Ingrid Gullikstad Hallsteinsen
Jeg studerer tynnfilmer av funksjonelle materialer, for eksempel komplekse oksider eller 2D materialer. Der undersøker jeg koblingen mellom atom-strukturen og funksjonelle egenskaper som magnetisme, ferroelektrisitet etc. Jeg er også interessert i å forstå på et grunnleggende nivå hvordan hvordan vi kan lage nye interessante egenskaper når vi kombinerer forskjellige materialer. Målet er å kontrollere atom-strukturen til å designe de funskjonelle egenskapene vi trenger til forskjellige applikasjoner.
Jeg er endel av faggruppa FACET - Functional Materials and Materials Chemistry. Her møtes materialtekonologi, fysikk, kjemi og elektronikk i vår søken på nye funksjonellle materialer. Jeg leder fagområdet Tynn-film deponering, og fokuserer på Pulsed Laser Deposition og sputtring som deponeringsmetoder, og er den vitenskapelig ansvarlig for vår X-ray Diffraction Lab. Jeg er også en aktiv bruker av synkrotron og nøytron-kilder til karakterisering av magnetiske egenskaper, og har tett samarbeid med Advanced Light Source, California, USA og National Center for Neutron Research, Maryland, USA.
- Geometrisk grensesjikt-kontroll
- Emergens av magnetisme i komplekse oksidsystem
- Antiferromagnetisk spinntronikk
- Magnetisme i 2D materialer
- Tynnfilm deponering (PLD, sputtering, MBE)
- Magnetisk doméneavbildning, spektroskopi og reflektometri (X-PEEM, XMLD/XMCD, SPNR, RXR)
2021- 2025 HONEYCOMB NFR young research talents
2021- 2025 FME SuSoltech NFR
2022 - 2026 Emergent Technologies Nanotechnology
- COST action OPERA - European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy
- Outstanding Academic Fellows program
Kjærnes, Kristoffer;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Chopdekar, R. V.;
Moreau, Magnus;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene.
Uniaxial Néel vector control in perovskite oxide thin films by anisotropic strain engineering.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tu, Sa;
Ziman, Timothy;
Yu, Guoqiang;
Wan, Caihua;
Hu, Junfeng;
Wu, Hao.
Author Correction: Record thermopower found in an IrMn-based spintronic stack (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (2023), 10.1038/s41467-020-15797-6).
Nature Communications
Tu, Sa;
Ziman, Timothy;
Yu, Guoqiang;
Wan, Caihua;
Hu, Junfeng;
Wu, Hao.
Record thermopower found in an IrMn-based spintronic stack.
Nature Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koohfar, Sanaz;
Georgescu, Alexandru;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Sachan, Ritesh;
Roldan, Manuel;
Arenholz, Elke.
Effect of strain on magnetic and orbital ordering of LaSrCrO3/LaSrMnO3 heterostructures.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nan, Tianxiang;
Quintela, Camilo X.;
Irwin, Julian;
Gurung, Gautam;
Shao, Ding-Fu;
Gibbons, Jonathan D..
Controlling spin current polarization through non-collinear antiferromagnetism.
Nature Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Arenholtz, Elke;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Folven, Erik.
Coexisting spin-flop coupling and exchange bias in LaFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nord, Magnus;
Ross, Andrew;
McGrouther, Damien;
Barthel, Juri;
Moreau, Magnus;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid.
Three-dimensional subnanoscale imaging of unit cell doubling due to octahedral tilting and cation modulation in strained perovskite thin films.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Wahlström, Erik.
Magneto-dynamic properties of complex
heterostructure interface
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Quarterman, P;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Dunz, Mareike;
Meinert, Markus;
Arenholz, Elke;
Borchers, Julie.
Effects of field annealing on MnN/CoFeB exchange bias systems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bang, Ambjørn Dahle;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman;
Retterer, Scott T;
Scholl, Andreas.
Neel vector reorientation in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic complex oxide nanostructures.
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bang, Ambjørn Dahle;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Chopdekar, Rajesh V.;
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman;
Kjærnes, Kristoffer.
Shape-imposed anisotropy in antiferromagnetic complex oxide nanostructures.
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Grutter, Alexander;
Moreau, Magnus;
Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman;
Kjærnes, Kristoffer;
Arenholz, E.
The role of antiferromagnetic spin axis on magnetic reconstructions at the (111)-oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/ LaFeO3 interface.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bolstad, Torstein;
Lysne, Erik Nikolai;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Arenholz, E;
Østerberg, Ulf Lennart;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Effect of (111)-oriented strain on the structure and magnetic properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Grepstad, Jostein.
Geometrical lattice engineering of oxide interfaces.
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Chopdekar, R.V.;
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Magnetic domain configuration of (111)-oriented LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films.
APL Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Grutter, A;
Nord, Martin;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Gilbert, DA.
Concurrent magnetic and structural reconstructions at the interface of (111)-oriented L a0.7 S r0.3Mn O3/LaFe O3.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Lendinez, Sergi;
Hernandez, Joan Manel;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Thickness and temperature dependence of the magnetodynamic damping of pulsed laser deposited La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Assessing electron beam sensitivity for SrTiO3 and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 using electron energy loss spectroscopy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Longo, Paulo.
Effect of polar (111)-oriented SrTiO3 on initial perovskite growth.
Crystal Growth & Design
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural investigation of epitaxial LaFeO_3 thin films on (111) oriented SrTiO_3 by transmission electron microscopy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Folven, Erik;
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Chopdekar, R.V.;
Rzchowski, M;
Eom, C.B..
Crystalline symmetry controlled magnetic switching in epitaxial (111) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
APL Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Lee, S;
Rzchowski, M;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Surface stability of epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Thomas;
Boschker, Jos Emiel.
Toward Growth Control of (111)-oriented Perovskite Thin Films.
Kjærnes, Kristoffer;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Chopdekar, R. V.;
Moreau, Magnus;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene.
Uniaxial Néel vector control in perovskite oxide thin films by anisotropic strain engineering.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tu, Sa;
Ziman, Timothy;
Yu, Guoqiang;
Wan, Caihua;
Hu, Junfeng;
Wu, Hao.
Author Correction: Record thermopower found in an IrMn-based spintronic stack (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (2023), 10.1038/s41467-020-15797-6).
Nature Communications
Tu, Sa;
Ziman, Timothy;
Yu, Guoqiang;
Wan, Caihua;
Hu, Junfeng;
Wu, Hao.
Record thermopower found in an IrMn-based spintronic stack.
Nature Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koohfar, Sanaz;
Georgescu, Alexandru;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Sachan, Ritesh;
Roldan, Manuel;
Arenholz, Elke.
Effect of strain on magnetic and orbital ordering of LaSrCrO3/LaSrMnO3 heterostructures.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nan, Tianxiang;
Quintela, Camilo X.;
Irwin, Julian;
Gurung, Gautam;
Shao, Ding-Fu;
Gibbons, Jonathan D..
Controlling spin current polarization through non-collinear antiferromagnetism.
Nature Communications
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Arenholtz, Elke;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Folven, Erik.
Coexisting spin-flop coupling and exchange bias in LaFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures.
Physical review B (PRB)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nord, Magnus;
Ross, Andrew;
McGrouther, Damien;
Barthel, Juri;
Moreau, Magnus;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid.
Three-dimensional subnanoscale imaging of unit cell doubling due to octahedral tilting and cation modulation in strained perovskite thin films.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Wahlström, Erik.
Magneto-dynamic properties of complex
heterostructure interface
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Quarterman, P;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Dunz, Mareike;
Meinert, Markus;
Arenholz, Elke;
Borchers, Julie.
Effects of field annealing on MnN/CoFeB exchange bias systems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bang, Ambjørn Dahle;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman;
Retterer, Scott T;
Scholl, Andreas.
Neel vector reorientation in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic complex oxide nanostructures.
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bang, Ambjørn Dahle;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Chopdekar, Rajesh V.;
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman;
Kjærnes, Kristoffer.
Shape-imposed anisotropy in antiferromagnetic complex oxide nanostructures.
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Grutter, Alexander;
Moreau, Magnus;
Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman;
Kjærnes, Kristoffer;
Arenholz, E.
The role of antiferromagnetic spin axis on magnetic reconstructions at the (111)-oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/ LaFeO3 interface.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bolstad, Torstein;
Lysne, Erik Nikolai;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Arenholz, E;
Østerberg, Ulf Lennart;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Effect of (111)-oriented strain on the structure and magnetic properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Chopdekar, R.V.;
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Magnetic domain configuration of (111)-oriented LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films.
APL Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Grutter, A;
Nord, Martin;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Gilbert, DA.
Concurrent magnetic and structural reconstructions at the interface of (111)-oriented L a0.7 S r0.3Mn O3/LaFe O3.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Lendinez, Sergi;
Hernandez, Joan Manel;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Thickness and temperature dependence of the magnetodynamic damping of pulsed laser deposited La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Assessing electron beam sensitivity for SrTiO3 and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 using electron energy loss spectroscopy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Longo, Paulo.
Effect of polar (111)-oriented SrTiO3 on initial perovskite growth.
Crystal Growth & Design
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural investigation of epitaxial LaFeO_3 thin films on (111) oriented SrTiO_3 by transmission electron microscopy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Folven, Erik;
Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud;
Chopdekar, R.V.;
Rzchowski, M;
Eom, C.B..
Crystalline symmetry controlled magnetic switching in epitaxial (111) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
APL Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Lee, S;
Rzchowski, M;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Surface stability of epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Grepstad, Jostein.
Geometrical lattice engineering of oxide interfaces.
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Thomas;
Boschker, Jos Emiel.
Toward Growth Control of (111)-oriented Perovskite Thin Films.