kristian;
Holmen, Jostein.
The association between vascular factors and subjective memory impairment in older people : the HUNT study, Norway.
Norsk Epidemiologi
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Prestmo, Anders;
Einarsen, Elin Kristin;
Johnsen, Lars Gunnar;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Sletvold, Olav.
Development and delivery of patient treatment in the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. A new geriatric in-hospital pathway for elderly patients with hip fracture.
BMC Research Notes
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun;
Watne, Leiv Otto;
Torbergsen, Anne Cathrine;
Engedal, Knut Arne;
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Juliebø, Vibeke.
The effect of a pre- and post-operative orthogeriatric service on cognitive function in patients with hip fracture. The protocol of the Oslo Orthogeriatrics Trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergh, Sverre;
Holmen, Jostein;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Tambs, Kristian;
Selbæk, Geir.
Demens og nevropsykiatriske symptomer hos sykehjemspasienter i Nord-Trøndelag.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sletvold, Olav;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Thingstad, Pernille;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Prestmo, Anders;
Lamb, SE.
Effect of in-hospital comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) in older people with hip fracture. The protocol of the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Nevropsykologisk utredning ofte nødvendig.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Måler funksjon ved slag og demens.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Short communication
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Tester til bruk i arbeidet med eldre.
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Slik avsløres alzheimer demens.
Mesteig, Marianne;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Sletvold, Olav;
Røsstad, Tove;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Unwanted incidents during transition of geriatric patients from hospital to home: a prospective observational study.
BMC Health Services Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Torvik, Karin;
Kaasa, Stein;
Kirkevold, Øyvind;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Fayers, Peter.
Validation of Doloplus-2 among nonverbal nursing home patients - an evaluation of Doloplus-2 in a clinical setting.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nokleby, Karin;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Skåringsverktøy i geriatri og rehabilitering.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Short communication
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Strobel, Carsten;
Sveen, Unni;
Nøkleby, Kjersti;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Skåringsverktøy i geriatri og rehabilitering.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Lindberg, Morten;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav;
Bjerve, Kristian S.
Long-chain n-3 fatty acids and mortality in elderly patients.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Melquist, S;
Cannon, A;
Hutton, ML;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
APOE epsilon 4 lowers age at onset and is a high risk factor for Alzheimer's disease; A case control study from central Norway.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Melquist, Stacey;
Cannon, Ashley;
Hutton, Michael;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
APOEe4 lowers age at onset and is a high risk factor for Alzheimer's disease; a case control study from central Norway.
BMC Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Melquist, Stacey;
Cannon, Ashley;
Hutton, Michael;
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Risk-reducing effect of education in Alzheimer's disease.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Melquist, S.;
Halperin, R.F;
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Cannon, A;
White, Linda;
Craig, D.W.
Identification of Novel Alzheimer Disease Genetic Risk Loci in a Population Isolate Using a Genome-Wide Scan of 500,288 SNPS.
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Kaasa, Stein.
Doloplus-2, a valid tool for behavioural pain assessment?.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Jordhøy, Marit S;
Opdahl Mo, Ellen Sofie;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Randomised trial of in-hospital geriatric intervention: Impact on function and morale.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Spigset, Olav;
Ruths, Sabine;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Patterns of drug prescription in a geriatric evaluation and management unit as compared with the general medical wards. A randomised study.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Bjørnnes, MARIT;
Stenseth, G;
Hval, Bjørn.
The Norwegian Doloplus-2, a tool for behavioural pain assessment: translation and pilot-validation in nursing home patients with cognitive impairment.
Palliative Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Songe-Møller, Silje;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Hølen, Jacob Christian;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Kaasa, Stein.
Smertemålinger hos eldre med kognitiv svikt.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Spigset, Olav;
Ruths, Sabine;
Fayes, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Patterns of drug prescription in a geriatric evaluation and management unit as compared with the general medical wards: a randomised study.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Saltnes, Turi;
Opdahl Mo, Elle Sofie;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav.
Acute geriatric intervention increases the number of patients able to live at home. A prospective randomised study.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jordhøy, Marit S;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Ahlner-Elmqvist, Marianne;
Kaasa, Stein.
Which cancer pasients die in nursing homes? Quality of life, medical and sociodemographic characteristics.
Palliative Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jordhøy, Marit S;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter M.;
Loge, Jon Håvard;
Kaasa, Stein.
Which cancer patients die in nursing homes? Quality of life, medical and sociodemographic characteristics.
Palliative Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Fayers, Peter;
Kaasa, Stein;
Sletvold, Olav;
Opdahl-Mo, Ellen Sofie.
Reduced mortality in treating acutely sick, frail elderly patients in a greiatric evaluation and management unit. A prospective randomized trial.
Journal of The American Geriatrics Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Apoteket AB, Brombergs, YFA
Vitenskapelig monografi
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Statens folkhälsoinstitut
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun.
Palliativ behandling av gamle.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Faglig kapittel
Sletvold, Olav;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Sykehusgeriatri-hva er kunnskapsgrunnlaget?.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Serrano, Artur;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Maetzler, Walter;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Stories from SENSE-GARDEN: A transactional perspective on the use of individualized technology for co-constructing narrative identity in dementia care.
Kuvås, Karen Rosmo;
Askim, Torunn;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
The risk of selection bias in the Nor-COAST study. A descriptive, cross-sectional study.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet
Prestmo, Anders;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Sletvold, Olav.
The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. Evaluation of an Orthogeriatric Clinical Pathway for Old Patients With Hip Fractures.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Demens. I: aktivitetshåndboken. Fysisk aktivitet i forebygging og behandling.
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Treatment of acutely sick, frail elderly patients in a geriatric evaluation and management unit. Results from a prospective ransomised study.
NTNU Innovation and Creativity
PosterGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Nerdal, Vilde Kristine; Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina; Lydersen, Stian; Kliem, Elisabeth; Ryum, Truls. (2023) Post-stroke delirium is associated with cognitive and psychiatric symptoms over time. Int Soc of Vascular, Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders VasCog 2023 , Göteborg 2023-09-13 - 2023-09-16
PosterGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Aam, Stina; Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Kliem, Elisabeth; Saltyte Benth, Jurate. (2022) Identifying Neurocognitive Disorder after Stroke. European Stroke Organisation ESOC 2022 , Lyon 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-06
PosterEinstad, Marte Stine; SCHELLHORN, TILL; Thingstad, Pernille; Lydersen, Stian; Aamodt, Eva Birgitte; Beyer, Mona K.. (2022) Neuroimaging Markers of Dual Impairment in Cognition and Physical Performance Following Stroke: The Norwegian Cognitive Impairment After Stroke (Nor-COAST) Study . European Stroke Organisation European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC 2022) , Lyon 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-06
PosterGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Vaskinn, Anja; Kliem, Elisabeth; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Grambaite, Ramune. (2021) Social Cognition is Associated with General Cognitive Function Post-Stroke. VasCog VasCog Virtual 2021 , Newcastle 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-09
PosterEinstad, Marte Stine; Thingstad, Pernille; Lydersen, Stian; Gunnes, Mari; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Askim, Torunn. (2021) Assessments of mobility and cognition in th prediction of instrumental activities of daily living: Results from the Norwegian Cognitive Impairment after Stroke (Nor-COAST) study. European Stroke Organisation European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC 2021) , Virtual Conference 2021-09-01 - 2021-09-03
DokumentarSaltvedt, Ingvild; johansen, geir otto. (2021) Vil forbedre behandlingen av hjerneslagpasienter. Helse Midt-Norge Forskningsrapporten 2020 Helse Midt-Norge Forskningsrapporten 2020 [Internett] 2021-06-03
DokumentarSaltvedt, Ingvild; johansen, geir otto. (2021) Vil forbedre behandlingen av hjerneslagpasienter. Youtube Youtube [Internett] 2021-10-01
Intervjuschrøder, andrea; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2021) Flere pasienter opplever kognitiv svikt etter hjerneslag. Ny norsk studie vil gi dem bedre behandling. Healthtalk Healthtalk [Avis] 2021-08-06
IntervjuKulmo, Wenche Margrethe; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2021) Flertallet av hjerneslagpasienter har kognitiv svikt . Gemini Gemini [Fagblad] 2021-12-17
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2021) Bred geriatrisk utredning og behandling. Norsk sykepleierforbund Landskonferanser for Norsk sykepleierforbund , Trondheim 2021-09-18 -
PosterRøyset, Inga Marie; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Eriksen, Guro Falk; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning; Rostoft, Siri . (2021) Edmonton Frail Scale predicts mortality in older patients with cancer undergoing radiotherapy - a prospective observational study. SIOG - International Society of Geriatric Oncology SIOG 2021 Virtual Annual Conference , Digital 2021-11-04 - 2021-11-05
PosterNerdal, Vilde; Gjestad, Elise Ødegård; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Ryum, Truls. (2021) The Relationship of Acute Delirium with Cognitive and Psychiatric Symptoms After Stroke: A Longitudinal Study. The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders VasCog Virtual 2021 , Virtual 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-09
PosterAskim, Torunn; Hokstad, Anne; Bergh, Elin; Døhl, Øystein; Ellekjær, Hanne; Ihle-Hansen, Håkon. (2021) A MULTIMODAL INDIVIDUALIZED INTERVENTION TO PREVENT FUNCTIONAL DECLINE AFTER STROKE. A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL ON LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP AFTER STROKE (THE LAST-LONG TRIAL). European Stroke Organisation European Stroke Organisation Conference 2021 , Digitalt 2021-09-01 - 2021-09-03
PosterAskim, Torunn; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Hokstad, Anne; Indredavik, Bent; Ihle-Hansen, Håkon; Magnussen, Jon. (2020) A MULTIMODAL INDIVIDUALIZED INTERVENTION TO PREVENT FUNCTIONAL DECLINE. A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL ON LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP AFTER STROKE (THE LAST-LONG TRIAL). World Stroke Organisation and European Stroke Organisation Joint WSO and ESOC Conference 2020 , Digitalt 2020-11-07 - 2020-11-09
Vitenskapelig foredragGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Grambaite, Ramune; Ryum, Truls; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2019) Identifying Neurocognitive Disorder after Stroke-Research Diagnostic Criteria versus Clinical Diagnosis. NRSN The 7th National PhD Conference in Neuroscience , Bekkjarvik 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-27
PosterAskim, Torunn; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Hokstad, Anne; Indredavik, Bent; Halsteinli, Vidar; Thingstad, Pernille. (2019) A MULTIMODAL INDIVIDUALIZED INTERVENTION TO PREVENT FUNCTIONAL DECLINE AFTER STROKE. A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL ON LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP AFTER STROKE (THE LAST-LONG TRIAL). European Stroke Organisation European Stroke Organisation Conference , Milano 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-24
PosterNåvik, Marit; Totland, Torunn Holm; Medbøen, Ingrid Tøndel; Bøhn, Benedicte Huseby; Høgseth, Lisbeth Dyrendal; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2018) Future focus in dementia diagnostic- can registers contribute? Norwegian register of persons assessed for cognitive symptoms (NorCog). . Nordic Gerontological Federation The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology 2018-05-02 - 2018-05-04
PosterAam, Stina; Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2018) Classifying cognitive impairment after stroke - The Nor-COAST study. VASCOG VASCOG 2018 , Hong Kong 2018-11-14 - 2018-11-17
Vitenskapelig foredragEldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Barca, Maria Lage; Persson, Karin Ester Torun; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Kersten, Hege; Skovlund, Eva. (2018) Do vascular risk factors and vascular diseases influence disease progression in Alzheimer's disease? Foredrag som ledd i felles symposium med tittelen "Biomarkers and clinical factors in mild cognitive impairment and dementia - a multicenter study" holdt av forskningsgruppen bak studien Progression of Alzheimer's Disease and Resource use (PADR). The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology , Oslo 2018-05-02 - 2018-05-04
Vitenskapelig foredragPersson, Karin Ester Torun; Barca, Maria Lage; Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Vistnes, Maria; Cavallin, Lena. (2018) MRI assessed atrophy subtypes in Alzheimer’s disease with mild degree of dementia. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology 2018-05-03 - 2018-05-04
PosterEinstad, Marte Stine; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Lydersen, Stian; Askim, Torunn; Ursin, Marie Helene; Thingstad, Pernille. (2018) The association between post-stroke physical and cognitive function - The Nor-COAST study. VasCog 2018 2018-11-13 - 2018-11-17
PosterMunthe-Kaas, Ragnhild; Aam, Stina; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Thingstad, Pernille; Askim, Torunn; Beyer, Mona K.. (2018) The burden of post-stroke cognitive impairments in a Norwegian stroke population (Nor-COAST). VasCog , Hongkong 2018-11-14 - 2018-11-17
Vitenskapelig foredragEldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Barca, Maria Lage; Persson, Karin Ester Torun; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Selbæk, Geir; Engedal, Knut. (2018) Symptom profiles in Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. European Geriatric Medicine Society European Geriatric Medicine Society Congress , Berlin 2018-10-10 - 2018-10-12
IntervjuKvås, Inger-Lise; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Fladby, Tormod. (2018) Ja, du kan forebygge demens. Norsk ukeblad Norsk ukeblad [Avis] 2018-03-01
IntervjuSnøfugl, Elling Finnanger; Evensen, Sigurd; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2018) Økt kunnskap om delirium er sårt tiltrengt. St Olavs nettside - Kilden St Olavs nettside - Kilden [Internett] 2018-03-13
IntervjuSnøfugl, Elling Finnanger; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2018) Har bedret samarbeidet rundt demenspasientene Sør-trøndersk demensforum 2018. St Olavs hospital hjemmeside Kilden St Olavs hospital hjemmeside Kilden [Internett] 2018-05-31
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2017) Smarte valg for en god alderdom. Hoftebrudd. Norsk forening for geriatri Folkemøte Litteraturhuset i Oslo , Oslo 2017-11-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2017) Post operative assessement. The Geriatric team approach. Fragiligy Fracture Network Fragility Fractures Network Conference , Malmø 2017-08-24 - 2017-08-26
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2017) Fall hos eldre. Gløshaugen akademiske senior forening Gløshaugen akademiske forenings fagmøte , Trondheim 2017-01-17 -
PosterEldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Persson, Karin Ester Torun; Barca, Maria Lage; Selbæk, Geir; Engedal, Knut; Cavallin, Lena. (2017) Progression of Alzheimer's disease: Do vascular risk factors or cerebrovascular disease matter?. Nordic Network in Dementia Diagnostics Nordic Memory Clinic Conference , Oslo 2017-09-25 - 2017-09-26
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2017) Hoftebrudd. Samhandling på godt og på vondt. Helse Midt-Norge og Den norske legeforening Samhandlingsseminar , Trondheim 2017-11-17 -
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2017) De fleste med demens har mer enn Alzheimers sykdom. Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for aldring og helse Demensdagene , Oslo 2017-12-05 - 2017-12-16
Vitenskapelig foredragSCHELLHORN, TILL; Thingstad, Pernille; Wyller, Torgeir Bruun; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Beyer, Mona K.. (2017) Imaging in the NorCoast study: A multicentre, prospective cohort study on cognitive function following acute stroke. Nordic Stroke Society Nordic Stroke 2017 - 19th Nordic Congress on Cerebrovascular Disease , Århus 2017-08-23 - 2017-08-25
PosterTaraldsen, Kristin; Thingstad, Pernille; Helbostad, Jorunn Lægdheim; Bergh, Sverre; Selbæk, Geir; Becker, Clemens. (2017) Physical activity, physical function, and gait in persons with dementia. EUGMS , Nice 2017-09-20 - 2017-09-22
PosterGranbo, Randi; Boulton, Elisabeth; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Taraldsen, Kristin. (2017) How to support people with dementia to take part in activities. EUGMS , Nice 2017-09-20 - 2017-09-22
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2017) kognitiv svikt etter hjerneslag. St Olavs hospital, Trondheim kommune og Fylkesmannen Sørtrøndersk demensforum , Trondheim 2017-05-30 - 2017-05-31
PosterEldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Persson, Karin; Barca, Maria Lage; Brækhus, Anne; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Selbæk, Geir. (2016) Progression of Alzheimer's disease: the influence of vascular risk factors and diseases. A longitudinal study in Norwegian memory clinics. The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognit VAS-COG 2016 , Amsterdam 2016-10-13 - 2016-10-15
PosterSaltvedt, Ingvild; Askim, Torunn; Indredavik, Bent; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Næss, Halvor; Thingstad, Pernille. (2016) THE NORWEGIAN COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT AFTER STROKE (Nor-COAST) STUDY . Int soc of behavioural vascular and cognitive disorders VasCog 2016 , Amsterdam 2016-11-14 - 2016-11-18
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2016) The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. A randomised trial of comprehensive geriatric care in hip-fracture patients. 23rd Nordic Gerontologial conference , Tampere 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-23
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2016) Comprehensive geriatric care for patients with hip fractures. European Academy for Medicine of Ageing (EAMA) kurs , Venezia 2016-06-24 -
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2016) Hvorfor får så mange demens etter slag?. [Internett] 2016-08-04
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2016) Når årene røyner på – hva kan vi gjøre for å holde oss friske?. Charlottenlund sanitetsforening Årsmøte Charlottenlund sanitetsforening , Trondheim 2016-09-13 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2016) Hva er demens?. Demensteamet i Bjugn folemøte i Bjugn , Bjugn 2016-12-07 -
PosterEldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Persson, Karin; Barca, Maria Lage; Brækhus, Anne; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Selbæk, Geir. (2016) Prognostic factors for Progression of Alzheimer's disease and use of Resources (PADR) study. European Union Geriatric Medicine Society EUGMS Congress 2016 , Lisboa 2016-10-05 - 2016-10-07
Vitenskapelig foredragBarca, Maria Lage; Persson, Karin; Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Kersten, Hege; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2016) Prognostic factors in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (symposium). Nordisk gerontologisk forening 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology , Tampere 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-22
PosterEllekjær, Hanne; Askim, Torunn; Indredavik, Bent; Thingstad, Pernille; Engstad, Torgeir; Næss, Halvor. (2016) The Norwegian Cognitive impairement after stroke (Nor-COAST study. European Stroke Organisation European Stroke Organisation Conference , Barcelona 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-12
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Kognitiv svikt etter hjerneslag. Norsk geriatrisk forening Norsk geriatrikongress , Oslo 2015-09-16 -
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Kort liggetid ved hoftebrudd på sykehus kan gi høyere dødelighet. ABC nyheter ABC nyheter [Internett] 2015-02-26
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Hip Fracture patients fare better with orthogeriatric care. Healthy Living Healthy Living [Internett] 2015-02-27
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Sparer 40 000 kr for hvert hoftebrudd. Bergens Tidende Bergens Tidende [Avis] 2015-08-23
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) The Norwegian Cognitive Impairment After Stroke study (NorCOAST), a prospective cohort study from five different hospitals. Kavlis forskningssenter for aldring og demens' Kavlis forskningssenter for aldring og demens' møte på Bekkjarvik , Bekkjarvik 2015-05-19 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Lydersen, Stian; Taraldsen, Kristin; Thingstad, Pernille; Sletvold, Olav. (2015) Which patients benefit from orthogeriatric care. Subgroup analysis from The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. Fragiligy Fracture Network Fragility Fractures Network Conference , Rotterdam 2015-09-03 - 2015-09-05
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild; Sletvold, Olav. (2015) The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. - podcast - podcast [Internett] 2015-02-10
Vitenskapelig foredragJohnsen, Lars Gunnar; Prestmo, Anders; Sletvold, Olav; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Hagen, Gunhild; Halsteinli, Vidar. (2015) Comprehensive geriatric care for patients with hip fractures: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial. . Bone and Joint Decade and Nor.Musculoskeletal reserach netw. The BJD World Summit and the Norwegian musculoskeletal research network conference, Oslo 2015 , Oslo 2015-10-08 - 2015-10-09
Vitenskapelig foredragThingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) «Langtidseffekt på gange av å behandle hoftebrudds pasienter på geriatrisk avdeling - The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial». Norge. Nors Fysioterapiforbund Fysioterapikongressen 2015, 4-6 mars, , Lillestrøm 2015-03-04 - 2015-03-06
Vitenskapelig foredragHeltne, Marianne; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Prestmo, Anders; Sletvold, Olav; Spigset, Olav. (2015) Drug prescribing in the elderly hip fracture patient – results from The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. Eurogpen Geriatric MEdicine Society conferene 2015 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-18
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Prestmo, Anders; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Lydersen, Stian; Taraldsen, Kristin; Thingstad, Pernille. (2015) Which patients benefit from orthogeriatric care? Subgroup analysis from The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. European Geriatric Medicine Society conference 2015 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-18
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Mentale endringer etter hjerneslag. Demensforeningen i Trondheim Møte i demensforeningen , Trondheim 2015-04-29 -
PosterSaltvedt, Ingvild; Askim, Torunn; Engstad, Torgeir; Fure, Brynjar; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Næss, Halvor. (2015) Norwegian Cognitive Impairment After Stroke Study (Nor-COAST). European Geriatric Medicine Society Eurogpen Geriatric MEdicine Society conferene 2015 , Oslo 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-18
DokumentarSaltvedt, Ingvild; Sletvold, Olav; Prestmo, Anders; Johnsen, Lars Gunnar; Taraldsen, Kristin; Thingstad, Pernille. (2015) Bedre og billigere hoftebruddbehandling. Dagens medisin Dagens medisin [Fagblad] 2015-02-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSletvold, Olav; Prestmo, Anders; Hagen, Gunhild; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Lydersen, Stian; Halsteinli, Vidar. (2015) The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial-A breakthrough for acute orthogeriatric care. Helse Midt-Norge Helse Midt-Norges årlige forskningskonferanse , Stjørdal 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-10
ProgramdeltagelseSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Nettprat om hjerneslag, hukommelse og demens. TV2 nettside TV2 nettside [Internett] 2015-02-23
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild; Prestmo, Anders; Sletvold, Olav; Johnsen, Lars Gunnar. (2015) Stort steg i behandling av hoftebrudd ved St. Olav. Kilden, intranettside for St Olavs hospital Kilden, intranettside for St Olavs hospital [Internett] 2015-02-05
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Sletvold, Olav; Prestmo, Anders; Thingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin. (2015) Samarbeid mellom ortoped og geriater viktig ved hoftebrudd. Tidsskrift for Norske Legeforening Tidsskrift for Norske Legeforening [Tidsskrift] 2015-05-05
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Hip Fractures: Comprehensive Geriatric Care Improved Outcomes and Reduced Costs. [Internett] 2015-02-06
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2015) Hip Fractures: comprehensive geriatric Care Improved Outcomes and Reduced Costs. Research blogging Research blogging [Internett] 2015-02-05
PosterSaltvedt, Ingvild; Prestmo, Anders; Hagen, Gunhild; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Thingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin. (2014) Use of health care services and cost-effectiveness of comprehensive geriatric care in hip-fracture patients - The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. EUGMS 10th Conference of European Union Geriatric Society (EUGMS) , Rotterdam 2014-09-17 - 2014-09-19
PosterTaraldsen, Kristin; Sletvold, Olav; Thingstad, Pernille; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Granat, Malcolm; Chastin, Sebastian. (2014) Daily physical activity after hip fracture -part of the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. ISPGR , Vancouver 2014-06-29 - 2014-07-03
PosterTaraldsen, Kristin; Sletvold, Olav; Thingstad, Pernille; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Granat, Malcolm; Chastin, Sebastian. (2014) The effect of hip fracture treatment in a geriatric ward compared to an orthopaedic ward on short and long-term physical behaviour. Fragility Fracture Network (FFN) Global Congress 2014 , Madrid 2014-09-04 - 2014-09-06
Vitenskapelig foredragTaraldsen, Kristin; Thingstad, Pernille; Sletvold, Olav; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Lydersen, Stian; Granat, Malcolm. (2014) Physical Activity after Hip Fracture - Effect of in-hospital treatment in a special unit of Geriatric Medicine?. MOBEX , Köln 2014-01-17 - 2014-01-18
Faglig foredragThingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Sletvold, Olav; Prestmo, Anders; Helbostad, Jorunn L.. (2014) Indicators of physical and cognitive frailty four months folllowing a hip fracture -the Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. Fragility Fracture Society Global Conference 2014-09-04 - 2014-09-06
Faglig foredragThingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Sletvold, Olav; Helbostad, Jorunn L.. (2014) Long term effect of comprehensive geriatric care on gait speed and gait characteristics after hip fracture. Fracture fragility network Global Congress 2014-09-04 - 2014-09-06
PosterThingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Egerton, Thorlene; Sletvold, Olav; Helbostad, Jorunn L.. (2014) Prevalence of Frailty and components of frailty one year following surgery for hip fracture. International conferance on Frailty and Sarcopenia research 2014 2014-03-12 - 2014-03-14
PosterEinarsen, Elin Kristin; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Thingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin; Sletvold, Olav; Prestmo, Anders. (2014) Lower urinary tract symptoms in hip-fracture patients. Results from The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. Fragility Fractures Network 3rd international conference of Fragility Fractures Network , Madrid 2014-09-04 - 2014-09-06
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2014) Demenssykdommer ogkunnskapsgrunnlaget for fysioterapeutenes tilnærming. Trondheim kommune og NTNU Fagseminar for fysioterapeuter , Trondheim 2014-10-30 -
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2014) Vekttap hos eldre. Trondheim kommune Fagdag for Ergoterapitjensesten Trondheim kommune , Trondheim 2014-05-13 -
Faglig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2014) Bevegelsesvansker hos personer med demens. Norsk fysioterapiforbunds gruppe for eldre Årsmøte Norsk fysioterapiforbunds gruppe for eldre , Trondheim 2014-03-10 - 2014-03-11
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2014) Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial -a randomised trial with elderly hip-fracture patients. European Academy of MEdicine for Ageing European Academy of Medicine for Ageing - 20 year Jubilee Celebration , Treviso 2014-06-27 - 2014-06-28
IntervjuSaltvedt, Ingvild; NRK, Norgesglasset. (2014) Nasjonalforeningens demensforskningsprogram. Trondheim Trondheim [Radio] 2014-10-16
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Gunhild; Prestmo, Anders; Sletvold, Olav; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Lydersen, Stian; Johnsen, Lars Gunnar. (2014) Cost effectiveness of treating elderly hip fracture patients with comprehensive geriatric care as compared to orthopaedic care. Society for medical decision making 15th Biennial European Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making , Antwerpen 2014-06-08 - 2014-06-10
PosterKjelvik, Grete; Saltvedt, Ingvild; White, Linda; Stenumgård, Pål; Sletvold, Olav; Engedal, Knut Arne. (2012) Brain structural and cognitive basis of OI deficits in Alzheimer`s disease. ECRO XVI International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, ISOT , Stockholm 2012-06-23 - 2012-06-27
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Prestmo, Anders; Thingstad, Pernille; Sletvold, Olav; Taraldsen, Kristin; Helbostad, Jorunn L.. (2012) The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. European Academy of Medicine for Ageing European Academy of Medicine for Ageing meeting , Matigny 2012-06-25 - 2013-05-30
Vitenskapelig foredragTaraldsen, Kristin; Thingstad, Pernille; Sletvold, Olav; Vereijken, Beatrix; Prestmo, Anders; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2012) Physical activity after hip fracture – The Trondheim Hip Fracture Trial. World Congress on Active Ageing , Glasgow, Skottland 2012-12-13 - 2012-12-17
Vitenskapelig foredragPrestmo, Anders; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Thingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin; Johnsen, Lars Gunnar; Lydersen, Stian. (2012) The Trondheim Hip fracture Trial. European Union Geriatric Medicine Society EUGMS , Brussel 2012-09-26 - 2012-09-28
Vitenskapelig foredragPrestmo, Anders; Sletvold, Olav; Thingstad, Pernille; Taraldsen, Kristin; Johnsen, Lars Gunnar; Helbostad, Jorunn L.. (2012) The Trondheim Hip fracture TrialAn RCT comparing standard orthopedic care with treatment in a specialized orthogeriatric unit. International Society for Posture and Gait Research ISPGR , Trondheim 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-28
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2012) Behandling av hoftebruddspasineter i en geriatrisk sengepost. The Trondheim Hip Fractue Trial. NOrsk indremedisinsk forening INdremedisinsk høstmøte , Oslo 2012-11-01 - 2012-11-02
Vitenskapelig foredragMesteig, Marianne; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Sletvold, Olav. (2008) Lost in transition? Unwanted incidents the first four weeks after discharge from a geriatric ward. Nordic Gerontological Federation 19th Nordic Congress of Gerontology , Oslo 2008-05-25 - 2008-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragSletvold, Olav; Thingstad, Pernille; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Wyller, Torgeir Bruun; Sylliaas, Hilde; Bergland, Astrid. (2008) Hip-fracture patients: A 3-months follow-up study in Trondheim and Oslo. Nordic Gerontological Federation 19th Nordic Congress of Gerontology , Oslo 2008-05-25 - 2008-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragMesteig, Marianne; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Sletvold, Olav. (2007) Lost in transition. Unwanted incidents among patients discharged from a geriatric evaluation and management unit. Norsk forening for geriatri Norsk konferanse i geriatri , Oslo 2007-04-23 - 2007-04-24
PosterMelquist, S.; Halperin, R.F; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Cannon, A; White, Linda; Craig, D.W. (2007) Identification of novel Alzheimer disease genetic risk LOCI in a population isolate using a Genome-Wide scan of 500,288 SNPS. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Neurodegenerative Diseases , Salzburg 2007-03-14 - 2007-03-18
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2006) Behandling av skrøpelige eldre pasienter i sykehus. Hva viser forskningen?. Norsk indremedisinsk forening Indremedisinsk høstmøte , Oslo 2006-11-02 - 2006-11-03
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Mo, Ellen-Sofie Opdahl; Saltnes, Turi; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein; Sletvold, Olav. (2006) Acute geriatric intervention - outcomes of a randomised clinical study. Der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und der Österreichi 1.gemeinsamer Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und Gerontologie , Berlin 2006-11-16 - 2006-11-18
PosterSaltvedt, Ingvild; Spigset, Olav; Ruths, Sabine; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein; Sletvold, Olav. (2006) Patterns of drug prescription in a geriatric evaluation and mangement unit as compared with the general medical wards. A randomised study. 10th Nordic Congress of Gerontology , Jyväskyla 2006-05-28 - 2006-07-01
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Sletvold, Olav; Opdahl Mo, Elle Sofie. (2005) Geriatrisk intervensjon - nytter det?. Norsk geriatrisk forening Aldring og helse , Oslo 2005-04-01 - 2005-04-02
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Opdal, M; Saltnes, Turi; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein; Sletvold, Olav. (2005) Acute geriatric intervention: outcomes. Congress of the International Association of Gerontology , Rio 2005-06-01 - 2005-06-02
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Hølen, Jacob Christian; Hval, B; Loge, Jon Håvard; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein. (2005) Observasjonsbasert smerteevaluering hos pasienter med kognitiv svikt. Utprøving av en norsk versjon av DOLOPLUS 2. Kongress i geriatri. Aldring og helse 2005-04-01 - 2005-04-02
Vitenskapelig foredragHølen, Jacob Christian; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Loge, Jon Håvard; Fayers, Peter; Hval, Bjørn; Kaasa, Stein. (2005) DOLOPLUS � 2. Observasjonsbasert smerteskala for eldre. HIO Smerter hos eldre , Oslo 2005-06-02 - 2005-06-03
Vitenskapelig foredragHølen, Jacob Christian; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Fayers, Peter; Bjørnnes, MARIT; Stenseth, Guri; Kaasa, Stein. (2004) The Norwegian Doloplus-2, a tool for behavioural pain assessment: Translation and validation in nursing home patients with dementia. EAPC The Third Research Forum of the European Association of Palliative Care , Stresa 2004-06-03 - 2004-06-06
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2003) Demens: Diagnostikk og utredning i praksis. Nidaroskongressen , Trondheim 2003-10-22 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Opdahl-Mo, Ellen Sofie; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein; Sletvold, Olav. (2002) Behandling av akutt syke skrøpelige eldre i engeriarisk sengeenhet, effekt på fysisk og kognitiv funksjon, livskvalitet og depresjon. 16. Nordiske kongress i Gerontologi , Århus, Danmark 2002-05-28 -
PosterSaltvedt, Ingvild; Saltnes, Turi; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein; Sletvold, Olav. (2001) Treatment in a geriatric evaluation and management unit (GEMU) increased the chance of surviving at home. A randomised controlled trial. 7th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care , Palermo 2000-04-05 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2001) Geriatrisk intervensjon - nytter det? Referat fra geriatriundersøkelsen i Trondheim. Forum for organisasjonsutvikling i sykehus. , Bodø 2001-11-02 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild. (2001) Acute care for elderly units- referat fra kongress. Indremedisinsk høstmøte , Oslo 2001-11-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSletvold, Olav; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Jordhøy, Marit S. (2000) Evaluering av behandlingsprogrammer. 6. nordiske kongress Nordisk forening for palliativ vård , Trondheim 24.-27. mai 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Opdahl Mo, Ellen Sofie; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein. (2000) Redusert dødelighet ved behandling av akutt syke, skrøpelige, eldre pasienter i en geriatrisk sykehusenhet. En prospektiv randomisert studie. 6. nordiske kongress for Nordisk forening for palliativ vård , Trondheim 24.-27. mai 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Opdahl Mo, Ellen Sofie; Fayers, Peter; Kaasa, Stein; Sletvold, Olav; Saltnes, Turi. (2000) Treatment in a geriatric evaluation and management unit: Increased proportion of patients were able to live at home. 15th Nordic Gerontological Congress , Reykjavik, Island 5. juni 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragKaasa, Stein; Jordhøy, Marit S; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Sletvold, Olav. (2000) Organisering av palliative tjenester i onkologi og geriatri. Nordisk forening for palliativ vård, 6. nordiske kongress , Trondheim, 24.-27. mai
Vitenskapelig foredragSaltvedt, Ingvild; Mo, Ellen-Sofie Opdahl; Sletvold, Olav. (1998) The Effect on Survival of Care in a Geriatric Evaluation and Management Unit as Compared to Usual Care in a Medical Department-A Randomised Trial. XIV Nordiske kongress i gerontologi , Trondheim